Simplifica, acelera y asegura tus pagos con el poder de Canada Bank Transfer
Disfruta de transacciones rápidas y sin esfuerzo, en línea o por teléfono, con opciones de pago instantáneo para un rápido movimiento de fondos. Con una sólida seguridad y prevención del fraude personalizable, nuestras fiables soluciones ofrecen informes completos y transparentes para tu comodidad.
Pagos bancarios en línea sencillos y flexibles
Potencia tu negocio integrando fácilmente Interac en tu sistema de pagos. Experimenta pagos rapidísimos mediante transferencias directas de cuenta a cuenta.
Une fuerzas con la sólida red interbancaria de instituciones financieras canadienses, que procesa miles de millones de transacciones al año.
Una forma rápida y segura de transferir dinero entre cuentas privadas y empresariales
Las soluciones de Interac permiten realizar transacciones sin problemas en las principales instituciones financieras del país y son aceptadas universalmente en más de medio millón de establecimientos.
Mueve fondos rápidamente con opciones de pago más rápidas e instantáneas
Alternativa rentable a las tarjetas de crédito
Unificar funciones mediante una única integración
Tu solución definitiva para transferencias bancarias instantáneas
Descubre la Transferencia Bancaria Instantánea (IBT), tu solución definitiva para una verificación de pagos segura y sin problemas en Canadá.
IBT agiliza los procesos de depósito y retirada, al tiempo que garantiza una verificación de identidad de primera categoría. Confía en la avanzada tecnología de gestión de riesgos de IBT para salvaguardar tus transacciones y disfrutar de una experiencia sin complicaciones.
Aumenta la conversión con una experiencia móvil rápida y segura
Experiencia de usuario fluida con pagos Xpress 1-clic
Depósitos fáciles y rápidos para mayor comodidad
Disfruta de límites de transacción más altos, hasta 100.000 $.
Gestión de riesgos de vanguardia para una mayor seguridad
Flujos sin fricciones y pagos instantáneos
Los clientes y las empresas pueden realizar y recibir pagos al instante, en cuestión de segundos.
Benefíciate de mayores tasas de conversión, una ruta de usuario mejorada que ofrece un recorrido del cliente fluido y centrado en el móvil.
Pagos instantáneos para clientes y empresas en segundos
Mejora de las tasas de conversión con un recorrido de usuario móvil fluido
Reducir los costes de procesamiento de pagos evitando los gastos de la red de tarjetas
Simplifica, acelera y asegura tus pagos con el poder de UK Bank Transfer
Disfruta de transacciones rápidas y sin esfuerzo, en línea o por teléfono, con opciones de pago instantáneo para un rápido movimiento de fondos. Con una sólida seguridad y prevención del fraude personalizable, nuestras fiables soluciones ofrecen informes completos y transparentes para tu comodidad.
Pagos bancarios en línea sencillos y flexibles
Experimenta las transferencias de dinero instantáneas, elude las limitaciones de la red de tarjetas y aprovecha el poder de las conexiones bancarias de confianza.
Ahorra tiempo y dinero con el procesamiento a través de la red de Pagos Rápidos, al tiempo que ofrece una alternativa fiable y asequible a las tarjetas de crédito.
Transacciones rápidas y seguras entre cuentas bancarias del Reino Unido
Accesibilidad 24/7 para transacciones financieras ininterrumpidas
Transferencias de dinero en tiempo real para una experiencia de pago sin retrasos
Disfruta de la comodidad de un generoso límite de 1.000.000 £ por transacción
Alternativa rentable a las tarjetas de crédito
Unificar funciones mediante una única integración
Pagos bancarios seguros y directos para transacciones sin esfuerzo
Disfruta de pagos seguros y sin complicaciones directamente desde tu cuenta bancaria con la transferencia Pay with Bank, impulsada por American Express pero accesible para todos.
Aumenta la conversión con una experiencia móvil rápida y segura
Mayor seguridad con autenticación bancaria, sin compartir datos de pago
Ampliamente aceptado, no limitado a AMEX, para usuarios de bancos del Reino Unido
Estructura de tarifas sencilla y de bajo coste, con fácil conciliación
Flujos sin fricciones y pagos instantáneos
Los clientes y las empresas pueden realizar y recibir pagos al instante, en cuestión de segundos.
Benefíciate de mayores tasas de conversión, una ruta de usuario mejorada que ofrece un recorrido del cliente fluido y centrado en el móvil.
Pagos instantáneos para clientes y empresas en segundos
Mejora de las tasas de conversión con un recorrido de usuario móvil fluido
Reducir los costes de procesamiento de pagos evitando los gastos de la red de tarjetas
Simplifica, acelera y asegura tus pagos con EU Bank Transfer
Disfruta de transacciones rápidas y sin esfuerzo, en línea o por teléfono, con opciones de pago instantáneo para un rápido movimiento de fondos. Con una sólida seguridad y prevención del fraude personalizable, nuestras fiables soluciones ofrecen informes completos y transparentes para tu comodidad.
Pagos bancarios online rápidos y fiables
La SEPA (Zona Única de Pagos en Euros) transforma las transacciones sin efectivo de la UE, ofreciendo transferencias rápidas en euros, 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, y un procesamiento casi instantáneo para todos los participantes.
Con una única integración, potencia tus operaciones, realiza pedidos más rápidamente y aumenta el flujo de caja con pagos rapidísimos y en tiempo real. Proporcionando a los clientes una comodidad sin igual, estén donde estén.
Los pagos instantáneos son el sustituto más cercano al dinero en efectivo: la transferencia de dinero es inmediata
Accesibilidad 24/7/365 para transacciones financieras ininterrumpidas
Transferencias de dinero en tiempo real para una experiencia de pago sin retrasos
Reduce los costes de procesamiento de pagos eliminando las comisiones de las redes de tarjetas
Disfruta de límites de transacción más elevados, hasta 100.000 euros
Elude los límites de la red de tarjetas para una máxima flexibilidad de pago
Los clientes y las empresas pueden realizar y recibir pagos en cuestión de segundos utilizando sus relaciones bancarias de confianza.
Aumento de las tasas de conversión, una ruta de usuario mejorada que ofrece un recorrido del cliente fluido y centrado en el móvil. Disminución de los gastos de procesamiento de pagos al eliminar los cargos asociados a las redes de tarjetas.
Los consumidores y los comerciantes pueden pagar y cobrar al instante, en cuestión de segundos
Mayores tasas de conversión, un mejor recorrido del usuario que proporciona una experiencia del cliente sin fisuras
Reduce los costes de procesamiento de pagos eliminando las comisiones de las redes de tarjetas
Autenticación del cliente y garantía de cero devoluciones
Protege tu negocio con transferencias bancarias de alta seguridad
Protege los datos de tus clientes y evita el fraude. Despídete de las devoluciones de cargo con nuestra solución garantizada.
Los consumidores y los comerciantes pueden pagar y cobrar al instante, en cuestión de segundos
Solución de garantía de devolución de cargo disponible
Accede cómodamente a informes completos y consolidados
Simplifica, acelera y asegura tus pagos con U.S. Bank Transfer
Disfruta de transacciones sin esfuerzo, opciones de pago instantáneas e informes transparentes. Protege tu negocio con nuestra garantía de Fondos Asegurados.
Pagos ACH sencillos y flexibles
Ofrece a tus clientes una solución de pago rentable y cómoda. Adeuda fondos directamente de cuentas bancarias para transacciones únicas o repetidas.
Ahorra tiempo y dinero con el procesamiento a través de la Cámara de Compensación Automatizada (ACH), los Pagos en Tiempo Real (RTP®) y FedNow.
Simplifica los pagos para los clientes con un proceso de pago sin fisuras
Agiliza la introducción de información bancaria: no se necesita una tarjeta física
Inscripción digital segura para pagos rápidos y autentificados
Procesa transacciones únicas o periódicas sin esfuerzo
Alternativa económica a las tarjetas de crédito y débito
Protección para tu empresa, garantizada
Mitiga eficazmente los riesgos de pago con Assured Funds de Nuvei, una solución de seguro diseñada para proteger a las empresas de las posibles pérdidas causadas por pagos no autorizados y devueltos.
Esencial Asegurado
Garantiza la protección frente a impagos y fraudes. Asumimos el riesgo y nos encargamos de los cobros, dejándote centrarte en el negocio.
Asegurado Completo
Garantiza los fondos en todas las devoluciones, incluidas las no autorizadas. La financiación comercial rápida acelera la liquidación y el pago.
Valida instantáneamente las cuentas para realizar pagos seguros y puntuales
Evita el fraude y reduce las devoluciones con una lógica de aprobación inteligente. Ofrecemos tres niveles de validación para tus necesidades empresariales únicas.
Seguridad mejorada, validación en tiempo real y validación de cuentas bancarias comercialmente razonable.
Potente complemento que ofrece un nivel más profundo de validación y una mayor prevención del fraude.
Reduce las devoluciones administrativas y por fondos insuficientes proporcionando el estado más reciente de las cuentas bancarias de los clientes.
Procesa cheques en papel electrónicamente
Check 21+ es una solución de pago de vanguardia que permite a los comercios procesar cheques en papel electrónicamente.
Con esta innovadora tecnología, los comerciantes pueden decir adiós a los largos viajes al banco y hola a un procesamiento más rápido y seguro.
Disfruta de límites de cheques más altos y menos limitaciones
Evita las restricciones ACH
Elimina el riesgo con protección garantizada
Aceptar cheques en persona, por correo o en un buzón
Recupera los pagos rápidamente con depósitos electrónicos
Al igual que un coche de carreras afinado, cada pequeña mejora en tus procesos de pago puede conducir a un gran crecimiento. Maximiza tus tasas de aprobación y tus ingresos con la solución de emisión de Nuvei.
Potencia tu marca
Eleva tu marca con las tarjetas físicas personalizables de Nuvei.
Pon tu marca en la cartera de tus clientes y dales la posibilidad de pagar con tu tarjeta sus gastos cotidianos.
Adapta las tarjetas y carteras para que reflejen la identidad de tu marca, incluidos el logotipo y los colores
Permite transacciones seguras y sin fisuras en las compras en línea, en la tienda y en las aplicaciones.
Crea una experiencia de cliente coherente y cómoda para los clientes habituales
Acelera tus transacciones con tarjetas virtuales
Agiliza los pagos a proveedores de forma rápida y rentable con la tarjeta virtual de Nuvei.
Combina la emisión de tarjetas con la adquisición y liquidación de cuentas, todo en una sola plataforma.
Genera fácilmente tarjetas virtuales de un solo uso o multiuso adaptadas a tus necesidades, proporcionando flexibilidad y control
Gestiona sin esfuerzo formatos de tarjeta individuales o por lotes para escalar tus operaciones de forma eficiente
Utiliza nuestras API para una automatización completa y una integración perfecta de tus procesos de emisión de tarjetas
Potencia los pagos de consumidores y empresas con nuestras versátiles tarjetas virtuales
Adelántate a la competencia
Optimiza tu flujo de caja con la precisión de un equipo de boxes, ayudando a tu empresa a superar a la competencia.
A diferencia de otros emisores de tarjetas, la plataforma de pagos unificada de Nuvei tiende un puente entre la adquisición y la emisión de tarjetas, garantizando que los fondos fluyan sin problemas en tu negocio y sin retrasos.
Experiencia en transferencias de fondos sin esfuerzo entre operaciones de adquisición y emisión
Optimiza tu flujo de caja y reduce las fricciones operativas
Acelera tus procesos de pago con una solución ágil y todo en uno
Impulsa tu crecimiento con precisión
Maximiza tus ingresos y toma decisiones empresariales informadas con los datos de Nuvei.
La potente tecnología de información de Nuvei te permite ver datos integrales de los pagos e información detallada de las transacciones... todo en una misma plataforma.
Aprovecha las oportunidades de intercambio compartido para aumentar tus ingresos.
Obtén información valiosa y procesable de tus operaciones de emisión y adquisición para tomar decisiones empresariales informadas
Navega por datos complejos para actuar a partir de perspectivas empresariales críticas
Consigue una ventaja ganadora con soluciones de pago específicas para tu sector
Impulsa tu empresa a la vanguardia con los pagos a medida de Nuvei.
Nuestra solución de emisión te permite beneficiarte de pagos a clientes más sencillos y rápidos, funciones innovadoras de cuentas a pagar y viajes B2B agilizados.
Desembolsar fondos, como ganancias, a tarjetas físicas o virtuales de marca blanca, mejorando la fidelidad y el compromiso
Permitir a las agencias de viajes online generar tarjetas virtuales para pagar a aerolíneas y hoteles, simplificando las transacciones
Genera tarjetas virtuales para pagar a los proveedores, simplificando los complejos ecosistemas de pago y reduciendo el fraude
Efectúa la integración con nuestro centro de datos global para mejorar tus ingresos. Automatiza la distribución de datos e informes para optimizar tus transacciones.
Datos transparentes a disposición
Accede a tus actividades de pago y gestiona los datos de tu cuenta comercial en todos los canales. Análisis minucioso, que incluye la optimización del tráfico, lo que lleva a tasas de aprobación e ingresos más altos.
Los informes en tiempo real, las comparaciones de procesamientos y la gestión de casos permiten encontrar oportunidades para aumentar los ingresos y perder menos ventas.
Transparencia incomparable en los datos de tus pagos
Conversión de grandes volúmenes de datos complejos en información clara y práctica
Informes unificados y dinámicos para toda la actividad de tus transacciones
Aprobación de transacciones y bloqueo de transacciones fraudulentas con nuestro flujo de verificación optimizado
Programación automática de exportación de informes
Basta de perder ingresos
Convierte más transacciones de pagos mediante reglas basadas en datos y un enrutamiento innovador guiado por análisis avanzados.
Crea informes y optimiza pagos desde un panel centralizado.
Define reglas personalizadas para la presentación de métodos de pago ante los rechazos
Optimiza la conversión para el pago hospedado
Aprovecha la conectividad agnóstica de Nuvei con varios adquirentes, bancos y proveedores de pago
Menos fuga de ingresos
Crecemos junto con tu empresa y nos adaptamos a ella
El panel de control de Nuvei, diseñado para adaptarse a tu empresa, es ideal para afrontar situaciones de crecimiento y de cambio de requisitos sin perder rendimiento.
Con la excelente seguridad integrada, puedes quedarte tranquilo de que los datos sensibles de la empresa y de los clientes están protegidos.
Se adapta fácilmente al crecimiento y la expansión empresarial
Admite aumentos de los volúmenes de datos y las exigencias de los usuarios sin perder rendimiento
Protocolos de seguridad fuertes para proteger los datos de la empresa y de los clientes
Excelentes controles de acceso de usuarios para impedir el acceso no autorizado
Crea mejores experiencias para los clientes
Simplifica la experiencia de tus clientes con selecciones de exenciones inteligentes.
Nuestro potente motor exclusivo identifica de modo inteligente los tipos de exención que más posibilidades tienen de ser aprobados, para que la experiencia de los clientes sea impecable.
Control personalizable para los casos de uso específicos de tu empresa
Gestión óptima del riesgo para garantizar la satisfacción de los clientes
Compatibilidad universal, para aceptar cualquier adquirente
Combinación de consultoría y tecnología
Mejora los ingresos y ahorra tiempo y dinero automatizando tus flujos de datos. Ten más control de las comisiones, los depósitos, los retiros, los saldos de cuenta y los contracargos.
Además, recibe información útil y oportuna que te permite seguir por delante de la competencia. Para lo que le toque afrontar a tu empresa.
Transparencia incomparable en los datos de tus pagos
Información de transacciones de empresas en tiempo real, en todos los canales
Mejor relación con los segmentos de clientes que generan más ingresos
Análisis de navegación sencilla, en panel o exhaustivo
Mejora la oferta de tu empresa, con pay-ins y pay-outs más veloces y más seguros
Disfruta de transacciones rápidas y sencillas en línea o por teléfono, con el respaldo de nuestra prevención contra fraudes personalizable y con la garantía de fondos asegurados. Aprovecha los informes claros y detallados para brindar transparencia total.
Fondos a la velocidad de la luz, sin demoras
¿Esperar? ¿Por qué? Transfiere fondos a toda velocidad con nuestras soluciones de pago inmediato. Simplifica tus operaciones financieras con facilidad y velocidad, para deleitar a tus clientes.
Mueve los fondos con rapidez mediante soluciones de pago inmediato que son más veloces
Valida, al instante, las cuentas y garantiza que los pagos se hagan en tiempo y forma
Más flexibilidad para satisfacer las necesidades dinámicas de tu empresa
La configuración puede ser rápida y sencilla para garantizar un cumplimiento regulatorio veloz
Soporte total para la integración, a fin de darte tranquilidad
Aprovecha los pagos globales en tiempo real
Sácale todo el jugo a los pagos inmediatos en tiempo real con nuestra red global de proveedores. Nuestro amplio alcance ofrece una cobertura incomparable de bancos y países, para que estés a la vanguardia del mundo financiero.
Mejora tus ingresos y ofréceles a tus clientes de todo el mundo una practicidad excepcional, para facilitar el crecimiento ya mismo.
Transferencias bancarias: Real Time Payment (RTP®) y FedNow en Estados Unidos; SEPA Instant en la Unión Europea; Pagos más rápidos y Pay with Bank Transfer de Amex en el Reino Unido; e Interac® Instant para transacciones canadienses
Visa Direct y Mastercard Send: ofrecen opciones de pago inmediato con transferencias de dinero seguras a través de diferentes bancos globales y redes de pago
Billeteras electrónicas: como PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, Pay4Fun, EcoPayz, Much Better y muchas más, para lograr pagos casi inmediatos y comisiones de procesamiento ínfimas
Ofrece una experiencia de pago sencilla al cliente
Adáptate a un mundo donde los procesos complicados para las transacciones se están reemplazando por una experiencia intuitiva y más ágil.
Este cambio promete no solo mejores tasas de conversión, sino también menores costos de procesamiento y un entorno con seguridad reforzada.
Eficiencia y seguridad: equilibrio entre el uso sencillo y la protección
Simplicidad integrada, para que cada pago sea sencillo
El amplio acceso a redes te conecta con una amplia gama de bancos e instituciones financieras
Inicio de sesión bancario y proceso de pago sin fricción, para acelerar las transacciones
Transferencia de fondos con una velocidad y confiabilidad asombrosas
Aventaja a la competencia mediante pagos y liquidaciones más rápidos, flexibilidad y seguridad
Satisface las necesidades urgentes de tu organización con nuestras opciones de pago veloz e inmediato, las cuales fomentan el crecimiento. Nuestra tecnología del open banking y nuestra gran cantidad de alianzas globales otorgan una ventaja sobre la competencia. Todos los mercados y redes importantes mediante una sola integración.
Ofrece una experiencia sencilla al cliente
Nuestras soluciones de transferencias bancarias les brindan a tus clientes la ventaja de pagar con su información bancaria y con la experiencia a la que están acostumbrados.
Olvídate de los flujos de transacciones confusos, y accede a mejores tasas de conversión, menores costos de procesamiento y mayor seguridad.
Solución simple, segura y flexible
Una sola integración en la experiencia de pago
Acceso a los principales bancos e instituciones financieras
Inicio de sesión bancario y pago sin fricción ni inconvenientes
Transferencia de fondos rápida y confiable
Brinda más opciones y practicidad a los consumidores
Nuestras soluciones de transferencias bancarias están diseñadas pensando en las preferencias de tus clientes, con una amplia gama de opciones de pago para sus diferentes necesidades.
Esto no solo simplifica las transacciones, sino que también atrae a un público más amplio, que incluye a quienes prefieren no usar tarjeta de crédito o buscan alternativas para los métodos de pago tradicionales.
Más opciones bancarias para los clientes a la hora de pagar
Sin registros adicionales que hacen perder ventas
Opciones en tiempo real para acelerar los pagos
Modelos con y sin garantía
Compatibilidad con todos los bancos principales
Protege tus pagos a un nivel inigualable
Accede a una seguridad incomparable mediante nuestras soluciones de cero contracargos, diseñadas para proteger tu empresa del fraude y proteger los datos sensibles de tus clientes.
Nuestra solución con garantía establece que, una vez hecho el pago, el pagador no puede revertirlo. Esto no sucede con los pagos con tarjeta de crédito, que pueden ser anulados por el titular. Pero, con nosotros, los contracargos quedan en el olvido.
Tranquilidad en cada transacción
Los controles de historial y el sistema de aprobación inteligente reducen los riesgos
Medidas de seguridad antifraude personalizables de acuerdo con tus necesidades
Completos informes consolidados, diseñados para simplificarte todo
Reduce los costos a los clientes para incrementar las ganancias y la fidelidad
Ofrece a tus clientes una experiencia de pago sencilla y disfruta de los beneficios de reducir las comisiones de procesamiento en comparación con las transacciones tradicionales con tarjeta de crédito.
Esta solución rentable no solo hace más económicos los pagos, sino que también mejora la eficiencia operativa, para que puedas invertir más en el crecimiento de tu empresa.
Menores comisiones de procesamiento por transacción
Ínfimos riesgos y comisiones de contracargos
Menos comisiones de red e intercambio
Ahorro con transacciones directas entre bancos
Acceso más rápido a tus ingresos
Crece aún más con nuestra red bancaria global
Obten una cobertura inigualable de países y bancos con nuestra amplia red de proveedores mundiales. Adelantate a los acontecimientos y amplia tus fuentes de ingresos. Deleita a tus clientes con una comodidad inigualable, estén donde estén.
Con un proceso simplificado, todo es más rápido, más preciso y menos costoso de administrar.
Gestión de transacciones automatizada y simplificada
Concilia automáticamente tus pagos de varios prestadores de servicios y fuentes de datos. Podemos conectar, integrar y monitorear cualquier método nuevo.
Con un proceso simplificado, todo es más rápido, más preciso y menos costoso de administrar.
Salva ingresos que se podrían perderse por incongruencias, errores de conciliación y tarifas incorrectas
Obtén un panorama claro de tus finanzas y asegúrate de que tus ingresos sean exactamente los que deben ser
Se admiten todas las tarjetas de crédito y más de 700 métodos de pago alternativos
Solución totalmente gestionada para ahorrar tiempo y dinero
Nuvei Reconciliation Manager+ se ocupa de todo el proceso, desde la implementación hasta las actualizaciones y los informes.
Ahorra más tiempo, reduce la cantidad de tickets de soporte, detecta los problemas técnicos y ahorra más dinero.
Configuración a cargo de un gerente de cuenta especializado
Basta de complejidad y errores contables
Recupera más fácilmente que nunca los ingresos perdidos
Controla las comisiones de procesamiento de los diferentes proveedores
Logra el mejor rendimiento de su clase mediante un único panel
Controla y gestiona todo el proceso de pago para lograr niveles óptimos de rendimiento, ventas e ingresos.
Nodo de orquestación fácil de usar
Optimiza y controla tu experiencia de pago por medio del panel de control del nodo de orquestación de pagos.
Gestiona opciones que pueden mejorar las tasas de aceptación, reforzar la seguridad, reducir los rechazos o capturar más ingresos.
Configura, gestiona y personaliza los parámetros de enrutamiento
Gestiona las exenciones en línea para aumentar las autorizaciones y optimizar las tasas de aprobación
Define límites y gestiona la autenticación para aumentar las conversiones y eliminar el fraude
Define reglas personalizadas basadas en información comercial para garantizar la máxima cantidad de conversiones
El análisis del riesgo permite hacer ajustes estratégicos y personalizar a fin de detener los contracargos
Optimiza las tasas de aceptación
Mejora tus tasas de aprobación y autorización de transacciones gestionando los envíos de exenciones en línea.
Al haber puntos de datos más detallados, hay más autorizaciones, más seguridad, y una experiencia personalizada y sencilla para tus clientes.
Reduce el alcance de PSD2
Previene el fraude
Gestiona el riesgo
Recupera los ingresos de las transacciones rechazadas
Convierte más pagos evitando el rechazo de transacciones. Desde un panel, puedes definir y gestionar reglas basadas en datos.
El análisis avanzado permite el enrutamiento innovador de transacciones.
Define reglas personalizadas basadas en tu información comercial para cuando se rechacen pagos
Optimiza la conversión para el pago hospedado
Controla y reporta desde un panel central
Protección multifacética
Las herramientas de gestión de contracargos de Nuvei pueden prevenir y eliminar los contracargos antes de que sucedan, y mitigar el daño cuando suceden.
3D Secure dinámico
Gestión de exenciones de 3DS
Verifi Order Insight (Visa)
Verifi Rapid Dispute Resolution (Visa)
Ethoca (Mastercard)
Servicio de representación para contracargos
Datos comprensibles y útiles
Haz seguimiento del rendimiento comercial con una perspectiva cristalina de los datos de pagos de todos los canales.
Visión totalmente cristalina e informes dinámicos de los datos de pagos
Detecta información útil en medio de grandes volúmenes de datos complejos
Análisis comprensible, que incluye optimización del tráfico, para mejorar las tasas de aprobación y los ingresos
Bloquea las transacciones fraudulentas con un flujo de verificación optimizado
La vida empresarial ideal
A veces solo se necesita un empujoncito en la dirección correcta. Business Coach está allí para mostrarte si podrías lograr más ventas o mejor comunicación con los clientes.
Business Coach ofrece consejos útiles y mediciones clave para colaborar con el crecimiento de tu empresa.
Mejora la relación con los segmentos de clientes que generan más ingresos
Analiza tu rendimiento desde un solo panel que refleja las reseñas y las calificaciones en redes sociales
Reacciona rápido a las reseñas en redes sociales gracias a alertas inmediatas
Al ofrecer una serie de servicios incomparable, equipamos a cientos de socios para que millones de personas puedan comprar empleando activos digitales por miles de millones de dólares. Somos el socio de pagos líder de más de 450 mercados de cambio, billeteras, brokers, monedas, plataformas de NFT y juegos blockchain líderes.
Todo listo para que disfrutes de la experiencia cripto
Nuvei ofrece una experiencia sencilla de conversión entre monedas fíat y criptomonedas. Acceso mediante una misma API para las personas sin experiencia con blockchains y para los expertos en juegos blockchain.
Súmate a cientos de empresas internacionales y descubre el poder de la conversión fíat-cripto inmediata a través de un prestador certificado que cotiza en bolsa.
Incorporación a la Web3 con el estilo de la Web2
Amplias opciones de pago internacionales y locales
Más de 350 socios: mercados de cambio, billeteras, brokers y monedas
Más de 3,5 millones de usuarios finales y más de 4000 millones de USD en pagos procesados
Más de 100 monedas fíat y más de 200 criptomonedas
Emisión de tarjetas Visa de marca compartida para unificar las transacciones con cripto
Disfruta del potencial de los pagos con criptomonedas estables
Las criptomonedas estables se están convirtiendo en una alternativa real de pago para ofrecer a los merchants además de los métodos de pago tradicionales.
Ofrecemos transacciones con cripto estables en tiempo real, conversión sencilla entre fíat y cripto estables, y servicios integrales de liquidación adaptados a tus necesidades.
Se admiten todas las criptomonedas estables, incluso las acuñadas por merchants
Nuvei se conecta con USDC en 14 blockchains
Las cripto estables ofrecen estabilidad a los giros
Liquidaciones con cripto estables 24/7 en todas las blockchains
Las cripto estables reducen los costos y mejoran el flujo de caja de la cadena de suministro
Las liquidaciones en blockchains reducen los costos operativos empresariales
Expande a lo grande tu proyecto blockchain
Una única alianza para todas las necesidades cripto de tu empresa. Ofrece entrada sencilla a tus activos blockchain con más de 100 monedas fíat a nivel internacional.
Al admitir varios blockchains y tokens, se gana flexibilidad
Compra sencilla de monedas y tokens con más de 100 monedas fíat
Dale más valor a tu marca mediante los socios que componen nuestra gran red de mercados de cambio, billeteras y plataformas
Llega a nuevos mercados al tener cobertura de pagos internacional
Pagos sencillos y seguros con cripto
Acelera las transacciones, obtén datos más precisos y fideliza más a los clientes a través de nuestras innovadoras opciones de pago con cripto. Goza de la tranquilidad que brinda asociarse con un prestador que no solo previene el fraude, sino que ofrece soporte integral para el procesamiento de pagos.
Los pagos con criptomonedas amplían el acceso a mercados y reducen los costos, al eliminar los intermediarios y ofrecer alcance global con ínfimas comisiones por transacción.
Accede a nuevos mercados y brinda acceso a la economía mundial
Se garantizan cero fraude y ningún riesgo de contracargos
Reduce los costos y simplifica la gestión en comparación con los pagos con tarjeta
Acelera las transacciones y reduce los riesgos para la seguridad
Fideliza más a los clientes generándoles confianza a través de pagos seguros
Acceso inmediato a fondos con criptomonedas, sin intermediarios
El futuro de los pagos del entretenimiento digital
El cripto está transformando los videojuegos al ofrecer ventajas significativas. Al tener límites de transacción más elevados, realización más rápida de pagos y mayor seguridad, no hay tanta necesidad de compartir información bancaria.
Gracias a sus comisiones inferiores y el acceso global a fondos, las criptomonedas ofrecen practicidad y reflejan un espíritu de innovación. Además, los jugadores pueden recibir bonos a modo de incentivo para usar las cripto, lo cual enriquece la experiencia.
Las transacciones con cripto casi en tiempo real mejoran el flujo de caja
Las operaciones con cripto tienen menos gastos generales
Comisiones ínfimas de blockchain mucho menores a las de las tarjetas
Más seguridad con menos datos de los cuales hacerse responsable
Los clientes piden cada vez más poder usar cripto
Accede a nuevos mercados legales no bancarizados
Te ayudamos a incursionar en la Web 3.0 y el metaverso
Nuvei es pionero en cuanto a la Web 3.0, y lleva al éxito tus proyectos blockchain y del metaverso. A través de grandes alianzas y herramientas, te ayudamos a sobresalir.
Otorgamos a los usuarios control absoluto de sus activos digitales y su privacidad, lo cual genera más confianza en la exploración digital.
Varias opciones de integración
Interfaz de usuario muy personalizable y experiencia de usuario dinámica
Se admiten varios protocolos blockchain: Ethereum, Polkadot, y Binance Smart Chain
La buena experiencia del usuario permite superar obstáculos de la Web3, como las comisiones elevadas y la lentitud de las transacciones
Las experiencias se acomodan a las preferencias de los usuarios
Mayor seguridad, más transparencia y menos autoridad centralizada
Mantén a los clientes dentro de tu entorno agregando servicios financieros entre las opciones de pago. Ofrece depósitos bancarios y pagos, así como también tarjetas y financiación. Haz que sea más fácil para tus clientes comprar más y con más frecuencia.
Banca digital rápida, confiable y segura
Expande tu alcance global y optimiza las transacciones con las cuentas comerciales de Nuvei. Ofrece acceso a fondos en tiempo real, comisiones más bajas y una integración sin problemas para mejorar la eficiencia y el control financiero.
Agiliza tus operaciones financieras con Nuvei como único socio para los servicios de adquirencia, emisión y banca.
Cuentas multidivisa con IBAN europeos para EUR, GBP y más de 20 divisas más
Recibe fondos al instante para agilizar el capital circulante y gestionar las liquidaciones de manera eficiente con costos potencialmente más bajos
Asegura los fondos de los clientes con soluciones dedicadas para proveedores de servicios de activos virtuales (VASP) y entidades financieras
Recepción y realización de pagos flexibles a través de Zona única de pagos en euros (SEPA), SWIFT, open banking y procesamiento BMM basado en blockchain
Haz despegar tu marca
Eleva tu marca y agiliza tus pagos con las tarjetas físicas y virtuales personalizables de Nuvei, que ofrecen transacciones seguras y sin interrupciones en todos los canales.
Nos ocupamos de todas las complicaciones administrativas, como la aprobación de sistemas de tarjetas, el cumplimiento de regulaciones globales, la configuración técnica y la fabricación de tarjetas.
Adapta las tarjetas físicas y virtuales para promocionar la identidad de tu marca
Gestiona fácilmente tarjetas de un solo uso o de múltiples usos a través de una sola plataforma
Automatiza transacciones seguras para compras en línea, en la tienda o en la aplicación
Gestiona pagos de proveedores y expande tus operaciones de forma rentable con formatos de tarjetas flexibles
Financia tus metas empresariales: sin necesidad de un banco
Tu negocio avanza a pasos acelerados. Asegúrate de que tu financiación también lo haga.
Accede rápidamente a los fondos para alcanzar tus objetivos y aprovechar más oportunidades. Sin bancos ni trámites burocráticos.
Hasta USD 1 millón por sede empresarial
Recibe los fondos en menos de una semana tras su aprobación
Calificación previa en apenas 3 minutos
Sin garantía obligatoria
Opciones flexibles de devolución
Optimiza los ingresos con opciones de crédito para los consumidores
Haz crecer tu negocio con las opciones líderes del sector de compra ahora, paga después. Cobra por adelantado y ofrece a tus clientes condiciones de pago flexibles.
Facilita a tus clientes la obtención de lo que necesitan ahora mismo. Lo mejor de todo es que se integra perfectamente en la experiencia de pago.
Ofrece planes de cuotas flexibles para tus clientes
Dar a los consumidores la libertad de pagar a su ritmo
Aumenta las conversiones de clientes ofreciendo más opciones de pago
Evita la mayoría de las posibles devoluciones de cargo antes de que se materialicen. Las transacciones están protegidas con mitigación previa a la devolución de cargos, detección inteligente de fraudes, alertas y comunicaciones.
Detectar, controlar y mitigar las devoluciones de cargos
Reduce los costes de disputas y devoluciones de cargo con Nuvei Chargeback Resolve. Cada devolución de cargo realizada se centraliza y gestiona a través del Panel de Control de Nuvei. Todo el proceso maximiza la transparencia y la eficiencia.
Prevención: las alertas y la mejora de la comunicación minimizan las disputas innecesarias
Reduce los costes operativos: gestiona las devoluciones de cargos a través de un panel centralizado
Preserva tu reputación: evita los programas de control de devoluciones de cargo y las tasas adicionales asociadas a una etiqueta de alto riesgo
Herramientas adicionales de Visa y Mastercard
Controla las disputas o devoluciones de cargos de forma rápida y sencilla con las soluciones integradas de Visa y Mastercard.
Verifi Order Insight® (Visa) - responde a las disputas de los clientes en tiempo real proporcionando información entre el cliente y el comercio
Verifi Rapid Dispute Resolution® (Visa) - evita las devoluciones de cargo emitiendo reembolsos y cobrando directamente a Nuvei sin proceso de compensación
Ethoca® (Mastercard) - da a los comerciantes 24 horas para revisar, responder y actuar contra las devoluciones de cargo
Ya sea que tus clientes deseen comprarte tus productos en línea o en una tienda, nosotros simplificamos el proceso y hacemos que quieran volver en el futuro.
Asigna a tus bienes y servicios precios en las monedas más populares del mundo.
Según un informe de eCommerce global de Insider Intelligence, el 92 % de los clientes prefiere comprar en sitios donde los precios figuran en su moneda local.
Haz que los clientes puedan comprar de forma sencilla y sin fricción, y tú recibas las liquidaciones y los informes en tu moneda local.
Haz que tu empresa acceda a nuevos territorios
Mejora las relaciones con los clientes
Cero inversión o cambios de infraestructura
Obtén ingresos adicionales por la comisión de cambio de divisas y atrae a más clientes internacionales
Al ofrecerles a los clientes precios en su moneda local, puedes hacer transparente y confiable la compra con tarjeta y, además, ganarte una comisión.
Atrae a más clientes internacionales
Protege a los titulares de tarjetas de las fluctuaciones monetarias
Al ofrecer desde detección avanzada de fraudes hasta tokenización de nivel industrial y verificación KYC, Nuvei te protege a ti a tus clientes.
Reduce el fraude al pagar y los contracargos mediante Nuvei Shields Up
Los datos de las transacciones son nuestra mejor arma para combatir el fraude. Destruye los falsos positivos con una serie de potentes herramientas personalizables, sin afectar la experiencia del cliente.
Configura más de 200 reglas especiales para tu industria y tu mercado
Mejora las tasas de conversión y reduce el fraude mediante enrutamiento 3DS inteligente
Decisiones automatizadas mediante geoubicación de IP y reglas de AVS/CVV.
Herramienta de disputa de contracargos para crear y gestionar los casos con eficiencia
Enrutamiento inteligente y descriptor dinámico para reducir, al mínimo, los contracargos
Cifra y accede a los datos de los clientes para que los pagos sean seguros y sin fricción
Reemplazar los datos sensibles con un token seguro permite que los pagos sean más rápidos y seguros, lo que genera una mejor experiencia para el cliente.
A través de una combinación de nuestros recursos de compatibilidad y de tokenización de redes, ofrecemos una de las soluciones más flexibles y completas del mercado.
Cifra y guarda la información de pago de los clientes para que la experiencia de compra sea segura y sin fricción
Los tokens se actualizan de modo dinámico para brindar tasas de autorización más elevadas, una gestión del fraude más sencilla y una mejor experiencia para el cliente.
Los métodos de pago se actualizan en tiempo real para que las credenciales de los titulares de tarjetas se mantengan actualizadas, aunque se bloquee una tarjeta física debido a un fraude
Ofrece una mejor experiencia al cliente con menos falsos rechazos por información desactualizada
Seguridad y cumplimiento regulatorio garantizados
Somos conscientes de la necesidad de tener la mejor seguridad posible para protegerte y proteger a tus clientes. A fin de cumplir con la Norma de seguridad de datos de la industria de las tarjetas de pago (PCI DSS), hemos satisfecho y superado todos los requisitos estipulados para los Prestadores de servicios de nivel 1.
Nuestro personal de tecnología y nuestros expertos pueden ayudarte a reducir el riesgo y los contracargos, y a simplificar el cumplimiento de PCI DSS.
Mitiga las amenazas antes de que se conviertan en un problema
Reduce el esfuerzo y el costo de cumplir con las regulaciones de la industria de las tarjetas de pago (PCI)
Accede a soluciones para reducir tus obligaciones en cuanto a PCI DSS
Las ventajas marginales pueden generar gran crecimiento.
Como al conducir un auto de carreras bien preparado, cada pequeña mejora hace su aporte para lograr avances significativos. Optimiza las tasas de aprobación y los ingresos, mediante recursos diseñados para guiar cada pago de principio a fin.
Mejora los pagos para optimizar las conversiones
Descubre el futuro optimizado del comercio mediante nuestras soluciones de autorización inteligente con IA.
Haz dar un salto a los ingresos mejorando las tasas de autorización a través de nuestras herramientas de optimización previa a la transacción.
Compras con un solo clic para agilizar las transacciones
Aumenta las aprobaciones mediante tecnología de segundo intento inteligente
Reglas avanzadas para sofisticar los mensajes de las transacciones
Tokens de red optimizados
Optimiza los flujos de transacciones para lograr más aprobaciones
Dirige las transacciones con inteligencia a los diferentes bancos Eleva las ventas y las tasas de conversión mejorando las probabilidades de que los pagos sean exitosos.
Genera más ingresos y aprobaciones brindando posibilidades casi ilimitadas de enrutamiento. Se admiten todos los servicios y pasarelas de pagos importantes.
Enrutamiento 3DS
Motor de exenciones
Fraud Screening
Bank Routing
Decrease declines and checkout abandonment
Fine-tune your payment process for peak performance
Dive into a world where every transaction parameter is meticulously adjusted and optimized. Leverage artificial intelligence to ensure a smooth and successful checkout experience.
Watch your conversion rates soar as we intelligently re-attempt transactions to secure success.
Boost approval rates and conversions with smart payment recovery
Resolve token mismatch issues and address 3DS2 declines
Transform soft declines into successful transactions
Enhance the customer experience by streamlining card verification rules
Advanced monitoring and control at your fingertips
Elevate your payment strategy with insight-driven authorizations. With AI-driven tools built into our analytics suite, leverage the data you need for every transaction and authentication flow.
Steer your transaction traffic towards smoother roads and higher approval rates. Tailored insights mean you're in the driver's seat, accelerating towards optimized authorizations and financial performance.
Leverage artificial intelligence to automate approval rate analysis
Gain precise insights into transactions with customizable reports
Benefit from machine learning to optimize authorizations
Monitor performance and act on conversion-based reporting
Navigate complex data to minimize risk and manage fraud
MONTREAL, February 28 2025 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company"), the Canadian fintech company, announces today that it has formed a strategic partnership with Temu, the global online marketplace known for value-for-money products, to enhance the shopping experience through providing customers with greater access to their preferred local payment methods.
Temu customers across the globe now enjoy a smooth shopping experience though seamless, secure card payments as well as the ability to pay using their preferred local payment methods. The integration supports local direct card acquiring and popular regional payment options including Konbini, Aupay, and Payeasy in Japan; Mbway, Blik, and P24 in Poland; Bancontact in Belgium; iDeal in the Netherlands; and MBWAY and Multibanco in Portugal. This customer-centric approach will expand further in 2025, with plans to enhance payment experiences in new markets including Colombia, Chile and Canada.
“As online shopping continues to grow, seamless and secure payments are essential for delivering the best possible experience," commented Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO. "By offering hyper-localized payment experiences on a global scale, we're enabling international eCommerce giants like Temu to develop deeper relationships with their customers through payments, wherever they are and however they want to pay.”
“At Temu, we are committed to making quality products more accessible and ensuring a smooth shopping experience for our customers worldwide,” said a Temu spokesperson. “Providing localized payment options is an important part of improving convenience for customers, and we are always looking for ways to optimize our payment processes to meet the needs of different markets.”
Nuvei's powerful combination of global reach, extensive alternative payment method connectivity, and best-in-class authorization optimization suite continues to attract leading eCommerce companies. Notable partnerships include other industry leaders such as Charles & Keith, who have selected Nuvei as their payments partner both locally and internationally.
About Temu
Temu is an online marketplace that connects consumers with millions of sellers, manufacturers and brands around the world with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Launched in the US in September 2022, Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and sellers to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. For more information, visit:
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, February 18 2025 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, today announces the appointment of two new executives to its senior leadership team. Moshe Selfin joins as Chief Product Officer, reporting to Nuvei Chair and CEO Philip Fayer, while Chad Gerhardstein assumes the newly created role of Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, reporting to CFO David Schwartz.
These strategic appointments represent Nuvei's continued investment in its product innovation and risk management and compliance capabilities, reinforcing the Company's commitment to delivering innovative payment solutions while maintaining industry-leading standards.
Selfin joins Nuvei from Finaro (acquired by Shift4), where he most recently served as Chief Operations & Technology Officer. Selfin will spearhead Nuvei's global product strategy and development, focusing on expanding the Company's suite of customer-centric payment solutions and extending the global reach of its technology stack. This appointment underscores Nuvei's commitment to technological innovation and its mission to enable businesses to get closer to their customers through advanced payment capabilities.
Gerhardstein brings extensive risk management and compliance expertise within the payments industry to Nuvei. He joins from PwC, where he was a leader specializing in cyber risk and regulation for the Fintech, payments, and digital assets sectors. Previously, he held senior positions at Vantiv and served as Chief Compliance Officer at Worldpay. In his role, Gerhardstein will strengthen Nuvei's global risk management and compliance framework, ensuring the Company maintains its position as a trusted partner for global businesses to execute international expansion.
“I’m delighted to welcome Moshe and Chad to the team. These appointments reflect our ongoing commitment to investing in top talent as we execute our strategic vision," commented Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO. "Moshe's proven track record in strategic planning and delivery for fast-growing technology businesses will accelerate our product innovation and enhance our ability to deliver cutting-edge payment solutions globally. Chad's deep expertise in risk and compliance will be invaluable in supporting Nuvei's customers with seamless market entry while maintaining robust risk management practices and regulatory compliance across all jurisdictions.”
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, January 27 2025 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, today announces an expansion in Asia-Pacific (APAC), having completed the acquisition of Paywiser Japan Limited, including its acquiring license granted by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The license enables Nuvei to progress with launching direct acquiring capabilities in Japan across all major card schemes, and to extend its direct connectivity with all relevant alternative payment methods (APMs) in the country.
With its new Japan headquarters in Tokyo complementing existing offices in China, Hong Kong, Australia, and Singapore, Nuvei now boasts over 200 on-the-ground payments experts across the region.
Strategic expansion into APAC's second largest eCommerce market
Nuvei's comprehensive range of agile payments solutions will support Japanese businesses scale both in-market and cross-border, as well as enable global businesses to expand into the Japanese market seamlessly.
For Nuvei’s international customers, market entry into Japan through an existing single integration to the Nuvei core platform presents an exciting and sizeable opportunity. Japan is the fourth largest eCommerce market globally and second largest in the APAC region. The Japanese market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 11.6% from 2024 to 2032, with Total Market Size increasing from USD$230 billion to more than USD$650 billion by 2032. The volume of online buyers is expected to surpass 100 million people (83% of the population) by 2026, and eCommerce will account for 22% of all commerce transactions by 2028.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, commented: “We’re delighted to be building on our existing presence and laying down even stronger roots in Japan, one of the preeminent eCommerce markets globally. This expansion aligns with our strategic priorities to continue growing our global footprint, offer localized payments experiences on a global scale, and enable our customers to get closer to their customers through payments, wherever they are and however they want to pay. With our modular payments technology and extensive local expertise, we're well positioned to help businesses of all sizes accelerate their growth within this dynamic ecosystem.”
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, January 20 2025 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, today announced the launch of its innovative Omnichannel payment solution for the UK Gaming industry. This groundbreaking platform unifies all payment channels, offering unprecedented convenience and flexibility for both operators and players.
Key features and benefits of Nuvei's Omnichannel solution for the Gaming industry include:
• Unified Integration: Gaming operators can now manage all payment channels through a single API, simplifying operations and reducing costs.
• Consolidated Reporting: Comprehensive analytics provide valuable insights into player behavior across all channels, enabling data-driven decision-making.
• Enhanced Player Experience:
o Seamless connection between the retail and digital Gaming experience
o Common card tokenization across online and offline channels
o Engaging players across all channels and verticals
• Global Reach, Local Expertise: While tailored for the UK market, the platform supports global expansion with localized payment methods and compliance across the globe.
• Deep Brand Loyalty: The platform's ability to recognize existing online customers when they engage in-person allows for enhanced loyalty programs and targeted promotions, fostering stronger player relationships.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: “Our Omnichannel solution is transforming how UK Gaming operators interact with their customers. By breaking down the barriers between online and offline experiences, we're enabling operators to create more personalized and engaging player journeys. This launch represents a significant step in our commitment to providing cutting-edge payment solutions that drive growth and enhance user experience in the rapidly evolving Gaming market.”
One UK based operator already harnessing the benefits of Nuvei’s Omnichannel is Buzz Bingo. Buzz Bingo Head of Product Fraud & Payments Sam Bailey commented: “Nuvei’s Omnichannel solution is a real step ahead from our current retail payment infrastructure. We’re an Omnichannel business and the key benefits of the Omnichannel payments system that Nuvei offers is its diversity as we link our retail environment to our online. There’s been a lot of focus on product development here at Buzz, and the key decision with going with Nuvei is their commitment to continue developing their systems and improving their offering. Nuvei have allowed us to work together on building their roadmap and we feel like a valued partner as we bring new payments channels and options to our customers. We’re looking forward to working collaboratively to make the most out of both of our businesses.”
This announcement further solidifies Nuvei's position as a leader in payment solutions for the Gaming sector as the industry continues to experience rapid growth, with the global market predicted to reach USD$1 trillion by 2030. By offering operators optimized payment acceptance and a seamless experience for players, Nuvei continues to demonstrate why it is the preferred payments partner for Gaming operators across the United Kingdom and globally.
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, January 16, 2025 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei"), the Canadian fintech company, today announces that it has partnered with Outpayce from Amadeus, as its latest payments service provider to be integrated into Outpayce’s Xchange Payment Platform (XPP).
This strategic partnership positions Nuvei as a global leader in advancing Outpayce's innovative payment ecosystem. Travel businesses leveraging Outpayce’s XPP can now seamlessly access Nuvei’s expansive suite of payment capabilities, enhancing their ability to process transactions efficiently and securely across geographies.
The partnership will offer several significant advantages to Outpayce’s customers:
• Seamless integration: A single connection to Outpayce’s XPP simplifies adoption, integrating multiple airline and travel touchpoints efficiently.
• Accelerated onboarding: Faster implementation timelines help businesses bring payment solutions to market quickly.
• Enhanced security: Nuvei’s advanced security measures ensure secure transactions across all channels.
• Global reach: Through Nuvei’s connectivity in more than 200 markets and support for 720 local payment methods, businesses can offer seamless cross-border payment experiences.
“We're thrilled to welcome Nuvei to our Outpayce partner ecosystem. This collaboration combines our global reach with Nuvei's cutting-edge technology and coverage, empowering customers to simplify their payment processes and enhance the traveler experience,” commented Damian Alonso, Outpayce’s Head of Commercial and Partnerships on the announcement.
Phillip Fayer, Nuvei’s Chair and CEO added: “Our goal is to allow travel businesses to focus on providing exceptional experiences while we handle the complexities of payments, and this integration represents a major leap forward in simplifying and enhancing payment processes for airlines and travel businesses worldwide. Combining Nuvei's innovative payment technology with Outpayce’s extensive travel network is the latest initiative as we continue to revolutionize payments in the travel industry through a single integration for payments that spans countries, currencies, and payment methods.”
Nuvei’s agile payment solutions, alongside its proven expertise in serving the travel industry, position it as an invaluable partner for businesses aiming to optimize their payment processes. Through this partnership with Outpayce, Nuvei continues to expand its footprint, reinforcing its role as a leader in enabling global commerce.
About Outpayce
Amadeus makes the experience of travel better for everyone, everywhere by inspiring innovation, partnerships and responsibility to people, places and planet.
As a wholly-owned company, Outpayce from Amadeus is the next step in scaling the Amadeus payments business with fresh investment in talent, an open API platform and a license to deliver new regulated payment services.
Outpayce delivers smoother end-to-end travel experiences making travel payments simple. Our open platform that connects FinTech and banking service providers to the entire travel ecosystem allows customers and travelers to easily benefit from new advances in payments.
Outpayce Xchange Payment Platform (XPP) solves challenges in areas like authentication, acceptance and foreign exchange (FX) for travel merchants and gives access to partners that resolve areas like chargebacks and fraud management to offer a smoother overall experience for the traveler.
In the B2B payments space, Outpayce orchestrates payments with a range of virtual cards, currencies and payment methods to optimize cost, acceptance and agility wherever a travel seller needs to pay a supplier.
Outpayce delivers an end-to-end experience by continuing to work with all Amadeus’ teams and embedding its capabilities in all of Amadeus' applications. The future is travel simply paid.
To find out more about Outpayce, visit
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, January 7, 2025 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, has entered a new strategic partnership with GiG, a leading B2B technology provider to the iGaming industry. This collaboration enables iGaming operators to optimize their payments functionality through their existing integration with GiG's CoreX solution.
CoreX is an advanced, AI-driven player account management (PAM) platform for leading iGaming and sportsbook brands. It provides operators with the flexibility to localize their operations in any regulated jurisdiction, enhancing their ability to meet diverse market demands. Through this direct integration with the GiG CoreX platform, iGaming operators can leverage Nuvei's payments expertise across global iGaming markets to maximize their revenues and accelerate their growth.
The partnership delivers a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of modern online gaming businesses. This approach is underpinned by Nuvei's deep market expertise gained from more than 20 years innovating payments for the industry, ensuring operators can optimize acceptance rates, execute best-in-class risk management, and navigate the diverse regulatory landscapes of global iGaming markets with confidence.
Operators gain access to Nuvei's extensive global reach in over 200 countries, enabling seamless expansion across international markets through a single, integrated platform. The collaboration also provides GiG-supported operators with industry-leading connectivity to 720 alternative payment methods, enabling them to offer players all relevant deposit and pay out options from their cashier.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO commented: “We're excited to partner with a proven technology leader and industry expert like GiG. This integration showcases our commitment to providing the most relevant and modern payment solutions that drive growth for our customers. By combining Nuvei's robust modular payment technology with GiG's innovative CoreX platform, we're delivering unparalleled value to iGaming operators worldwide.”
James Coxon, Chief Operating Officer at GiG, added: “Our partnership with Nuvei represents another significant forward step in empowering iGaming operators with the most flexible best-in-class payment solutions. The direct integration of Nuvei's payment technology into CoreX will enable our clients to optimize their payment processes, ultimately improving player satisfaction and operational efficiency.”
About GiG Software Plc
GiG Software is a leading B2B iGaming technology company that provides premium solutions, products, and services to iGaming operators worldwide, fully compliant with regulatory requirements. GiG’s proprietary technology empowers our partners by delivering dynamic, data-driven, and scalable iGaming solutions that drive user engagement, optimise performance, and propel sustainable growth in the ever-evolving digital landscape. GiG’s vision is to be the pioneering force in the iGaming industry, transforming digital gaming experiences through innovation and technology that inspire and engage players worldwide.
GiG operates out of Malta and is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden, under the ticker GiG SDB.
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible, and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, December 12 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, today announces the expansion of its global partnership with Google to integrate Google Pay, an option now available for merchants across Latin America (LATAM). This collaboration builds upon the existing strong global relationship between Nuvei and Google, and complements Google Pay's existing availability through Nuvei in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Australia.
Nuvei's integration of Google Pay into its cashier solution for customers is completely streamlined into the checkout process for both merchants and consumers, optimizing the user experience for Google Pay users in the LATAM region.
Google Pay is becoming an essential payment method for online merchants around the world. The integration of Google Pay to Nuvei's cashier solution caters to the evolving preferences of digital-savvy consumers.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: "Our strengthened partnership with Google and the launch of the integration of Google Pay in Latin America underscore Nuvei's commitment to providing businesses with the most comprehensive in-demand suite of payment options globally. Expanding our collaboration into this vibrant market enables merchants to tap into new customer segments and drive growth across the region."
By integrating Google Pay into Nuvei's payment processes, merchants can offer their customers a simple and secure payment option that meets the demands of the current digital economy.
Nuvei continues to lead the industry with its extensive connectivity to over 720 alternative payment methods, allowing merchants to offer all relevant payment options to their customers in every market they serve, all through a single integration with Nuvei's platform.
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, December 4 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”), the Canadian fintech company, today announces the launch of an innovative blockchain-based payment solution for merchants across Latin America (LATAM). Through Nuvei’s partnerships with Rain, a vertically integrated issuing partner for global platforms, BitGo, the leading digital asset custodian and wallet solutions provider, and Visa, Nuvei is enabling businesses to utilize stablecoins – including USD Coin (USDC) – for faster global settlement and reduced reliance on traditional payments rails.
By collaborating with Rain, BitGo, and Visa, Nuvei delivers a seamless and secure blockchain payment experience that empowers LATAM merchants to use their physical or virtual card supported by Visa to make payments using stablecoins from a digital asset wallet anywhere Visa is accepted. The solution benefits from Visa’s wide acceptance and simplifies corporate treasury management, offering faster cross-border transactions, secure digital asset custody, reduced currency complexity, and improved operational liquidity.
"Nuvei empowers businesses to connect more deeply with their customers through innovative payments solutions," commented Nuvei Chair and CEO Philip Fayer. "By integrating stablecoin technology into our payment platform for B2B settlement we're ensuring our merchants continually receive unparalleled flexibility, security, and global reach."
Rain Co-founder and CEO Farooq Malik added: “Our innovative platform connects traditional financial rails with the digital asset ecosystem, providing frictionless transactions for B2B and stablecoin payments. This partnership with Nuvei represents a significant step in making blockchain-based payments more accessible and flexible for businesses in Latin America.”
Luis Ayala, Director at BitGo, commented: “As a leader in digital asset custody and infrastructure, we're excited to support Nuvei's expansion into blockchain payments. Our institutional-grade security and comprehensive digital asset services will help businesses in Latin America leverage stablecoin technology with confidence and operational efficiency.”
This comprehensive blockchain-based payments offering sets a new standard for payment solutions in Latin America, demonstrating Nuvei's commitment to deepening its footprint in a region with rapid eCommerce growth. Year-to-date, Nuvei’s expansion of services in LATAM include being the first global payments service provider to offer direct local acquiring in Colombia, implementing local acquiring services in Mexico, and acquiring a Payment Institution license in Brazil.
About Rain
Rain develops and operates cutting edge digital asset authorization and settlement infrastructure in concert with its innovative payment card solutions. By connecting blockchain settlement with traditional financial systems like the Visa network, Rain drives adoption and utility for digital assets in enterprise and consumer use cases.
Rain offers an asset-agnostic settlement stack with support for stablecoin programs and is a principal member of the Visa network. The company was founded in 2021 and is backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners, Norwest, Coinbase Ventures, Circle Ventures and Uniswap Labs. For more information, visit
About BitGo
BitGo provides the most secure and scalable wallet solutions for the digital asset economy, offering regulated custody, staking and trading, and core infrastructure to investors and builders alike.
Founded in 2013, BitGo pioneered the multi-signature wallet and is the first digital asset company to focus exclusively on serving institutional clients. In 2018, it launched BitGo Trust Company, the first qualified custodian purpose-built for storing digital assets and established BitGo New York Trust in 2021. In 2022, BitGo launched institutional-grade staking, DeFi, NFT and Web3 services. BitGo secures approximately 20% of all on-chain Bitcoin transactions by value and supports more than 700 digital assets within its platform. BitGo provides the security and operational backbone for more than 1500 institutional clients in 50 countries, including many regulated entities and the world's top cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms.
BitGo is backed by Goldman Sachs, Craft Ventures, DRW, Galaxy Digital Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, and Valor Equity Partners. For more information, please visit
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL and FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., November 25 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company"), the Canadian fintech company, announces today that it has been selected by Delaware North’s interactive gaming division to power deposits and payouts for Betly, its online real-money casino and sports betting brand. Delaware North operates Betly in West Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and Ohio in the United States.
This partnership enhances the player experience at the checkout, streamlining both the deposit and payout processes for Betly customers across their online casino and sports betting profile. Delaware North is leveraging Nuvei's local acquiring capabilities in the U.S. to accept card payment deposits and enable all the relevant payout methods players demand, including real-time account-to-account transactions via Nuvei's industry-leading Instant Bank Transfer product.
Todd San Jule, general manager for Delaware North’s interactive gaming division and Betly, commented on the announcement: “Providing a seamless and secure iGaming cashier experience is crucial for our customers' satisfaction and our business growth. By partnering with Nuvei, we're able to offer our players a wide range of deposit options and swift payouts across all our online casino and sports betting brands. This collaboration aligns with our commitment to delivering top-tier gaming experiences and positions us to better serve our customers in the competitive U.S. iGaming market.”
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO added: “We're thrilled to partner with Delaware North, one of the premier brands in the hospitality and gaming industry in the U.S. This collaboration showcases our commitment to providing the most relevant and modern payment solutions that drive growth for our customers by enhancing the end user experience in the rapidly evolving iGaming market, further solidifying our position as a global leader in this arena.”
About Nuvei
Nuvei is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
The interactive gaming division of global hospitality and entertainment company Delaware North operates Betly Casino & Sportsbook online in West Virginia, Betly Sportsbook online in Arkansas and Tennessee in conjunction with Delaware North’s Southland Casino Hotel, and Betly Sportsbook Ohio online in Ohio for Miami Valley Gaming, a joint venture property of Delaware North’s. Online casino enthusiasts can enjoy daily promotions, thrilling tournaments and a robust offering of slots, video table games and live dealer table games on Betly Casino & Sportsbook. Sports bettors can also enjoy all the action of a wide range of betting possibilities on sports, matches and competitions from around the world.
About Delaware North Gaming
Delaware North’s gaming division is one of the most innovative gaming operators in the United States, specializing in regional venues with slots and video gaming machines, table games, poker rooms, full-service restaurants, retail shops and hotels. We have gaming destinations in New York, New Hampshire, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, West Virginia, Ohio and Illinois, as well as in Australia. We are also the lead consultant on the Catawba Nation’s $700 million casino resort project in North Carolina. Our interactive division operates mobile sports betting and iGaming in several states via the Betly brand, and we also own and operate Ruby Seven Studios, a leading developer of social casino gaming applications. Delaware North is a global leader in hospitality and entertainment. Learn more at
MONTREAL, November 15, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI)(TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announced today the completion of the previously announced plan of arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act (the “Plan of Arrangement”) pursuant to which Neon Maple Purchaser Inc. (the “Purchaser”), an entity formed by Advent International (“Advent”), acquired, directly or indirectly, all the issued and outstanding subordinate voting shares (the “Subordinate Voting Shares”) and multiple voting shares (the “Multiple Voting Shares” and together with the Subordinate Voting Shares, the “Shares”) of the Company for a price of US$34.00 per Share (the “Arrangement”).
As part of the Arrangement, Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. (collectively, “Novacap”) and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (“CDPQ”) (together with entities they control directly or indirectly, collectively, the “Rollover Shareholders”) sold their Shares (the “Rollover Shares”) in exchange for a combination of cash and shares in the capital of the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof, in accordance with the terms of the Plan of Arrangement and the applicable rollover agreement entered into with each Rollover Shareholder in connection with the Arrangement. As a result of the Arrangement, the Company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Purchaser, of which Advent, Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ hold or exercise control or direction over, directly or indirectly, approximately 46%, 24%, 18% and 12%, respectively.
Nuvei Founder & CEO Philip Fayer rolled approximately 95% of his Shares and will continue to be one of the largest shareholders in the Company. He will also continue to serve as Nuvei’s Chair and Chief Executive Officer, leading the business in all aspects of its operations, along with Nuvei’s current leadership team who have continued in their roles.
“We are excited to embark on a new chapter with Advent, Novacap and CDPQ, one focused on our long-term strategy and commitment to accelerating the revenue of our customers globally,” said Fayer. “For more than 20 years we have provided customers with mission-critical solutions they need to execute on their growth journeys. This commitment will remain the same as we continue to build deeper partnerships with our customers by providing them modern, flexible and purpose-built technology. A key part of this next phase will be the implementation of our Value Creation Plan, a comprehensive strategic exercise designed to optimize our operations as we execute on various opportunities for accelerated growth. Advent joins our long-standing investors, Novacap and CDPQ, who remain meaningful investors and believe in a dynamic and successful future for Nuvei,” concluded Fayer.
“Since 2017, we have been privileged to support Nuvei’s management in executing its ambitious global growth strategy. Together with a leadership team that continually drives innovation and builds meaningful partnerships across industries, Nuvei has established itself as a fintech leader in key verticals with sustainable, long-term growth potential. As the Company embarks on an exciting new chapter of expansion, we look forward to strengthening our collaboration and unlocking new opportunities to create lasting value for all stakeholders," said David Lewin, Lead Senior Partner at Novacap.
“Ever since our first investment in Nuvei in 2017, CDPQ is proud to have supported this Québec fintech leader at every stage of its growth, particularly through acquisitions on a global scale. We are delighted to accompany Nuvei once again as it embarks on this new chapter of its history, alongside recognized partners such as Advent, as well as existing shareholders Philip Fayer and Novacap,” said Kim Thomassin, Executive Vice-President and Head of Québec at CDPQ.
Bo Huang, Managing Director at Advent, said: “We are excited to begin this partnership and support Nuvei’s growth through investments and acquisitions to best serve its customers globally as a modern payments partner.”
Consideration for the Shares has been remitted by or on behalf of the Purchaser to TSX Trust Company as depositary under the Arrangement, and will be paid to former shareholders of the Company as soon as reasonably practicable after the date hereof (or, in the case of registered shareholders, as soon as reasonably practicable after a properly completed and signed letter of transmittal is received by the depositary together with the share certificate(s) and/or DRS Advice(s) representing Shares formerly held by them).
As a result of the completion of the Arrangement, it is expected that the Subordinate Voting Shares will be de-listed from the Toronto Stock Exchange on or about November 18, 2024 and from the Nasdaq Global Select Market on or about November 25, 2024. The Company has applied to cease to be a reporting issuer under Canadian securities laws in all Canadian jurisdictions. The Company will also deregister the Subordinate Voting Shares under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Early Warning Reporting
Further to the requirements of National Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids and National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues, the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof and Philip Fayer and certain entities controlled by Philip Fayer will file an early warning report in accordance with applicable securities laws. A copy of each of the early warning reports will be made available under Nuvei's profile on SEDAR+ at
Immediately prior to closing of the Arrangement and the related transactions, AI Maple Aggregator, L.P. ("Maple Aggregator"), an entity formed by Advent with an indirect interest in the Purchaser, did not own, or exercise control or direction over, directly or indirectly, any Shares. Upon the completion of the Arrangement, Maple Aggregator, through its indirect interest in the Purchaser, controls 46% of the 66,096,274 Subordinate Voting Shares and 76,064,619 Multiple Voting Shares issued and outstanding in the capital of the Company. The consideration paid by the Purchaser for the Shares (excluding any Rollover Shares exchanged for shares in the capital of the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof) was US$34.00 per Share (equivalent to C$47.69). The Rollover Shares exchanged for shares in the capital of the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof had an implied value of US$34.00 (equivalent to C$47.69). All figures in this press release have been calculated using a US$:C$ exchange rate of 1.4027, being the daily US$:C$ exchange rate published by the Bank of Canada for November 14, 2024.
Immediately prior to closing of the Arrangement and the related transactions, Philip Fayer and certain entities controlled by Philip Fayer beneficially owned and controlled 27,857,328 Multiple Voting Shares (representing 36.62% of the issued and outstanding Multiple Voting Shares) and 124,986 Subordinate Voting Shares (representing 0.2% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares). In connection with the Arrangement, Philip Fayer and such entities sold their Shares directly or indirectly to the Purchaser at an implied value of US$34.00 per Share (equivalent to C$47.69) for aggregate cash proceeds of US$75,096,573 and common shares of the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof at an aggregate implied value of US$876,302,102. Following completion of the Arrangement, Philip Fayer and an entity controlled by him became shareholders of the Purchaser’s indirect parent company and no longer beneficially own or control any Shares. Mr. Fayer now indirectly owns or controls approximately 24% of the equity in the resulting private company. Further information and a copy of the early warning report of Philip Fayer may be obtained by contacting:
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “Forward-looking information”) within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This Forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as “may”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “foresee”, “believe”, or “continue”, the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all Forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements with respect to the delisting of the Subordinate Voting Shares from the Toronto Stock Exchange and from the Nasdaq Global Select Market, the Company ceasing to be a reporting issuer under applicable Canadian securities laws and the deregistration of the Subordinate Voting Shares under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, are Forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain Forward-looking information. Statements containing Forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the Forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what management believes are reasonable assumptions, readers are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the Forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such Forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the possibility that the Subordinate Voting Shares will not be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq Global Select Market within the timing currently contemplated, that the Subordinate Voting Shares may not be delisted at all, due to failure to satisfy, in a timely manner or otherwise, conditions necessary for the delisting of the Subordinate Voting Shares or for other reasons, and that the Company’s application to cease to be a reporting issuer under applicable Canadian securities laws may not be accepted or may be delayed.
Consequently, all of the Forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the Forward-looking information contained herein represents the Company’s expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such Forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
MONTREAL, November 13, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI)(TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announced today that it has received all regulatory approvals required in connection with the closing of the previously-announced plan of arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act (the “Arrangement”) involving the Company and Neon Maple Purchaser Inc., an entity formed by Advent International, with the support and participation of Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. and CDPQ. The Company expects that, subject to the satisfaction at closing of the remaining closing conditions, the Arrangement will be completed on or about November 15, 2024.
The Arrangement was approved by Nuvei shareholders at a special meeting of shareholders held on June 18, 2024, and the Company obtained a final order from the Superior Court of Québec (Commercial Division) approving the Arrangement on June 20, 2024.
Further details regarding the Arrangement are provided in the management information circular of the Company dated May 13, 2024, which was mailed to Nuvei shareholders in connection with the Arrangement, a copy of which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “Forward-looking information”) within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This Forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as “may”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “foresee”, “believe”, or “continue”, the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all Forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the Arrangement, including the proposed timing of completion of the Arrangement, are Forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain Forward-looking information. Statements containing Forward looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the Forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what management believes are reasonable assumptions, readers are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the Forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such Forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024, and under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Arrangement, the failure of the parties to satisfy the remaining conditions to the completion of the Arrangement or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the Arrangement, and general economic conditions. Failure to satisfy the remaining conditions to the completion of the Arrangement may result in the Arrangement not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the Arrangement is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Arrangement and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the Arrangement could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee to the purchaser pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement governing the Arrangement, which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Consequently, all of the Forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that management anticipates will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on the Company’s business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the Forward-looking information contained herein represents the Company’s expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such Forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
MONTREAL, NOVEMBER 12, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today reported its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
“We are pleased to report third quarter financial results that underscore the rapid scaling of our business, with total volume increasing 27% and revenue higher by 17% year-over-year, setting us up well to achieve our targeted growth in the quarters and years ahead as we deliver more differentiated value across our global payment solutions platform,” said Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO. “Our business remains highly profitable, with third quarter margins reflecting opportunistic investments to expand our global footprint. As we look to finalize our pending take-private, we are already executing on a highly compelling value creation plan, and we have initiated the process of adding 300-plus new roles across our product, technology, and commercial teams,” concluded Fayer.
Financial Highlights for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to 2023:
Total volume(a) increased by 27% to $61.3 billion from $48.2 billion;
Revenue increased by 17% to $357.6 million from $304.9 million;
Net income increased to $17.2 million from a net loss of $18.1 million;
Adjusted EBITDA(b) decreased by 2% to $108.8 million from $110.7 million;
Adjusted net income(b) decreased by 8% to $52.3 million from $56.8 million;
Net income per diluted share increased to $0.10 from a net loss per diluted share of $0.14;
Adjusted net income per diluted share(b) decreased by 13% to $0.34 from $0.39;
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures(b) decreased to $92.6 million from $97.5 million.
Financial Highlights for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to 2023:
Total volume(a) increased by 30% to $183.1 billion from $141.2 billion;
Revenue increased 20% to $1,038.2 million from $868.4 million;
Net income increased to $17.8 million from a net loss of $14.8 million;
Adjusted EBITDA(b) increased by 7% to $340.4 million from $317.3 million;
Adjusted net income(b) decreased by 1% to $177.4 million from $179.3 million;
Net income per diluted share increased to $0.08 from a net loss per diluted share of $0.14;
Adjusted net income per diluted share(b) decreased by 4% to $1.16 from $1.21;
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures(b)increased by 4% to $288.0 million from $277.0 million; and,
Cash dividends declared were $42.3 million.
(a) Total volume does not represent revenue earned by the Company, but rather the total dollar value of transactions processed by merchants under contractual agreement with the Company. See “Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures”.
(b) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income per diluted share and Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures are non-IFRS measures and non-IFRS ratios. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS and do not have standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. See “Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures”.
Proposed take private transaction
As previously announced, on April 1, 2024 the Company entered into a definitive arrangement agreement to be taken private by Advent International (“Advent”), one of the world’s largest and most experienced global private equity investors, as well as a longstanding sponsor in the payments space, alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, in an all-cash transaction which values the Company at an enterprise value of approximately $6.3 billion (the “Proposed transaction”). Advent will acquire all the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares and any Multiple Voting Shares (collectively the “Shares”) that are not Rollover Shares , for a price of $34.00 per Share, in cash. This price represents an attractive and significant premium of approximately 56% to the closing price of the Subordinate Voting Shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”) on March 15, 2024, the last trading day prior to media reports concerning a potential transaction involving the Company, and a premium of approximately 48% to the 90-day volume weighted average trading price per Subordinate Voting Share as of such date.
The Proposed transaction will be implemented by way of a statutory plan of arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act. The Proposed transaction was approved by shareholders at a special meeting held on June 18, 2024 and received court approval on June 20, 2024. The Proposed transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of key regulatory approvals (a majority of which were received and/or for which the waiting period has expired as of the date hereof, with a limited number of approvals remaining outstanding), is not subject to any financing condition and, assuming the timely receipt of all required key regulatory approvals, is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Following completion of the transaction, it is expected that the Subordinate Voting Shares will be delisted from each of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq and that Nuvei will cease to be a reporting issuer in all applicable Canadian jurisdictions and will deregister the Subordinate Voting Shares with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”).
Cash Dividend
Nuvei today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized and declared a cash dividend of $0.10 per Subordinate Voting Share and Multiple Voting Share, payable on December 12, 2024 to shareholders of record on November 26, 2024. The aggregate amount of the dividend is expected to be approximately $14 million, to be funded from the Company’s existing cash on hand. In accordance with the Plan of arrangement, shareholders are entitled to dividends with a record date prior to the effective date of the Proposed transaction. Should the Proposed transaction be completed before the record date, the dividend will not be paid. Accordingly, payment of the dividend will be made on December 12, 2024 if the Proposed transaction is not completed prior to the record date of November 26, 2024.
The Company, for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any similar provincial or territorial legislation, designates the dividend declared for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, and any future dividends, to be eligible dividends. The Company further expects to report such dividends as a dividend to U.S. shareholders for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Subject to applicable limitations, dividends paid to certain non-corporate U.S. shareholders may be eligible for taxation as “qualified dividend income” and therefore may be taxable at rates applicable to long-term capital gains. A U.S. shareholder should talk to its advisor regarding such dividends, including with respect to the “extraordinary dividend” provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (US).
The declaration, timing, amount and payment of future dividends remain at the discretion of the Board of Directors, as more fully described under the heading “Forward-Looking Information” of this press release.
Conference Call, Financial Outlook and Growth Targets
In light of the Proposed transaction, Nuvei no longer holds earnings conference calls or provides a financial outlook or growth targets.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 720 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Nuvei’s condensed interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS applicable to the preparation of interim financial statements, including IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the IASB. The information presented in this press release includes non-IFRS financial measures, non-IFRS financial ratios and supplementary financial measures, namely Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income per basic share, Adjusted net income per diluted share, Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures and Total volume. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS and do not have standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Rather, these measures are provided as additional information to complement IFRS measures by providing further understanding of our results of operations from our perspective. Accordingly, these measures should not be considered in isolation nor as a substitute for analysis of the Company’s financial statements reported under IFRS. These measures are used to provide investors with additional insight of our operating performance and thus highlight trends in Nuvei’s business that may not otherwise be apparent when relying solely on IFRS measures. We also believe that securities analysts, investors and other interested parties frequently use these non-IFRS and other financial measures in the evaluation of issuers. We also use these measures to facilitate operating performance comparisons from period to period, to prepare annual operating budgets and forecasts and to determine components of management compensation. We believe these measures are important additional measures of our performance, primarily because they and similar measures are used widely among others in the payment technology industry as a means of evaluating a company’s underlying operating performance.
Non-IFRS Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA: We use Adjusted EBITDA as a means to evaluate operating performance, by eliminating the impact of non-operational or non-cash items. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) before finance costs (recovery), finance income, depreciation and amortization, income tax expense, acquisition, integration and severance costs, share-based payments and related payroll taxes, loss (gain) on foreign currency exchange, and legal settlement and other.
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures: We use Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures (which we define as acquisition of intangible assets and property and equipment) as a supplementary indicator of our operating performance.
Adjusted net income: We use Adjusted net income as an indicator of business performance and profitability with our current tax and capital structure. Adjusted net income is defined as net income (loss) before acquisition, integration and severance costs, share-based payments and related payroll taxes, loss (gain) on foreign currency exchange, amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets, and the related income tax expense or recovery for these items. Adjusted net income also excludes change in redemption value of liability-classified common and preferred shares, change in fair value of share repurchase liability and accelerated amortization of deferred financing fees and legal settlement and other.
Non-IFRS Financial Ratios
Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share: We use Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share as an indicator of performance and profitability of our business on a per share basis. Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share means Adjusted net income less net income attributable to non-controlling interest divided by the basic and diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period, respectively. The number of share-based awards used in the diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding in the Adjusted net income per diluted share calculation is determined using the treasury stock method as permitted under IFRS.
Supplementary Financial Measures
We monitor the following key performance indicators to help us evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, formulate business plans and make strategic decisions. Our key performance indicators may be calculated in a manner that differs from similar key performance indicators used by other companies.
Total volume: We believe Total volume is an indicator of performance of our business. Total volume and similar measures are used widely among others in the payments industry as a means of evaluating a company’s performance. We define Total volume as the total dollar value of transactions processed in the period by customers under contractual agreement with us. Total volume does not represent revenue earned by us. Total volume includes acquiring volume, where we are in the flow of funds in the settlement transaction cycle, gateway/technology volume, where we provide our gateway/technology services but are not in the flow of funds in the settlement transaction cycle, as well as the total dollar value of transactions processed relating to APMs and payouts. Since our revenue is primarily sales volume and transaction-based, generated from merchants’ daily sales and through various fees for value-added services provided to our customers, fluctuations in Total volume will generally impact our revenue.
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “Forward-looking information”) within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information may include, without limitation, information with respect to our objectives and the strategies to achieve these objectives, as well as information with respect to our beliefs, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as “may”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “foresee”, “believe”, or “continue”, the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, information regarding our expectations of future results, performance, achievements, prospects or opportunities or the markets in which we operate, expectations regarding industry trends and the size and growth rates of addressable markets, our business plans and growth strategies, addressable market opportunity for our solutions, expectations regarding growth and cross-selling opportunities and intention to capture an increasing share of addressable markets, the costs and success of our sales and marketing efforts, intentions to expand existing relationships, further penetrate verticals, enter new geographical markets, expand into and further increase penetration of international markets, intentions to selectively pursue and successfully integrate acquisitions, and expected acquisition outcomes, cost savings, synergies and benefits, including with respect to the acquisition of Paya, future investments in our business and anticipated capital expenditures, our intention to continuously innovate, differentiate and enhance our platform and solutions, expected pace of ongoing legislation of regulated activities and industries, our competitive strengths and competitive position in our industry, and expectations regarding our revenue, revenue mix and the revenue generation potential of our solutions and expectations regarding our margins and future profitability, as well as statements regarding the Proposed transaction with Advent International L.P., alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc., and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction and statements regarding the plans, objectives, and intentions of Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc., Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec or Advent, are forward-looking information. Economic and geopolitical uncertainties, including regional conflicts and wars, including potential impacts of sanctions, may also heighten the impact of certain factors described herein.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, regarding, among other things, assumptions regarding foreign exchange rate, competition, political environment and economic performance of each region where the Company operates and general economic conditions and the competitive environment within our industry, including the following assumptions: (a) the Company will continue to effectively execute against its key strategic growth priorities, without any material adverse impact from macroeconomic or geopolitical headwinds on its or its customers' business, financial condition, financial performance, liquidity or any significant reduction in demand for its products and services, (b) the economic conditions in our core markets, geographies and verticals, including resulting consumer spending and employment, remaining at close to current levels, (c) assumptions as to foreign exchange rates and interest rates, including inflation, (d) the Company's continued ability to manage its growth effectively, (e) the Company's ability to continue to attract and retain key talent and personnel required to achieve its plans and strategies, including sales, marketing, support and product and technology operations, in each case both domestically and internationally, (f) the Company’s ability to successfully identify, complete, integrate and realize the expected benefits of past and recent acquisitions and manage the associated risks, as well as future acquisitions, (g) the absence of adverse changes in legislative or regulatory matters, (h) the Company’s continued ability to upskill and modify its compliance capabilities as regulations change or as the Company enters new markets or offers new products or services, (i) the Company’s continued ability to access liquidity and capital resources, including its ability to secure debt or equity financing on satisfactory terms, and (j) the absence of adverse changes in current tax laws. Unless otherwise indicated, forward-looking information does not give effect to the potential impact of any mergers, acquisitions, divestitures or business combinations that may be announced or closed after the date hereof. Although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. [These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all.] In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Our dividend policy is at the discretion of the Board. Any future determination to declare cash dividends on our securities will be made at the discretion of our Board, subject to applicable Canadian laws, and will depend on a number of factors, including our financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements, contractual restrictions (including covenants contained in our credit facilities), general business conditions and other factors that our Board may deem relevant. Further, our ability to pay dividends, as well as make share repurchases, will be subject to applicable laws and contractual restrictions contained in the instruments governing our indebtedness, including our credit facility. Any of the foregoing may have the result of restricting future dividends or share repurchases.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
(i) professional, legal, consulting, accounting and other fees and expenses related to our acquisition and financing activities, including the expenses related to the Proposed transaction. For the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024, these expenses were $2.4 million and $16.8 million ($3.4 million and $23.0 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023). These costs are presented in the professional fees line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(ii) acquisition-related compensation was $0.7 million and $2.4 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and $0.6 million and $3.5 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023. These costs are presented in the employee compensation line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iii) change in deferred purchase consideration for previously acquired businesses. No amount was recognized for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. These amounts are presented in the contingent consideration adjustment line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iv) severance and integration expenses, which were $4.6 million and $5.1 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 ($1.1 million and $10.6 million for three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023). These expenses are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses and cost of revenue.
(b) These expenses are recognized in connection with stock options and other awards issued under share-based plans as well as related payroll taxes that are directly attributable to share-based payments. For the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the expenses consisted of non-cash share-based payments of $14.9 million and $65.3 million ($34.0 million and $105.5 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023), $0.5 million and $4.9 million for related payroll taxes ($0.1 million and $0.9 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023),
(c) This primarily represents legal settlements and associated legal costs, as well as non-cash gains, losses and provisions and certain other costs. These costs are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the gain consisted mainly of a gain on business combination of $4.0 million.
(a) This line item relates to amortization expense taken on intangible assets created from the purchase price adjustment process on acquired companies and businesses and resulting from a change in control of the Company.
(b) These expenses relate to:
(i) professional, legal, consulting, accounting and other fees and expenses related to our acquisition and financing activities, including the expenses related to the Proposed transaction. For the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024, these expenses were $2.4 million and $16.8 million ($3.4 million and $23.0 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023). These costs are presented in the professional fees line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(ii) acquisition-related compensation was $0.7 million and $2.4 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and $0.6 million and $3.5 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023. These costs are presented in the employee compensation line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iii) change in deferred purchase consideration for previously acquired businesses. No amount was recognized for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. These amounts are presented in the contingent consideration adjustment line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iv) severance and integration expenses, which were $4.6 million and $5.1 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024 ($1.1 million and $10.6 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023). These expenses are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses and cost of revenue.
(c) These expenses are recognized in connection with stock options and other awards issued under share-based plans as well as related payroll taxes that are directly attributable to share-based payments. For the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the expenses consisted of non-cash share-based payments of $14.9 million and $65.3 million ($34.0 million and $105.5 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023), $0.5 million and $4.9 million for related payroll taxes ($0.1 million and $0.9 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2023).
(d) This primarily represents legal settlements and associated legal costs, as well as non-cash gains, losses and provisions and certain other costs. These costs are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the gain consisted mainly of a gain on business combination of $4.0 million.
(e) This line item reflects income tax expense on taxable adjustments using the tax rate of the applicable jurisdiction.
(f) The number of share-based awards used in the diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding in the Adjusted net income per diluted share calculation is determined using the treasury stock method as permitted under IFRS.
MONTREAL and AUSTIN, October 22, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announced it has partnered with BigCommerce (Nasdaq: BIGC), a leading open SaaS and composable ecommerce platform for fast-growing and established B2C and B2B brands and retailers. This partnership, launching internationally across North America, Europe and APAC, enables BigCommerce customers to access Nuvei's comprehensive suite of omnichannel payment solutions through its Nuvei for Platforms solution, bridging the gap between online and in-store experiences through a single payment processing partner.
Nuvei's offering for BigCommerce customers provides comprehensive transaction processing capabilities, including payment acceptance, pre-authorization, refund management, advanced 3DS2 technology, multi-currency support, stored card processing, and embedded checkout integration. BigCommerce brands and retailers benefit from bank-agnostic fast settlements, access to all the relevant alternative payment methods, centralized payment management, and dedicated integration support. This single, seamless solution empowers businesses to streamline operations, cater to diverse customer preferences, and optimize payment processing costs while ensuring quick access to revenue through same-day or next-day funding.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: “We are thrilled to partner with BigCommerce to bring our cutting-edge Nuvei for Platforms payment solutions to their global customer base, beginning in the North American, European and Australian markets. This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to connect businesses to their customers more deeply through payments, offering tailored solutions that cater to the specific needs of eCommerce businesses that are focused on scaling their business.”
Fayer added: “By combining Nuvei's expertise in unified payment solutions with BigCommerce's robust platform, we're providing customers with the tools they need to succeed in both digital and physical marketplaces.”
Shannon Ingrey, Vice President and General Manager, APAC, at BigCommerce, stated: “Our partnership with Nuvei further illustrates our commitment to providing customers access to the highest-caliber technologies and service providers available in the industry. Nuvei shares our desire to help brands and retailers sell more and grow faster to maximize success, and we look forward to working together to mutually support customers.”
Nuvei For Platforms: Accelerating growth through integrated payments
This partnership is the latest announcement from Nuvei as it continues to strengthen its global reach in the global eCommerce SaaS market, one of the fastest growing subsectors of eCommerce. Nuvei for Platforms, Nuvei’s suite of integrated payments solutions, empowers businesses to accelerate growth and drive revenue by providing them with a fully customizable solution to embed enterprise-grade payments technology into their own platforms. This solution enables platforms to offer complex, high-performance payment solutions that were once only available to large enterprises, now accessible to businesses of all sizes.
About BigCommerce
BigCommerce (Nasdaq: BIGC) is a leading open SaaS and composable ecommerce platform that empowers brands and retailers of all sizes to build, innovate and grow their businesses online. BigCommerce provides its customers sophisticated enterprise-grade functionality, customization and performance with simplicity and ease-of-use. Tens of thousands of B2C and B2B companies across 150 countries and numerous industries rely on BigCommerce, including Burrow, Coldwater Creek, Francesca’s, Harvey Nichols, King Arthur Baking Co., MKM Building Supplies, United Aqua Group and Uplift Desk. For more information, please visit or follow us on X and LinkedIn.
BigCommerce® is a registered trademark of BigCommerce Pty. Ltd. Third-party trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
TOKYO and MONTREAL, October 8, 2024 – JCB International Co., Ltd. ("JCB"), Japan's only international payment brand, today announced that it has expanded its global partnership with Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, to include Singapore and Hong Kong. This expansion builds upon Nuvei's existing relationship with JCB in Europe, further strengthening Nuvei's position in the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific (APAC) eCommerce market.
Through this enhanced partnership, Nuvei now offers JCB acceptance to its global merchant ecosystem, enabling JCB's community of more than 158 million cardmembers to pay directly to online businesses integrated with Nuvei. This development is particularly significant for Nuvei's customers in the APAC region, including leading eCommerce brands such as Charles & Keith.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: "Extending our partnership with JCB to Singapore and Hong Kong enhances our service offering for businesses in strategic APAC markets and demonstrates our commitment to providing comprehensive payment solutions that drive growth for our clients globally."
Nuvei's modular payments platform enables clients to securely connect with customers in over 200 markets worldwide through a single integration, accepting 716 alternative payment methods and offering acquiring in over 50 markets. This extensive reach and flexibility are particularly valuable in the context of the rapidly expanding eCommerce markets in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Hiroko Michishita, Managing Director, JCB International Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., said, “Between 2021 and 2022, JCB has almost doubled the volume of ecommerce transactions in Singapore. While East Asia is our traditional stronghold, we have seen substantial growth in our ASEAN card base of 132% from 2018 to 2023. Nuvei’s latest expansion into Singapore and Hong Kong complements JCB’s long-term growth strategy. We are confident that Nuvei’s presence in Asia will enable both companies to work closer together and quickly achieve substantial sales volumes.”
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes about 49 million merchants around the world. JCB Cards are now issued mainly in Asian countries and territories, with more than 158 million cardmembers. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase its merchant coverage and cardmember base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit:
MONTREAL, September 24 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announced the launch of several new features and enhancements for its Nuvei for Platforms product.
Nuvei for Platforms is designed to accelerate growth and drive revenue for various business models, including marketplaces, commerce platforms, the gig economy, payment facilitators, and independent software vendors (ISVs). Through a single integration, businesses can customize Nuvei's comprehensive suite of payments technology, including merchant onboarding, pay-ins and payouts, optimization, orchestration, fraud prevention, and risk management.
Highlights of Nuvei for Platforms’ new features and enhancements include:
Decoupled pay-ins and payouts to provide greater flexibility in managing cash flow, optimize currency conversions, and tailor payment strategies to specific market needs. Businesses can also expand their geographic reach for payment acceptance, choosing from over 700 local and alternative payment methods. Nuvei for Platforms currently supports decoupled pay-ins and payouts in the UK and EU, with global expansion to follow.
Split Payments: Nuvei's split payments feature streamlines operations by automatically splitting each processed transaction into the platform's commission and the seller's fee, ensuring PSD2 compliance. It also enables seamless multi-seller management and simplifies regulatory compliance by keeping the platform out of the money flow.
Auto Reconciliation: Nuvei's auto reconciliation capabilities consolidate multiple incoming payment flows into a single payout to the seller or platform, simplifying accounting and operations.
Balance Management: New features include the ability to transfer funds between marketplace and seller accounts, allowing platforms to charge for corrections or monthly fees.
Seller Invoicing: Nuvei’s seller invoicing feature has been updated to offer enhanced customization and white-label options, allowing businesses to tailor invoices to their brand identity and specific operational needs.
Amidst the digital transformation of the global commerce landscape, the Embedded Payments market is poised for continued rapid growth, translating into substantial revenue opportunities for Nuvei via its Nuvei for Platforms product suite. The market, valued at approximately USD $83bn in 2023, is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of greater than 30%, reaching an estimated $730bn by 2032.
"Our mission is to empower businesses to connect more deeply with their customers through innovative payments solutions. This new functionality is a testament to that commitment," said Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO. "By enhancing the embedded payments capabilities of our platform, we're enabling our customers – from marketplaces and commerce platforms to payment facilitators and software providers – to offer a seamless, customized payments experience that unlocks new growth opportunities."
The growth of marketplace payments
Marketplace payments are experiencing rapid growth, driven by the surge in eCommerce adoption and the international expansion of many of the globe’s leading online marketplaces. Marketplaces are now the single largest source of online consumer purchases, with estimates ranging from 40-60% of all consumer payments taking place via a marketplace platform. The relevance of marketplaces will continue to grow, with Gross Merchandise Value reaching an estimated $3.8tn for the top 100 global marketplaces in 2024.
By leveraging Nuvei's cutting-edge solutions, businesses can unlock new revenue streams and capitalize on the booming marketplace economy. The flexibility and control provided by the decoupled pay-in and payout processes, along with the availability of localized payment methods, position Nuvei as a key strategic partner in driving marketplace success.
In conjunction with introducing these new product enhancements to its Nuvei for Platforms offering, Nuvei recently acquired marketplace technology provider Payaut and is excited to welcome its expert team that brings even more specialized knowledge to support our ongoing commitment to innovation in the payments space.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, September 5 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announces today that it has published its third annual ESG Report for 2023.
The report details Nuvei’s ongoing achievements across the key pillars of its ESG strategy and highlights the various ways Nuvei continues to deliver on its vision of being a people-first, technology-led global payments platform.
“Sound corporate governance, strong information security procedures, team member well-being, positive community contributions, and environmental stewardship have been cornerstones of our culture since our inception more than 20 years ago,” said Philip Fayer, Chair and CEO of Nuvei. “We remain committed to an ESG journey that relies on continuous improvement in our transparency, accountability, and results.”
A selection of Nuvei’s 2023 ESG achievements detailed in the report include:
Integrating ESG Materiality Assessment Results: Nuvei worked to incorporate the results of the inaugural ESG Materiality Assessment and align the Company’s ESG priorities with long-term strategy
ESG Policy: The Company established a formal ESG Policy summarizing its commitments and sustainability initiatives
Team Member Engagement Survey: Nuvei completed and began implementing the results from its first companywide team member engagement survey. Through this process and team member insights the Company established new team member resources and engagement initiatives
Team Member Resource Group: The Company established a formal Team Member Resource Group, OneNuvei, and its three sub-groups: DE&I, Whole Person Wellness and Global Collaboration
Commitment to Gender Equality: As the Company continually strives to empower its team members and achieve equality regardless of gender, Nuvei is proud to have met a goal set out by the Company’s Board Diversity Policy for Women to represent at least 30% of the Board by the end of fiscal year 2023
GHG Emissions Assessment: Nuvei further assessed the results of its formal Greenhouse Gas ("GHG") Inventory to better understand its environmental impact and identify where the Company can make the most difference
Data in this report has been aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards (SASB) Technology and Communications standards for the Software and IT Services Industry and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)
The full report is available to read and download online here.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL and NOKOMIS, Florida, August 8 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announces its partnership with Scanco Software, LLC ("Scanco"), a leading provider of innovative software solutions for the manufacturing and distribution industries, to enhance Scanco’s new Invoice2Payment (i2PAY) solution.
i2PAY complements Scanco’s existing warehouse management capabilities with payments features including online payment processing, email receipts, automated deposits, and advanced analytics. Collaborating with Nuvei enables Scanco customers to access a market-leading suite of payment solutions, including Card-Not-Present and ACH processing capabilities, integrated directly into Scanco customers' enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, including Sage, to facilitate simplified workflows, increase back-office efficiencies, and shorten invoice-to-cash cycles.
Nuvei's ERP payments engine delivers seamlessly integrated payment acceptance and disbursement solutions to its customers, as well as single-view visibility of data and insights needed to make faster, better-informed decisions. By leveraging Nuvei's deep ERP payments expertise, and delivering near-real-time payment information, Scanco customers will be able to reconcile financial information across systems and improve visibility more efficiently.
The partnership helps Scanco facilitate its aspirations to develop an Autonomous Supply Chain platform across eCommerce, Distributed Order Management, Warehouse Management Systems and Production and Shipping. Also, by utilizing Nuvei's global reach Scanco will achieve its future international expansion plans.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement:
By integrating our advanced B2B payment capabilities with Scanco's innovative software, we're enabling businesses to streamline their operations, improve cash flow, and make more informed financial decisions.
Andy Nunez, President & CEO of Scanco, added:
Partnering with Nuvei allows us to offer our customers a comprehensive payment solution in i2PAY that addresses the critical payment requirements of our customers. The integration of Nuvei's payment technologies with our mobility solutions will provide unparalleled efficiency and visibility for businesses operating in warehouse and manufacturing environments.
This partnership marks a significant step for Nuvei in increasing its integrated distribution and solidifying its presence as the provider of payment solutions to manufacturing and distribution customers in this rapidly growing sector.
About Scanco
Over the years, Scanco Software, LLC ( has been at the forefront of developing new technologies for mobile warehouse, manufacturing, and payment automation solutions. Scanco's solutions deliver unequaled efficiency and visibility for distribution and manufacturing companies around the globe.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Nuvei reports in U.S. dollars and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)
MONTREAL, AUGUST 6, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today reported its financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024.
Financial Highlights for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 Compared to 2023:
Total volume(a) increased by 22% to $61.7 billion from $50.6 billion;
Revenue increased by 13% to $345.5 million from $307.0 million;
Net income decreased by 54% to $5.3 million from $11.6 million;
Adjusted EBITDA(b) increased by 6% to $116.8 million from $110.3 million;
Adjusted net income(b) increased by 8% to $62.6 million from $58.1 million;
Net income per diluted share decreased to $0.02 from $0.07;
Adjusted net income per diluted share(b) increased by 5% to $0.41 from $0.39 ;
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures(b) increased to $96.4 million from $95.9 million.
Financial Highlights for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 Compared to 2023:
Total volume(a) increased by 31% to $121.8 billion from $93.0 billion;
Revenue increased 21% to $680.6 million from $563.5 million;
Net income decreased by 84% to $0.5 million from $3.3 million;
Adjusted EBITDA(b) increased by 12% to $231.6 million from $206.6 million;
Adjusted net income(b) increased by 2% to $125.1 million from $122.5 million;
Net loss per diluted share was $0.02 compared to net income per diluted share of $0.00;
Adjusted net income per diluted share(b) was stable at $0.83;
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures(b) increased by 9% to $195.5 million from $179.5 million; and,
Cash dividends declared were $28.2 million.
(a) Total volume does not represent revenue earned by the Company, but rather the total dollar value of transactions processed by merchants under contractual agreement with the Company. See “Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures”.
(b) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income per diluted share and Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures are non-IFRS measures and non-IFRS ratios. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS and do not have standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. See “Non-IFRS and Other Financial Measures”.
Proposed take private transaction
As previously announced, on April 1, 2024 the Company entered into a definitive arrangement agreement to be taken private by Advent International (“Advent”), one of the world’s largest and most experienced global private equity investors, as well as a longstanding sponsor in the payments space, alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, in an all-cash transaction which values the Company at an enterprise value of approximately $6.3 billion (the “Proposed transaction”). Advent will acquire all the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares and any Multiple Voting Shares (collectively the “Shares”) that are not Rollover Shares , for a price of $34.00 per Share, in cash. This price represents an attractive and significant premium of approximately 56% to the closing price of the Subordinate Voting Shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”) on March 15, 2024, the last trading day prior to media reports concerning a potential transaction involving the Company, and a premium of approximately 48% to the 90-day volume weighted average trading price per Subordinate Voting Share as of such date.
The Proposed transaction will be implemented by way of a statutory plan of arrangement under the Canada Business Corporations Act. The Proposed transaction was approved by shareholders at a special meeting held on June 18, 2024 and received court approval on June 20, 2024. The proposed transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of key regulatory approvals (a number of which were received and/or for which the waiting period has expired as of the date hereof, with several approvals remaining outstanding), is not subject to any financing condition and, assuming the timely receipt of all required key regulatory approvals, is expected to close in late 2024 or the first quarter of 2025.
Following completion of the transaction, it is expected that the Subordinate Voting Shares will be delisted from each of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq and that Nuvei will cease to be a reporting issuer in all applicable Canadian jurisdictions and will deregister the Subordinate Voting Shares with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”).
Cash Dividend
Nuvei today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized and declared a cash dividend of $0.10 per Subordinate Voting Share and Multiple Voting Share, payable on September 5, 2024 to shareholders of record on August 20, 2024. The aggregate amount of the dividend is expected to be approximately $14 million, to be funded from the Company’s existing cash on hand.
The Company, for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any similar provincial or territorial legislation, designates the dividend declared for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, and any future dividends, to be eligible dividends. The Company further expects to report such dividends as a dividend to U.S. shareholders for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Subject to applicable limitations, dividends paid to certain non-corporate U.S. shareholders may be eligible for taxation as “qualified dividend income” and therefore may be taxable at rates applicable to long-term capital gains. A U.S. shareholder should talk to its advisor regarding such dividends, including with respect to the “extraordinary dividend” provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (US).
The declaration, timing, amount and payment of future dividends remain at the discretion of the Board of Directors, as more fully described under the heading “Forward-Looking Information” of this press release.
Conference Call, Financial Outlook and Growth Targets
In light of the Proposed transaction, Nuvei no longer holds earnings conference calls or provides its financial outlook or growth targets.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 716 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Nuvei’s condensed interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS applicable to the preparation of interim financial statements, including IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the IASB. The information presented in this press release includes non-IFRS financial measures, non-IFRS financial ratios and supplementary financial measures, namely Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income per basic share, Adjusted net income per diluted share, Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures and Total volume. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS and do not have standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Rather, these measures are provided as additional information to complement IFRS measures by providing further understanding of our results of operations from our perspective. Accordingly, these measures should not be considered in isolation nor as a substitute for analysis of the Company’s financial statements reported under IFRS. These measures are used to provide investors with additional insight of our operating performance and thus highlight trends in Nuvei’s business that may not otherwise be apparent when relying solely on IFRS measures. We also believe that securities analysts, investors and other interested parties frequently use these non-IFRS and other financial measures in the evaluation of issuers. We also use these measures to facilitate operating performance comparisons from period to period, to prepare annual operating budgets and forecasts and to determine components of management compensation. We believe these measures are important additional measures of our performance, primarily because they and similar measures are used widely among others in the payment technology industry as a means of evaluating a company’s underlying operating performance.
Non-IFRS Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA: We use Adjusted EBITDA as a means to evaluate operating performance, by eliminating the impact of non-operational or non-cash items. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) before finance costs (recovery), finance income, depreciation and amortization, income tax expense, acquisition, integration and severance costs, share-based payments and related payroll taxes, loss (gain) on foreign currency exchange, and legal settlement and other.
Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures: We use Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures (which we define as acquisition of intangible assets and property and equipment) as a supplementary indicator of our operating performance.
Adjusted net income: We use Adjusted net income as an indicator of business performance and profitability with our current tax and capital structure. Adjusted net income is defined as net income (loss) before acquisition, integration and severance costs, share-based payments and related payroll taxes, loss (gain) on foreign currency exchange, amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets, and the related income tax expense or recovery for these items. Adjusted net income also excludes change in redemption value of liability-classified common and preferred shares, change in fair value of share repurchase liability and accelerated amortization of deferred financing fees and legal settlement and other.
Non-IFRS Financial Ratios
Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share: We use Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share as an indicator of performance and profitability of our business on a per share basis. Adjusted net income per basic share and per diluted share means Adjusted net income less net income attributable to non-controlling interest divided by the basic and diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period, respectively. The number of share-based awards used in the diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding in the Adjusted net income per diluted share calculation is determined using the treasury stock method as permitted under IFRS.
Supplementary Financial Measures
We monitor the following key performance indicators to help us evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, formulate business plans and make strategic decisions. Our key performance indicators may be calculated in a manner that differs from similar key performance indicators used by other companies.
Total volume: We believe Total volume is an indicator of performance of our business. Total volume and similar measures are used widely among others in the payments industry as a means of evaluating a company’s performance. We define Total volume as the total dollar value of transactions processed in the period by customers under contractual agreement with us. Total volume does not represent revenue earned by us. Total volume includes acquiring volume, where we are in the flow of funds in the settlement transaction cycle, gateway/technology volume, where we provide our gateway/technology services but are not in the flow of funds in the settlement transaction cycle, as well as the total dollar value of transactions processed relating to APMs and payouts. Since our revenue is primarily sales volume and transaction-based, generated from merchants’ daily sales and through various fees for value-added services provided to our customers, fluctuations in Total volume will generally impact our revenue.
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “Forward-looking information”) within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information may include, without limitation, information with respect to our objectives and the strategies to achieve these objectives, as well as information with respect to our beliefs, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as “may”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “foresee”, “believe”, or “continue”, the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, information regarding our expectations of future results, performance, achievements, prospects or opportunities or the markets in which we operate, expectations regarding industry trends and the size and growth rates of addressable markets, our business plans and growth strategies, addressable market opportunity for our solutions, expectations regarding growth and cross-selling opportunities and intention to capture an increasing share of addressable markets, the costs and success of our sales and marketing efforts, intentions to expand existing relationships, further penetrate verticals, enter new geographical markets, expand into and further increase penetration of international markets, intentions to selectively pursue and successfully integrate acquisitions, and expected acquisition outcomes, cost savings, synergies and benefits, including with respect to the acquisition of Paya, future investments in our business and anticipated capital expenditures, our intention to continuously innovate, differentiate and enhance our platform and solutions, expected pace of ongoing legislation of regulated activities and industries, our competitive strengths and competitive position in our industry, and expectations regarding our revenue, revenue mix and the revenue generation potential of our solutions and expectations regarding our margins and future profitability, as well as statements regarding the Proposed transaction with Advent International L.P., alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc., and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction and statements regarding the plans, objectives, and intentions of Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc., Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec or Advent, are forward-looking information. Economic and geopolitical uncertainties, including regional conflicts and wars, including potential impacts of sanctions, may also heighten the impact of certain factors described herein.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management’s expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, regarding, among other things, assumptions regarding foreign exchange rate, competition, political environment and economic performance of each region where the Company operates and general economic conditions and the competitive environment within our industry, including the following assumptions: (a) the Company will continue to effectively execute against its key strategic growth priorities, without any material adverse impact from macroeconomic or geopolitical headwinds on its or its customers' business, financial condition, financial performance, liquidity or any significant reduction in demand for its products and services, (b) the economic conditions in our core markets, geographies and verticals, including resulting consumer spending and employment, remaining at close to current levels, (c) assumptions as to foreign exchange rates and interest rates, including inflation, (d) the Company's continued ability to manage its growth effectively, (e) the Company's ability to continue to attract and retain key talent and personnel required to achieve its plans and strategies, including sales, marketing, support and product and technology operations, in each case both domestically and internationally, (f) the Company’s ability to successfully identify, complete, integrate and realize the expected benefits of past and recent acquisitions and manage the associated risks, as well as future acquisitions, (g) the absence of adverse changes in legislative or regulatory matters, (h) the Company’s continued ability to upskill and modify its compliance capabilities as regulations change or as the Company enters new markets or offers new products or services, (i) the Company’s continued ability to access liquidity and capital resources, including its ability to secure debt or equity financing on satisfactory terms, and (j) the absence of adverse changes in current tax laws. Unless otherwise indicated, forward-looking information does not give effect to the potential impact of any mergers, acquisitions, divestitures or business combinations that may be announced or closed after the date hereof. Although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Our dividend policy is at the discretion of the Board. Any future determination to declare cash dividends on our securities will be made at the discretion of our Board, subject to applicable Canadian laws, and will depend on a number of factors, including our financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements, contractual restrictions (including covenants contained in our credit facilities), general business conditions and other factors that our Board may deem relevant. Further, our ability to pay dividends, as well as make share repurchases, will be subject to applicable laws and contractual restrictions contained in the instruments governing our indebtedness, including our credit facility. Any of the foregoing may have the result of restricting future dividends or share repurchases.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
(i) professional, legal, consulting, accounting and other fees and expenses related to our acquisition and financing activities, including the expenses related to the Proposed transaction. For the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024, these expenses were $4.2 million and $14.5 million ($1.1 million and $19.6 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023). These costs are presented in the professional fees line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(ii) acquisition-related compensation was $0.6 million and $1.7 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 and $0.7 million and $2.8 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023. These costs are presented in the employee compensation line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iii) change in deferred purchase consideration for previously acquired businesses. No amount was recognized for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. These amounts are presented in the contingent consideration adjustment line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iv) severance and integration expenses, which were $0.2 million and $0.5 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 ($4.8 million and $9.5 million for three months and six months ended June 30, 2023). These expenses are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses and cost of revenue.
(b) These expenses are recognized in connection with stock options and other awards issued under share-based plans as well as related payroll taxes that are directly attributable to share-based payments. For the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024, the expenses consisted of non-cash share-based payments of $20.6 million and $50.4 million ($35.9 million and $71.4 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023), $4.1 million and $4.3 million for related payroll taxes ($0.4 million and $0.9 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023),
(c) This primarily represents legal settlements and associated legal costs, as well as non-cash gains, losses and provisions and certain other costs. These costs are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the gain consisted mainly of a gain on business combination of $4.0 million.
(a) This line item relates to amortization expense taken on intangible assets created from the purchase price adjustment process on acquired companies and businesses and resulting from a change in control of the Company.
(b) These expenses relate to:
(i) professional, legal, consulting, accounting and other fees and expenses related to our acquisition and financing activities, including the expenses related to the Proposed transaction. For the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024, these expenses were $4.2 million and $14.5 million ($1.1 million and $19.6 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023). These costs are presented in the professional fees line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(ii) acquisition-related compensation was $0.6 million and $1.7 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 and $0.7 million and $2.8 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023. These costs are presented in the employee compensation line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iii) change in deferred purchase consideration for previously acquired businesses. No amount was recognized for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. These amounts are presented in the contingent consideration adjustment line item of selling, general and administrative expenses.
(iv) severance and integration expenses, which were $0.2 million and $0.5 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024 ($4.8 million and $9.5 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023). These expenses are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses and cost of revenue.
(c) These expenses are recognized in connection with stock options and other awards issued under share-based plans as well as related payroll taxes that are directly attributable to share-based payments. For the three months and six months ended June 30, 2024, the expenses consisted of non-cash share-based payments of $20.6 million and $50.4 million ($35.9 million and $71.4 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023), $4.1 million and $4.3 million for related payroll taxes ($0.4 million and $0.9 million for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2023).
(d) This primarily represents legal settlements and associated legal costs, as well as non-cash gains, losses and provisions and certain other costs. These costs are presented in selling, general and administrative expenses. For the three months ended June 30, 2024, the gain consisted mainly of a gain on business combination of $4.0 million.
(e) This line item reflects income tax expense on taxable adjustments using the tax rate of the applicable jurisdiction.
(f) The number of share-based awards used in the diluted weighted average number of common shares outstanding in the Adjusted net income per diluted share calculation is determined using the treasury stock method as permitted under IFRS.
[1] Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ (together with entities they control directly or indirectly, collectively, the "Rollover Shareholders") have agreed to roll approximately 95%, 65% and 75%, respectively, of their Shares (the "Rollover Shares") and are expected to receive in aggregate approximately US$560 million in cash for the Shares sold on closing. Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ are expected to indirectly own or control approximately 24%, 18% and 12%, respectively, of the equity in the resulting private company. Percentages and amount of expected cash proceeds are based on current assumed cash position and are subject to change as a result of cash generated before closing.
MONTREAL, August 5 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announces that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Pay2All Instituição de Pagamento Ltda. (“Pay2All”), a licensed Payment Institution authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil. This strategic milestone is expected to enhance Nuvei's capabilities in the Brazilian market and reinforces its commitment to the Latin American (LATAM) region.
The Payment Institution license will enable Nuvei to offer comprehensive payment services in Brazil as an Issuer of Electronic Currency. These include accepting payments, managing e-wallets and betting accounts, and participating in all of Brazil's local payment systems, including processing Pagamentos Instantâneos (“PIX”) transactions.
A Payment Institution license is required to provide transactional services for authorized operators in the newly regulated market of sports betting and online gaming, in accordance with Law No. 14.790/23. Brazil's iGaming market presents significant growth opportunities for Nuvei. Revenue in the Brazilian iGaming market is projected to reach US$1.97bn in 2024 and is predicted to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2029) of 15.39%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$4.03bn by 2029.
By securing a Payment Institution license, Nuvei will be well positioned as a payment partner of choice to the iGaming and broader eCommerce ecosystems in Brazil. The proposed transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of key regulatory approvals by the Central Bank of Brazil and local antitrust authorities.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: "Securing a Payment Institution license in Brazil has been a top priority, and will mark another significant milestone in our global expansion strategy. The proposed transaction not only strengthens our presence in LATAM but also demonstrates our commitment to providing fully localized and modern payment solutions to businesses in Brazil. We're excited to offer our full suite of services to help drive growth for the rapidly-growing eCommerce and iGaming operators in this dynamic market."
In 2024, Nuvei already signaled its commitment to growth in LATAM through its announcement that it was the first global payments company to offer direct local acquiring in Colombia. In addition to securing its impending Payment Institution license in Brazil, Nuvei is also currently implementing a local acquiring service in Mexico, leading to the fulfilment of processing requirements to become a direct acquirer under the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV). Further strategic expansion in LATAM is scheduled to follow.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
For more information, visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This Forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the obtaining of the Payment Institution license and the anticipated impacts thereof are forward-looking information. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances. Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management and involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such Forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024, and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024.
MONTREAL, July 24, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announced it will release its second quarter 2024 results after market close on August 6, 2024.
On April 1, 2024, Nuvei announced that it entered into a definitive arrangement agreement to be taken private by Advent International, alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, Novacap, and CDPQ for US$34.00 per share via an all cash transaction, which values the Company at an enterprise value of approximately US$6.3 billion. In light of the announced transaction, Nuvei will not host a conference call or webcast to review the second quarter 2024 financial results.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL and LONDON – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announces today a partnership with Mastercard to launch a new off-ramping solution that enables consumers in Europe to seamlessly convert their Digital Assets, including cryptocurrencies, into traditional fiat currency via debit, credit and prepaid cards. This new functionality provides a bridge between digital and traditional finance that can be spent via Mastercard's global network. This off-ramping solution is integrated directly into Nuvei's modular payment platform, delivering a simple, secure user experience.
The off-ramping process is designed to be rapid and user-friendly. Consumers can seamlessly convert a wide range of supported Digital Assets into fiat currency. They can then transfer the funds to their eligible Mastercard in near real-time*, leveraging Mastercard Move’s money movement capabilities. No longer requiring third-party exchanges or money service businesses, this integrated solution simplifies transforming digital value into global spending circulation.
“We're excited to collaborate with Mastercard to accommodate access liquidity and payments for Digital Asset holders,” commented Philip Fayer, Chair and CEO of Nuvei. “Our mission is to enable businesses and their customers to connect through payments, wherever consumers are and however they want to pay. Offering crypto off-ramps through our single integration aligns perfectly with this mission to facilitate frictionless transactions across the digital economy.”
“Enabling choice how consumers can engage in Digital Assets in a safe, simple and secure manner in line with all relevant regulation is at the heart of our strategy in this space” added Christian Rau, Senior Vice President, Fintech and Crypto Enablement, Mastercard Europe. “Combining our global network of partners and digital solutions with Nuvei's advanced integration opens new opportunities and choice for businesses engaging in digital assets and consumers alike.”
Nuvei's off-ramp solution with Mastercard is the latest example of its strategy to connect the worlds of traditional payments, open banking and blockchain technology into one seamless experience.
*Actual posting times for approved transactions will depend on the receiving financial institution
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, June25 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" orthe "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announced that it has secured an in-principle approval for a Retail Services Category II License from the Central Bank of the UAE, representing an important strategic expansion into the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and fortifying its global presence and commitment to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
The UAE is a crucial market for Nuvei's global customers due to its rapidly growing eCommerce sector, which is projected to surpass $10 billion in revenue by 2029 with an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2029) of approximately 9%[1].
The Retail Services Category II License enables Nuvei to offer its comprehensive suite of payments technology to businesses operating in the thriving UAE market, including direct local acquiring, payment aggregation services, and domestic and cross-border fund transfers. Through direct local acquiring, Nuvei gains greater control over the payment life cycle, ensuring further optimized payment acceptance rates and lower processing costs for its customers.
Nuvei already has a strong commercial presence and existing high-profile partnerships in the region. This expansion across the MENA region reaffirms Nuvei's commitment to supporting its customers' growth both locally and internationally.
Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO, commented on the announcement: “Our mission is to connect our customers to their customers more deeply through payments, wherever those customers are and however they want to pay. Expanding our global licenses portfolio has been a key focus in this regard, and we can now offer the full power of our payment platform to support the growth aspirations of businesses operating in the UAE.”
Fayer added: “We extend our gratitude to the Central Bank of the UAE for its in-principle approval of our Retail Payment Services License and facilitating this opportunity. We’re thrilled to be on the cusp of launching our best-in-class services, including direct local acquiring, in such a fast-growing digital eCommerce market.”
This announcement is the latest from Nuvei as it continues to strengthen its global reach, including extending its local acquiring capabilities in more than 50 countries.In 2024 Nuvei has already announced that it had secured a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and that it is the first global payments company to offer local direct acquiring in Colombia.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq:NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services.Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, June 20, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI)(TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announced today that the Company has obtained a final order from the Superior Court of Québec (Commercial Division) approving the previously-announced plan of arrangement under section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act (the "Arrangement") involving the Company and Neon Maple Purchaser Inc., a newly-formed entity controlled by Advent International, L.P. This final court approval follows the shareholder approval that was obtained at the special meeting of Nuvei’s shareholders held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.
The Arrangement remains subject to the satisfaction or waiver of certain other closing conditions customary in a transaction of this nature, including the receipt of key regulatory approvals. Assuming that these remaining conditions to closing are satisfied, the Arrangement is expected to be completed in late 2024 or in the first quarter of 2025.
Further details regarding the Arrangement are provided in the management information circular of the Company dated May 13, 2024, mailed to Nuvei shareholders in connection with the Arrangement, a copy of which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the Arrangement, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the Arrangement are forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024, and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Arrangement, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the Arrangement, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement or to complete the Arrangement, may result in the Arrangement not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the Arrangement is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Arrangement and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the Arrangement could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
Montréal, June 18, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI)(TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, is pleased to announce that, at the special meeting (the “Meeting”) of the Company’s shareholders (the “Shareholders”) held on June 18, 2024, Shareholders approved the special resolution (the “Arrangement Resolution”) approving the previously-announced plan of arrangement under section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act (the "Arrangement") involving the Company and Neon Maple Purchaser Inc. (the “Purchaser”), a newly-formed entity controlled by Advent International, L.P. Pursuant to the Arrangement, the Purchaser will acquire all of the issued and outstanding subordinate voting shares ("Subordinate Voting Shares") and multiple voting shares ("Multiple Voting Shares" and collectively with the Subordinate Voting Shares, the "Shares") of the Company. The Shares that are not held by Philip Fayer, certain investment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. (collectively, "Novacap") and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec ("CDPQ" and, collectively with Philip Fayer and Novacap and the entities they control directly or indirectly, the "Rollover Shareholders") will be acquired for a price of US$34.00 in cash per Share.
Each of the Rollover Shareholders has agreed to sell all of their Shares to the Purchaser in exchange for consideration consisting of a combination of cash and shares in the capital of the Purchaser or an affiliate thereof. Following completion of the Arrangement, Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ are expected to hold or exercise control or direction over, directly or indirectly, approximately 24%, 18% and 12%, respectively, of the common equity in the resulting private company.
Further details regarding the Arrangement are provided in the management information circular of the Company dated May 13, 2024 (the "Circular") mailed to Nuvei shareholders in connection with the Arrangement, a copy of which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at
The Arrangement Resolution was adopted on a vote by way of ballot by (i) at least two-thirds of the votes cast by the holders of Multiple Voting Shares and Subordinate Voting Shares virtually present or represented by proxy at the Meeting, voting together as a single class (with each Subordinate Voting Share being entitled to one vote and each Multiple Voting Share being entitled to ten votes); (ii) not less than a simple majority (more than 50%) of the votes cast by the holders of Subordinate Voting Shares virtually present or represented by proxy at the Meeting; (iii) not less than a simple majority of the votes cast by the holders of Multiple Voting Shares virtually present or represented by proxy at the Meeting; and (iv) not less than a simple majority of the votes cast by the holders of Subordinate Voting Shares virtually present or represented by proxy at the Meeting (excluding the Subordinate Voting Shares held by the Rollover Shareholders and the persons required to be excluded pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”)). In its interim order dated May 13, 2024, the Superior Court of Québec (Commercial Division) (the “Court”) declared that the vote of not less than a simple majority of the votes cast by the holders of Multiple Voting Shares virtually present or represented by proxy at the Meeting (excluding the Multiple Voting Shares held by the Rollover Shareholders and the persons required to be excluded pursuant to MI 61-101), which is required under MI 61-101, was satisfied as there are no holders of Multiple Voting Shares eligible to cast a vote thereunder, as all holders of Multiple Voting Shares are “interested parties” within the meaning of MI 61-101 and must be excluded from such vote.
Based on proxies and ballots received at the Meeting, votes were cast as follows:
Category of Voting: Holders of Subordinate Voting Shares and Multiple Voting Shares, voting together as a single class
Percentages of Votes For: 99.24%
Percentages of Votes Against: 0.76%
Category of Voting: Holders of Subordinate Voting Shares
Percentages of Votes For: 86.08%
Percentages of Votes Against: 13.92%
Category of Voting: Holders of Multiple Voting Shares
Percentages of Votes For: 100%
Percentages of Votes Against: 0%
Category of Voting: Holders of Subordinate Voting Shares, excluding the Rollover Shareholders and those required to be excluded under MI 61-101
Percentages of Votes For: 86.04%
Percentages of Votes Against: 13.96%
The Arrangement remains subject to the satisfaction or waiver of certain other closing conditions customary in a transaction of this nature, including the receipt of a final order from the Court approving the Arrangement (the “Final Order”) and certain regulatory approvals. The hearing in respect of the Final Order is scheduled to take place on June 20, 2024. Assuming that these remaining conditions to closing are satisfied, the Arrangement is expected to be completed in late 2024 or the first quarter of 2025.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the proposed transaction, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction are forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024 and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the transaction, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory and court approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
Combined benefits of the ViaPlus mobility back office alongside Nuvei’s global acquiring reach and extensive APM connectivity
700+ new types of payments in 150+ currencies available to consumers using ViaPlus systems
New local solutions in countries served by VINCI Highways: Brazil, Peru and Colombia
Enhanced flexibility for both end-users and transportation agencies
CARROLLTON, TX and MONTREAL, June 11 2024 – ViaPlus, a subsidiary of VINCI Highways, and Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announce a partnership to deliver an enhanced payment experience for consumers when purchasing mobility services.
The partnership will integrate ViaPlus’ mobility back office, which processes and financially reconciles large volumes of transactions, with Nuvei’s global acquiring and processing reach and capacity to manage a wide variety of digital applications through extensive Alternative Payment Methods (APM) integrations.
ViaPlus’ single, seamless integration to Nuvei’s payment technology platform introduces over 700 new payment types to the ViaPlus system to form a new digital payment network called ViaPlus Nexus™. ViaPlus consumers will be able to pay for mobility services with new methods including standard digital options like Apple Pay, as well as popular local choices in countries served by the VINCI Highways network: Brazil’s Pix, Peru’s Pago Efectivo, and Colombia’s Nequi. ViaPlus will also include China’s Alipay, one of the world’s most popular digital wallets.
Further benefits include broader accessibility for customers who choose to pay cash via Nuvei’s retail payment network, and the general convenience of increased paperless payments.
Richard Arce, president and CEO of ViaPlus, states: “This initiative reflects the commitment of ViaPlus and VINCI Highways to enhancing the driver experience with secure and efficient payment methods for the global mobility ecosystem.”
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, added: “We’re thrilled to partner with ViaPlus. Our mission is to enable businesses to connect with their customers more deeply, and this partnership is another great example of the power of payments technology to do this. Enabling consumers to pay wherever they are, whenever they want to, and whichever payment methods they prefer is critical to the modern digital experience.”
About ViaPlus
ViaPlus is a global mobility company in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) market, specializing in revenue and services management solutions for the transportation industry. Our customer operations, data analytics, and full-featured, single-account back-office technology facilitate the high-volume transactions required for seamless multimodal mobility. As a VINCI Highways subsidiary, we are committed to technical innovation and to promoting a positive mobility experience for all.
VINCI Highways, a VINCI Concessions subsidiary, is a leader in road concessions, operations and mobility services. We design, finance, build and operate highways, bridges, tunnels, urban roads and mobility services on a +3,000 km network in 14 countries. VINCI Highways leverages its expertise to deliver the highest performance and safety standards and provide drivers with a positive experience.
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Shareholders are encouraged to vote "FOR" the specialresolution approving the Arrangement in advance of the June 14, 2024 at 10:00a.m. (Eastern time) deadline
MONTREAL, June 11 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), today announced that proxy advisory firm Glass, Lewis & Co. (“Glass Lewis”) has recommended that Nuvei shareholders vote FOR the previously announced statutory plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) involving the Company and Neon Maple Purchaser Inc. (the “Purchaser”), a newly-formed entity controlled by Advent International ("Advent"), pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act. Pursuant to the Arrangement, the Purchaser will acquire all the issued and outstanding subordinate voting shares (“Subordinate Voting Shares”) and multiple voting shares (“Multiple Voting Shares”) of the Company (collectively, the “Shares”) that are not Rollover Shares for a price of US$34.00 cash per Share. The special meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) to approve the Arrangement will be held on June 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time), in a virtual format at the following link:
Glass Lewis is the second leading independent proxy advisory firm to recommend shareholders vote “FOR” the Arrangement, following the previously announced recommendation from Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”).
Board Recommends Shareholders Vote FOR the Arrangement
The board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) has unanimously concluded (with interested directors abstaining from voting) that the Arrangement is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders and recommends that shareholders vote FOR the special resolution approving the Arrangement (the “Arrangement Resolution”). This recommendation followed the unanimous recommendation of a special committee of the Board which is comprised solely of independent directors and was formed in connection with the transaction.
The Company's management proxy circular and the Schedule 13E-3 required pursuant to the Rules under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, are available under Nuvei's profile on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at
Vote Today FOR the Arrangement Resolution
Your vote is important regardless of the number of Shares you own. If you are unable to be virtually present at the Meeting, we encourage you to submit your proxy or voting instruction form, so that your Shares can be voted at the Meeting in accordance with your instructions. To be counted at the Meeting, votes must be received by Nuvei’s transfer agent, TSX Trust Company, no later than 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time) on June 14, 2024, or, if the Meeting is adjourned or postponed, at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays and holidays) prior to the commencement of the reconvened Meeting.
Shareholder Questions and Assistance
If you have any questions or require more information with respect to the procedures for voting, please contact our strategic advisor, Kingsdale Advisors by telephone at 1 (888) 327-0819 (toll-free in North America) or at (416) 623-4173 (outside of North America), or by email at For more information, please visit
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the proposed transaction, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction and statements regarding the plans, objectives, and intentions of Mr. Philip Fayer, Novacap, CDPQ or Advent are forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024 and under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the transaction, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
[1] Philip Fayer, certaininvestment funds managed by Novacap Management Inc. (collectively,"Novacap") and CDPQ (together with entities they control directly orindirectly, collectively, the "Rollover Shareholders") have agreed toroll approximately 95%, 65% and 75%, respectively, of their Shares (the"Rollover Shares") and are expected to receive in aggregateapproximately US$563 million in cash for the Shares sold on closing(percentages and amount of expected cash proceeds are subject to change as aresult of cash generated before closing).
MONTREAL, June 7 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), announced today that it has filed a second amendment to its previously filed Rule 13e-3 transaction statement on Schedule 13E-3 (the "Schedule 13E-3") originally filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on May 14, 2024, as supplemented by an amendment previously filed by the Company with the SEC on June 4, 2024. Both amendments to the Schedule 13E-3 are available without charge on Nuvei's profile on EDGAR at, and on its SEDAR+ profile at
No changes have been made to the terms or conditions of the previously announced going private transaction with Advent International (the “Transaction”), or the date of the special meeting of shareholders of Nuvei called to approve the Transaction. Shareholders are encouraged to vote “FOR” the special resolution approving the Transaction in advance of the June 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time) deadline.
No Offer of Solicitation
This announcement is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell Subordinate Voting Shares of Nuvei.
The full details of the Transaction are described in the management information circular (including the related letter of transmittal and all other offer documents filed by Nuvei with the SEC), which is available without charge on the SEC’s website at or on Nuvei's investor relations website at Offer documents required to be filed in Canada are also available without charge at INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY THE SCHEDULE 13E-3 AND OTHER MATERIALS FILED WITH THE SEC, AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE CORPORATION, THE TRANSACTION, AND RELATED MATTERS.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the proposed transaction, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction, are forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under "Risk Factors" of the Company's annual information form filed on March 5, 2024. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the transaction, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement entered into in connection with the Transaction which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
MONTREAL, June 3 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (“Nuvei” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announces that it has partnered with Visa, a world leader in digital payments, to offer Visa Direct in Colombia. Nuvei is the first global payments provider to offer Visa Direct to its customers in the country.
Visa Direct is a VisaNet processing capability that allows safe, convenient, near real-time funds delivery directly to financial accounts using card credentials. Visa Direct clients use the capability to enable use cases such as person-to-person (P2P) payments, funds disbursements, bill pay, or cross border remittances directly to an eligible debit or prepaid card.
Visa Direct is available to Colombian merchants directly through their existing single integration to Nuvei's full stack modular payments technology platform. With Visa Direct, Nuvei merchants are able to provide instant payout capabilities to their customers, with transactions routed and processed in near real-time.
Instant payouts to cards enable businesses to offer a faster, secure, and seamless payment experience for customers across virtually any industry that is reliant on payouts.
“Offering instant payouts through Visa Direct supports our strategy of providing best-in-class payment solutions tailored to the needs of each market we serve,” commented Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO. “Colombia is one of the fastest-growing eCommerce markets in Latin America, and we're proud to deliver innovative ways for our customers to optimize their payment flows, enhance user experiences, and operate with maximum efficiency."
Partnering with Visa to offer Visa Direct continues Nuvei's first-mover advantage in rolling out industry-leading payments solutions in Colombia. Nuvei recently announced that it was the first global payments provider to offer direct local acquiring in the country, enabling online businesses to accept card payments from their customers without relying on intermediaries or third-party payment processors.
Visa Direct is already available to Nuvei's partner merchants in over 30 countries in Europe including the UK, as well as the U.S. and Canada in North America and Hong Kong and Singapore in APAC. Enabling Visa Direct access to businesses in Colombia is the latest extension of the global strategic partnership between Nuvei and Visa.
“Our collaboration with Nuvei is already enabling businesses in North America and Europe to harness the benefits of faster, safer, digital payouts to cards. We’re excited to be extending this partnership to Colombia so that even more merchants can offer an industry leading payments experience to their customers”, commented Humberto Guihur, Product and Innovation VP for Visa Andean Region.
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Shareholders are encouraged to vote “FOR” the special resolution approving the Arrangement in advance of the June 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time) deadline
MONTREAL, May 29, 2024 – Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), today announced that proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”) has recommended that Nuvei shareholders vote FOR the previously announced statutory plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) involving the Company and Neon Maple Purchaser Inc. (the “Purchaser”), a newly-formed entity controlled by Advent International ("Advent"), pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act. Pursuant to the Arrangement, the Purchaser will acquire all the issued and outstanding subordinate voting shares (“Subordinate Voting Shares”) and multiple voting shares (“Multiple Voting Shares”) of the Company (collectively, the “Shares”) that are not Rollover Shares for a price of US$34.00 cash per Share. The special meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) to approve the Arrangement will be held on June 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time), in a virtual format at the following link:
In making its recommendation that Nuvei shareholders vote FOR the Arrangement, ISS stated:
“[T]he offer represents a meaningful premium to the unaffected price, the sale process (and valuation) appears reasonable in the circumstances, and there are downside risks of non-approval. As such, support for the proposal is warranted.”
“At present, while the company remains a growing business with some promise, there is little available evidence that management will be able to restore the company's share price to levels seen two or three years ago in short order. Given the size of the premium and share price outperformance since the unaffected date, shareholders should probably not anticipate a sustained soft landing if the deal is rejected. On balance, in light of the foregoing considerations, shareholder support is warranted.”
El Consejo de Administración de la Empresa (el "Consejo") ha llegado a la conclusión unánime (con la abstención de los consejeros interesados) de que el Acuerdo es lo mejor para la Empresa y sus accionistas, y recomienda que los accionistas voten A FAVOR de la resolución especial que aprueba el Acuerdo. Esta recomendación sigue la recomendación unánime de un comité especial del Consejo compuesto únicamente por consejeros independientes y constituido en relación con la transacción (el "Comité Especial").
La circular de representación de la dirección de la empresa y el Anexo 13E-3 exigido de conformidad con las normas de la Ley de Valores y Bolsa de 1934 de EE.UU., en su versión modificada, están disponibles en el perfil de Nuvei en SEDAR+ en y en EDGAR en
Vota hoy A FAVOR de la Resolución Especial de Aprobación del Acuerdo
Your vote is important regardless of the number of Shares you own. If you are unable to be virtually present at the Meeting, we encourage you to submit your proxy or voting instruction form, so that your Shares can be voted at the Meeting in accordance with your instructions. To be counted at the Meeting, votes must be received by Nuvei’s transfer agent, TSX Trust Company, no later than 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time) on June 14, 2024, or, if the Meeting is adjourned or postponed, at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays and holidays) prior to the commencement of the reconvened Meeting.
Shareholder Questions and Assistance
Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas más información sobre los procedimientos de votación, ponte en contacto con nuestro asesor estratégico, Kingsdale Advisors, por teléfono en el 1 (888) 327-0819 (gratuito en Norteamérica) o en el (416) 623-4173 (fuera de Norteamérica), o por correo electrónico en Para más información, visita
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information is identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "may", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "plan", "foresee", "believe", or "continue", the negative of these terms and similar terminology, including references to assumptions, although not all forward-looking information contains these terms and phrases. Particularly, statements regarding the proposed transaction, including the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the transaction and statements regarding the plans, objectives, and intentions of Mr. Philip Fayer, Novacap, CDPQ or Advent are forward-looking information.
In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.
Forward-looking information is based on management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management, and although the forward-looking information contained herein is based upon what we believe are reasonable assumptions, investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on this information since actual results may vary from the forward-looking information.
La información prospectiva implica riesgos e incertidumbres conocidos y desconocidos, muchos de los cuales escapan a nuestro control, que podrían hacer que los resultados reales difirieran materialmente de los revelados o implícitos en dicha información prospectiva. Estos riesgos e incertidumbres incluyen, entre otros, los factores de riesgo descritos con mayor detalle en el apartado "Factores de riesgo" del formulario de información anual de la empresa presentado el 5 de marzo de 2024 y en el apartado "Factores de riesgo" del informe de gestión y análisis de la empresa correspondiente a los tres meses finalizados el 31 de marzo de 2024. Estos riesgos e incertidumbres incluyen además (pero no se limitan a) en lo que respecta a la transacción, el hecho de que las partes no obtengan las aprobaciones necesarias de los accionistas, los organismos reguladores y los tribunales, o no cumplan de otro modo las condiciones para la realización de la transacción, el hecho de que las partes no obtengan dichas aprobaciones o no cumplan dichas condiciones en el momento oportuno, los costes significativos de la transacción o las responsabilidades desconocidas, el hecho de que no se obtengan los beneficios esperados de la transacción y las condiciones económicas generales. Si no se obtienen las aprobaciones necesarias de los accionistas, de los organismos reguladores y de los tribunales, o si las partes no cumplen las condiciones para la realización de la operación o para completarla, puede que la operación no se complete en los términos propuestos, o no se complete en absoluto. Además, si la operación no se completa, y la Empresa continúa como entidad que cotiza en bolsa, existen riesgos de que el anuncio de la operación propuesta y la dedicación de recursos sustanciales de la Empresa a la finalización de la operación puedan repercutir en sus relaciones empresariales y estratégicas (incluso con futuros y posibles empleados, clientes, proveedores y socios), resultados operativos y actividades en general, y podrían tener un efecto material adverso en sus operaciones, situación financiera y perspectivas actuales y futuras. Además, en determinadas circunstancias, la Empresa puede verse obligada a pagar una indemnización por rescisión de conformidad con los términos del Acuerdo de Arreglo, lo que podría tener un efecto material adverso en su situación financiera y en los resultados de sus operaciones, así como en su capacidad para financiar sus perspectivas de crecimiento y sus operaciones actuales.
Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward-looking information contained herein represents our expectations as of the date hereof or as of the date it is otherwise stated to be made, as applicable, and is subject to change after such date. However, we disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or amend such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.
Philip Fayer, determinados fondos de inversión gestionados por Novacap Management Inc. (colectivamente, "Novacap") y CDPQ (junto con las entidades que controlan directa o indirectamente, colectivamente, los "Accionistas de Reasignación") han acordado reasignar aproximadamente el 95%, el 65% y el 75%, respectivamente, de sus Acciones (las "Acciones de Reasignación") y se espera que reciban en total aproximadamente 563 millones de USD en efectivo por las Acciones vendidas al cierre (los porcentajes y el importe de los ingresos en efectivo esperados se basan en la posición actual de efectivo asumida y están sujetos a cambios como resultado del efectivo generado antes del cierre). Se espera que Philip Fayer, Novacap y CDPQ posean o controlen indirectamente aproximadamente el 24%, 18% y 12%, respectivamente, del capital de la empresa privada resultante.
MONTREAL, 23 de mayo de 2024 - Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" o la "Empresa") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), la empresa canadiense de tecnología financiera, anuncia hoy el nombramiento de Gang Wang como Director de Tecnología, bajo las órdenes del Presidente y CEO de Nuvei, Philip Fayer. Wang dirigirá el equipo tecnológico global de Nuvei junto con el anterior Director de Tecnología, Max Attias, que ha sido nombrado Director de Información.
Los equipos dirigidos por Wang y Attias se asociarán para ampliar la oferta tecnológica de Nuvei y construir una base sólida para el crecimiento futuro. Esta estructura organizativa permitirá a Nuvei acelerar la innovación en todas las áreas de la tecnología con un enfoque dedicado y una alineación estratégica, sin dejar de mantener la mejor prestación de servicios de su clase que los clientes y socios están acostumbrados a recibir hoy en día.
Wang es un pionero y líder probado con un profundo conocimiento de los sectores de pagos y software, cuya intersección es cada vez más crítica para la industria. Encabezará la estrategia tecnológica de Nuvei, incluidas la investigación y la arquitectura.
Aporta más de 25 años de experiencia dirigiendo equipos tecnológicos a la vanguardia de la innovación para grandes organizaciones, incluida una década desarrollando arquitectura y sistemas líderes para el gigante del software Intuit. Antes de incorporarse a Nuvei, Wang pasó los últimos cuatro años en Stripe, donde ocupó varios puestos tecnológicos de alto nivel, entre ellos el de Jefe de Datos Financieros y, más recientemente, el de Jefe de Métodos de Pago.
Wang comentó el anuncio: "Estoy increíblemente emocionado por unirme a un líder del sector tan disruptivo en un momento clave de su trayectoria de crecimiento. Ya hay un fuerte espíritu de innovación rápida que impregna todo el negocio, y estoy deseando aprovechar mi experiencia para capitalizar este impulso, hacer avanzar nuestra estrategia tecnológica y mantener a Nuvei a la vanguardia a medida que evoluciona el sector de los pagos."
Attias añadió: "Añadir la experiencia tecnológica y la perspicacia de liderazgo de Gang al equipo de Nuvei es un momento que cambia las reglas del juego. Estoy deseando trabajar juntos mientras hacemos crecer nuestras capacidades tecnológicas y nuestra organización en línea con nuestra visión del futuro de los pagos."
"Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a Gang al equipo de Nuvei", comentó Philip Fayer, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Nuvei. "Incorporar a un líder con las credenciales de Gang refuerza nuestro equipo ejecutivo y, sin duda, permitirá que el equipo tecnológico más amplio prospere a medida que abordamos las complejidades de nuestra industria con un enfoque aún más dedicado."
Fayer continuó: "Bajo el liderazgo de Max, nuestro volumen total de pagos creció casi 5 veces de 2020 a 2023. Con Max y Gang, ahora tenemos dos operadores de primera clase preparados para llevar las capacidades tecnológicas de Nuvei a nuevas cotas y acelerar aún más el crecimiento de nuestros ingresos globales durante la siguiente fase de nuestro viaje. También estamos creando una estructura más eficaz y eficiente para los miembros de nuestro equipo."
About Nuvei
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) es la empresa fintech canadiense que acelera el negocio de clientes de todo el mundo. La tecnología modular, flexible y escalable de Nuvei permite a las empresas líderes aceptar pagos de última generación, ofrecer todas las opciones de pago y beneficiarse de los servicios de emisión de tarjetas, banca, gestión de riesgos y fraude. Al conectar a las empresas con sus clientes en más de 200 mercados, con adquisición local en 50 mercados, 150 divisas y 700 métodos de pago alternativos, Nuvei proporciona la tecnología y los conocimientos necesarios para que clientes y socios tengan éxito a nivel local y mundial con una sola integración.
MONTREAL y SINGAPUR, 19 de marzo de 2024 - Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" o la "Empresa") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), la empresa fintech canadiense, anuncia hoy que se ha asociado con Charles & Keith, la casa de moda con sede en Singapur especializada en calzado, bolsos y accesorios, para optimizar la solución de pagos de comercio electrónico de la marca a medida que continúa su rápida expansión global.
Mediante una única integración con la plataforma tecnológica de pagos de Nuvei, Charles & Keith puede ahora aceptar una amplia gama de métodos de pago alternativos (APM), adaptando su experiencia de pago online a las preferencias de los clientes locales en los mercados de la marca en el Sudeste Asiático, Europa y Estados Unidos. Esto incluye la habilitación de carteras digitales populares como Apple Pay y Google Pay, lo que permite un flujo de pago más fluido.
La tecnología de enrutamiento inteligente de Nuvei también está maximizando las tasas de autorización de pagos con tarjeta de Charles & Keith en cada región, ayudando a impulsar una mayor conversión de ingresos. La marca ya ha experimentado un crecimiento de dos dígitos en los ingresos de comercio electrónico desde que se asoció con Nuvei."
Nuestra ambición es hacer accesible nuestra moda contemporánea única a clientes de todo el mundo. Nuvei comparte esa visión y nos permite localizar nuestra experiencia de pago en todos los mercados a través de una única integración", comentó Charles Wong, Cofundador y Consejero Delegado de Charles & Keith. "El apoyo dedicado, la experiencia tecnológica y las capacidades de optimización de pagos de Nuvei han superado nuestras expectativas desde el inicio de esta asociación."
Además del conjunto de APM y funciones de optimización de Nuvei, Charles & Keith destacó el servicio práctico de la empresa como un factor clave en su decisión de elegir a Nuvei."
Satisfacer las diversas necesidades de pago de los consumidores globales de hoy exige un enfoque verdaderamente localizado combinado con una profunda inteligencia de pagos", añadió Philip Fayer, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Nuvei. "Nuestra integración única ofrece a Charles & Keith la capacidad de mantenerse ágil a la vez que accede a todos los métodos de pago, herramientas de optimización y experiencia sobre el terreno que necesita para maximizar las conversiones en la caja en cada geografía."
A través de su asociación con Nuvei, Charles & Keith planea ampliar aún más su presencia internacional de comercio electrónico, aprovechando el alcance global de Nuvei en más de 200 mercados que cubren 150 divisas y la cartera de APM. La marca también pretende seguir mejorando sus experiencias de pago online y móvil a medida que se amplía.
SobreCharles & Keith
Charles& Keith Pte. Ltd., también conocida como C&K, es una marca de moda singapurense fundada en 1996, especializada en calzado, bolsos y accesorios de moda. Con sede en Singapur, la marca tiene una presencia mundial, con más de 600 tiendas en 37 países. Para más información, visita
Nuvei(Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) es la empresa fintech canadiense que acelera el negocio de clientes de todo el mundo. La tecnología modular, flexible y escalable de Nuvei permite a las empresas líderes aceptar pagos de última generación, ofrecer todas las opciones de pago y beneficiarse de los servicios de emisión de tarjetas, banca, gestión de riesgos y fraude. Al conectar a las empresas con sus clientes en más de 200 mercados, con adquisición local en 50 mercados, 150 divisas y 680 métodos de pago alternativos, Nuvei proporciona la tecnología y los conocimientos para que clientes y socios tengan éxito a nivel local y global con una sola integración.