"我很高兴欢迎 Moshe 和 Chad 加入我们的团队。这些任命反映了我们在执行战略愿景时对顶尖人才进行投资的持续承诺,"Nuvei 董事长兼首席执行官 Philip Fayer 评论说。"Moshe在快速发展的技术企业的战略规划和交付方面拥有良好的业绩记录,这将加速我们的产品创新,并增强我们在全球范围内提供尖端支付解决方案的能力。Chad在风险和合规方面的深厚专业知识对于支持Nuvei的客户无缝进入市场,同时在所有司法管辖区保持稳健的风险管理实践和监管合规性将是非常宝贵的。
Nuvei 主席兼首席执行官 Philip Fayer 评论说:"我们很高兴能在现有业务的基础上,在日本这个全球卓越的电子商务市场扎下更坚实的根基。此次扩张符合我们的战略重点,即继续扩大我们的全球足迹,在全球范围内提供本地化的支付体验,并使我们的客户能够通过支付拉近与他们客户的距离,无论他们身在何处,无论他们希望以何种方式支付。凭借我们的模块化支付技术和丰富的本地专业知识,我们完全有能力帮助各种规模的企业在这个充满活力的生态系统中加速发展。
通过与 Rain、BitGo 和 Visa 合作,Nuvei 提供了一种无缝、安全的区块链支付体验,使拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的商户能够使用 Visa 支持的实体卡或虚拟卡,在任何接受 Visa 的地方使用数字资产钱包中的稳定币进行支付。该解决方案得益于 Visa 的广泛认可,简化了企业财务管理,提供更快的跨境交易、安全的数字资产托管、降低货币复杂性并提高运营流动性。
Nuvei 主席兼首席执行官 Philip Fayer 补充说:"我们很高兴能与美国酒店业和博彩业的顶级品牌之一 Delaware North 合作。这次合作表明,我们致力于提供最实用、最现代化的支付解决方案,通过提升快速发展的 iGaming 市场的最终用户体验来推动客户的增长,进一步巩固我们在这一领域的全球领导者地位。
"自2017年以来,我们有幸支持Nuvei管理层执行其雄心勃勃的全球发展战略。Nuvei的领导团队不断推动创新,并在各行各业建立了有意义的合作伙伴关系,Nuvei已成为关键垂直领域的金融科技领导者,具有可持续的长期增长潜力。Novacap 首席高级合伙人 David Lewin 表示:"随着公司翻开激动人心的扩张新篇章,我们期待着加强合作,发掘新机遇,为所有利益相关者创造持久价值。
"自 2017 年首次投资 Nuvei 以来,CDPQ 很荣幸能在这家魁北克金融科技领先企业成长的每个阶段为其提供支持,特别是通过全球范围的收购。CDPQ 执行副总裁兼魁北克省负责人 Kim Thomassin 表示:"我们很高兴能与 Advent 等知名合作伙伴以及现有股东 Philip Fayer 和 Novacap 一起,再次陪伴 Nuvei 翻开历史新篇章。
本新闻稿包含适用证券法定义的 "前瞻性信息 "和 "前瞻性陈述"(统称 "前瞻性信息")。此类前瞻性信息可能包括但不限于与我们的目标和实现这些目标的战略有关的信息,以及与我们的信念、计划、期望、预期、估计和意图有关的信息。这些前瞻性信息通过使用 "可能"、"将会"、"应该"、"可以"、"预期"、"打算"、"估计"、"预期"、"计划"、"预见"、"相信 "或 "继续 "等术语和短语、这些术语的反义词和类似术语(包括对假设的引用)来识别,尽管并非所有前瞻性信息都包含这些术语和短语。特别是有关我们对未来结果、业绩、成就、前景或机遇或我们运营的市场的预期、对行业趋势和可寻址市场的规模和增长率的预期、我们的业务计划和增长战略、我们的解决方案的可寻址市场机会、对增长和交叉销售机会的预期以及占据可寻址市场越来越大份额的意图、我们的销售和营销努力的成本和成功、扩大现有关系、进一步渗透垂直市场、进入新的地理市场、扩大和进一步提高国际市场渗透率的意图等信息、有选择地进行并成功整合收购的意图,预期的收购结果、成本节约、协同效应和效益,包括收购 Paya,未来对我们业务的投资和预期的资本支出,我们不断创新、差异化和增强我们的平台和解决方案的意图,对受监管活动和行业进行持续立法的预期步伐,我们的竞争优势和在行业中的竞争地位,对我们的收入、收入组合和我们解决方案的创收潜力的预期,对我们的利润率和未来盈利能力的预期,以及有关与 Advent International L. P., Inc.P.,与现有加拿大股东 Philip Fayer、Novacap Management Inc.管理的某些投资基金以及 Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec(包括交易的拟议时间安排和考虑采取的各种步骤)以及有关 Philip Fayer、Novacap Management Inc.管理的某些投资基金、Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec或 Advent 的计划、目标和意图的声明均为前瞻性信息。经济和地缘政治的不确定性,包括地区冲突和战争,包括制裁的潜在影响,也可能加剧本文所述某些因素的影响。
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. [These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all.] In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
这一合作关系是努维最新宣布的,努维将继续加强其在全球电子商务 SaaS 市场的全球影响力,该市场是电子商务中增长最快的子行业之一。Nuvei for Platforms是Nuvei的一套集成支付解决方案,通过为企业提供完全可定制的解决方案,将企业级支付技术嵌入到企业自己的平台中,从而帮助企业加速增长和增加收入。该解决方案使平台能够提供复杂、高性能的支付解决方案,这些解决方案过去只有大型企业才能使用,现在各种规模的企业都可以使用。
BigCommerce(纳斯达克股票代码:BIGC)是一家领先的开放式 SaaS 和可组合电子商务平台,帮助各种规模的品牌和零售商在线构建、创新和发展业务。BigCommerce 为客户提供先进的企业级功能、定制化服务和性能,而且简单易用。遍布 150 个国家和众多行业的数万家 B2C 和 B2B 公司依赖 BigCommerce,其中包括 Burrow、Coldwater Creek、Francesca's、Harvey Nichols、King Arthur Baking Co.、MKM Building Supplies、United Aqua Group 和 Uplift Desk。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bigcommerce.com 或在 X 和 LinkedIn 上关注我们。
本新闻稿包含适用证券法定义的 "前瞻性信息 "和 "前瞻性陈述"(统称 "前瞻性信息")。此类前瞻性信息可能包括但不限于与我们的目标和实现这些目标的战略有关的信息,以及与我们的信念、计划、期望、预期、估计和意图有关的信息。这些前瞻性信息通过使用 "可能"、"将会"、"应该"、"可以"、"预期"、"打算"、"估计"、"预期"、"计划"、"预见"、"相信 "或 "继续 "等术语和短语、这些术语的反义词和类似术语(包括对假设的引用)来识别,尽管并非所有前瞻性信息都包含这些术语和短语。特别是有关我们对未来结果、业绩、成就、前景或机遇或我们运营的市场的预期、对行业趋势和可寻址市场的规模和增长率的预期、我们的业务计划和增长战略、我们的解决方案的可寻址市场机会、对增长和交叉销售机会的预期以及占据可寻址市场越来越大份额的意图、我们的销售和营销努力的成本和成功、扩大现有关系、进一步渗透垂直市场、进入新的地理市场、扩大和进一步提高国际市场渗透率的意图等信息、有选择地进行并成功整合收购的意图,预期的收购结果、成本节约、协同效应和效益,包括收购 Paya,未来对我们业务的投资和预期的资本支出,我们不断创新、差异化和增强我们的平台和解决方案的意图,对受监管活动和行业进行持续立法的预期步伐,我们的竞争优势和在行业中的竞争地位,对我们的收入、收入组合和我们解决方案的创收潜力的预期,对我们的利润率和未来盈利能力的预期,以及有关与 Advent International L. P., Inc.P.,与现有加拿大股东 Philip Fayer、Novacap Management Inc.管理的某些投资基金以及 Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec(包括交易的拟议时间安排和考虑采取的各种步骤)以及有关 Philip Fayer、Novacap Management Inc.管理的某些投资基金、Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec或 Advent 的计划、目标和意图的声明均为前瞻性信息。经济和地缘政治的不确定性,包括地区冲突和战争,包括制裁的潜在影响,也可能加剧本文所述某些因素的影响。
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
"我们很高兴能与万事达卡合作,为数字资产持有者提供流动性和支付服务,"Nuvei 董事长兼首席执行官 Philip Fayer 表示。"我们的使命是让企业及其客户能够通过支付实现连接,无论消费者身在何处,无论他们希望以何种方式支付。通过我们的单一集成提供加密货币通道完全符合这一使命,即促进整个数字经济的无摩擦交易。
"万事达卡欧洲区金融科技和加密货币启用高级副总裁 Christian Rau 补充道:"让消费者能够选择如何以安全、简单和可靠的方式参与数字资产,并遵守所有相关法规,是我们在这一领域的战略核心。"将我们的全球合作伙伴网络和数字解决方案与 Nuvei 的高级集成相结合,为从事数字资产的企业和消费者带来了新的机遇和选择。
Nuvei 董事长兼首席执行官 Philip Fayer 对这一消息发表了评论:"我们的使命是通过支付将我们的客户与他们的客户更深入地联系起来,无论这些客户身在何处,无论他们希望以何种方式支付。扩大我们的全球许可组合一直是这方面的一个重点,我们现在可以提供我们支付平台的全部功能,以支持在阿联酋经营的企业的增长愿望。
蒙特利尔,2024 年 6 月 3 日--加拿大金融科技公司 Nuvei Corporation(以下简称 "Nuvei "或 "公司")(纳斯达克股票代码:NVEI)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:NVEI)今天宣布,公司已与数字支付领域的全球领导者 Visa 建立合作伙伴关系,在哥伦比亚提供 Visa Direct 支付服务。Nuvei 是首家向哥伦比亚客户提供 Visa Direct 的全球支付服务提供商。
Visa Direct 是 VisaNet 的一种处理功能,可利用银行卡凭证将资金安全、便捷、近乎实时地直接汇入金融账户。Visa Direct 客户可利用这一功能,直接向符合条件的借记卡或预付卡进行个人对个人(P2P)支付、资金支付、账单支付或跨境汇款。
哥伦比亚商户可通过与努维全栈模块化支付技术平台的现有单一集成直接使用 Visa Direct。通过 Visa Direct,Nuvei 商户能够为客户提供即时支付功能,交易路由和处理近乎实时。
随着商店和支付应用程序的出现和发展,移动支付已成为一种非常方便的支付方式,几乎可以在任何地方支付任何东西。预计到 2023 年,33% 的美国智能手机用户将评估近距离移动支付,而 2019 年这一比例仅为 29%。提供移动支付让客户的生活更轻松,让企业的利润更高。如果您不提供简单、便捷的移动支付选择,就会落后于竞争对手。通过将您的支付处理与 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay 相连接,努维可以帮助您接触到更多客户,并提高销售潜力。
数百万客户已经在使用 Apple 和 Google Pay。他们无需适应新的处理系统,只需使用现有工具即可通过您的支付处理系统结账。这就减少了他们的支付时间,使整个过程变得更简单。因此,为客户提供这种选择可以让他们更快、更轻松地完成结账,从而减少购物车放弃率。您只需留住足够长的时间让客户完成购买,就能提高销售额。
在 Nuvei,我们的 Android 和 iOS API 可以简单快速地集成 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay,用于应用程序内的支付。在几分钟内提供轻松、简单和安全的结账体验。
谷歌在市场上的巨大影响力也有助于您将处理过程整合到您的解决方案中。另一方面,苹果公司拥有数百万使用 iOS 设备的潜在客户,为无摩擦、无缝结账提供了机会。通过谷歌、安卓、iOS 或任何浏览器与您联系的客户都可以使用它,因此您无需采取额外步骤将支付整合到您的业务中。无论您的客户想在哪里付款,他们都可以使用 Apple 或 Google Pay 与您联系,并进行应用内、在线和店内购物。
由于使用生物识别技术完成交易,使用 Apple Pay 时的欺诈风险大大降低。Apple Pay 将银行卡数据代币化,以确保客户详细信息的安全。通过将卡号转化为虚拟令牌,它为客户提供了一种无压力的支付方式。另一方面,谷歌支付之所以能在市场上占据一席之地,部分原因在于它对安全的重视。该系统安全地存储支付信息,只共享完成特定交易所需的信息,让客户放心使用可信的程序,同时也保护他们的安全。
Nuvei 的应用程序接口(API)可让应用程序开发人员轻松集成并使用 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay。它能快速有效地检测特定设备是否与 Android 或 iOS 兼容,以及支付卡是否在那里激活。从您的角度看,整合工作会自动进行,从而简化您的流程,让您快速启动和运行。您将花更少的时间进行技术攻关,转而专注于提高销售额。
Nuvei 的产品和开发团队为提供无与伦比的支付处理能力而不懈努力,因为当交易顺利进行时,我们都会取得成功。通过使用我们的 API 将 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay 集成到您的支付系统中,我们为您提供了一个选择,帮助您高效、安全地为各地的客户提供服务。立即联系我们,了解与努维的应用内支付集成如何帮助您持续发展。