2013年に設立されたBitGoは、マルチシグネチャ・ウォレットのパイオニアであり、機関投資家へのサービス提供に特化した初のデジタル資産企業である。2018年には、デジタル資産の保管を目的とした初の適格カストディアンであるBitGo Trust Companyを立ち上げ、2021年にはBitGo New York Trustを設立した。2022年、BitGoは機関投資家向けのステーキング、DeFi、NFT、Web3サービスを開始した。BitGoは、金額ベースで全オンチェーンビットコイントランザクションの約20%を保護し、そのプラットフォーム内で700以上のデジタル資産をサポートしています。BitGoは、多くの規制機関や世界トップの暗号通貨取引所やプラットフォームを含む、50カ国の1500以上の機関投資家クライアントにセキュリティと運用のバックボーンを提供している。
BitGoはゴールドマン・サックス、Craft Ventures、DRW、Galaxy Digital Ventures、Redpoint Ventures、Valor Equity Partnersの支援を受けている。詳細はhttp://www.bitgo.com。
このパートナーシップは、オンラインカジノとスポーツベッティングプロフィールにおけるBetly顧客の入金とペイアウトの両プロセスを合理化し、チェックアウト時のプレイヤー体験を向上させます。Delaware Northは、Nuveiの米国現地でのアクワイアリング能力を活用し、カード決済によるデポジットを受け入れ、Nuveiの業界をリードするInstant Bank Transfer製品を介したリアルタイムの口座間取引を含む、プレーヤーが求める関連するすべてのペイアウト方法を可能にする。
本アレンジメントの一環として、フィリップ・フェイヤー氏、ノバカップ・マネジメント社(Novacap Management Inc.(総称して「ノバカップ」)およびCaisse de dépôt et placement du Québec(総称して「CDPQ」)(およびこれらが直接的または間接的に支配する事業体、以下「ロールオーバー株主」)は、アレンジメント・プランの条項およびアレンジメントに関連して各ロールオーバー株主と締結された該当するロールオーバー契約に従い、現金および購入者またはその関連会社の資本金の組み合わせと引き換えに、保有株式(以下「ロールオーバー株式」)を売却した。本アレンジメントの結果、当社は購入者の完全子会社となり、アドベント、フィリップ・フェイヤー、ノバカップおよびCDPQは、それぞれ約46%、24%、18%および12%を直接的または間接的に保有または支配もしくは指示を行使している。
National Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer BidsおよびNational Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issuesの要件に従い、買付者またはその関連会社、フィリップ・フェイヤーおよびフィリップ・フェイヤーが支配する特定の事業体は、適用される証券法に従って早期警戒報告書を提出します。早期警戒報告書の各コピーは、SEDAR+(www.sedarplus.ca)のNuveiのプロフィールの下で入手できるようになります。
本アレンジメントおよび関連取引の完了直前において、アドベントが買付者等と間接的な利害関係を有する事業体として設立したAI Maple Aggregator, L.P.(以下、「Maple Aggregator」)は、いかなる株式も保有しておらず、直接的または間接的に支配または指示を行使していませんでした。本アレンジメントの完了により、メープル・アグリゲーターは、買付者の間接的な利害を通じて、当社の資本において発行済の劣後議決権株式66,096,274株および複数議決権株式76,064,619株の46%を支配することになります。買付者等が本株式に対して支払った対価(買付者等またはその関連会社の資本金と交換したロールオーバー株式を除く)は、1株当たり34.00米ドル(47.69カナダドル相当)であった。買付者またはその関係会社の資本金と交換されたロールオーバー株式の黙示的価値は34.00米ドル(47.69カナダドル相当)であった。本プレスリリースに記載されているすべての数値は、カナダ銀行が発表した2024年11月14日の日次米ドル:カナダドル為替レートである1.4027米ドル:カナダドルで計算されています。
将来の見通しに関する情報には、既知および未知のリスクおよび不確実性が含まれており、その多くは当社が制御できないものであるため、実際の結果が当該将来の見通しに関する情報に開示されている、または暗示されているものと大きく異なる可能性があります。These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the possibility that the Subordinate Voting Shares will not be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq Global Select Market within the timing currently contemplated, that the Subordinate Voting Shares may not be delisted at all,また、適用されるカナダの証券取引法に基づく報告義務発行者でなくなるための当社の申請が受理されないか、延期される可能性があります。
既報の通り、当社は2024年4月1日、カナダの既存株主であるフィリップ・フェイヤー、ノヴァキャップ・マネジメント・インクが運用する投資ファンド、ケベック州金融公社(Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec)とともに、世界最大かつ最も経験豊富なグローバル・プライベート・エクイティ投資家の一人であり、決済分野における長年のスポンサーでもあるアドベント・インターナショナル(Advent International、以下「アドベント」)によって、当社の企業価値を約63億ドルとする全額現金による非公開化(以下「本取引案」)を行う最終合意に至りました。アドベントは、発行済の劣後議決権付株式およびロールオーバー株式以外の複数議決権付株式(総称して「株式」)のすべてを、1株当たり34.00ドルの現金で取得します。この価格は、ナスダック・グローバル・セレクト・マーケット(以下「ナスダック」)における劣後議決権付株式の、当社に関する潜在的取引に関する報道がなされる前の最終取引日である2024年3月15日の終値に対して約56%、また、同日時点における劣後議決権付株式1株当たりの90日間の出来高加重平均取引価格に対して約48%のプレミアムという、魅力的かつ大幅なプレミアムとなります。
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. [These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all.] In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
Nuveiの会長兼CEOであるフィリップ・フェイヤー氏は、今回の発表について次のようにコメントしている:「BigCommerceと提携し、北米、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリア市場を皮切りに、BigCommerceのグローバルな顧客基盤に最先端のNuvei for Platforms決済ソリューションを提供できることを嬉しく思います。このパートナーシップは、決済を通じて企業と顧客をより深く結びつけるという当社の使命に完全に合致しており、ビジネスの拡大に注力しているeコマース企業の特定のニーズに応えるオーダーメイドのソリューションを提供します。"
今回の提携は、Eコマースのサブセクターとして急成長を遂げているグローバルなEコマースSaaS市場において、Nuveiが引き続きグローバル展開を強化するための最新の発表である。Nuveiの統合決済ソリューションであるNuvei for Platformsは、企業グレードの決済テクノロジーを自社のプラットフォームに組み込むための完全カスタマイズ可能なソリューションを提供することで、企業の成長を加速させ、収益を促進します。このソリューションにより、かつて大企業だけが利用できた複雑で高性能な決済ソリューションを、あらゆる規模の企業が利用できるようになります。
BigCommerce (Nasdaq: BIGC) は、あらゆる規模のブランドや小売業者がオンラインでビジネスを構築、革新、成長できるよう支援する、オープンなSaaSおよびコンポーザブルeコマースプラットフォームのリーディングカンパニーです。BigCommerceは、洗練されたエンタープライズグレードの機能性、カスタマイズ性、パフォーマンスを、シンプルさと使いやすさで顧客に提供しています。Burrow社、Coldwater Creek社、Francesca's社、Harvey Nichols社、King Arthur Baking Co.社、MKM Building Supplies社、United Aqua Group社、Uplift Desk社など、世界150カ国、数多くの業種のB2CおよびB2B企業数万社がBigCommerceを利用しています。詳細については、www.bigcommerce.com をご覧いただくか、XおよびLinkedInでフォローしてください。
JCB International Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd.の道下裕子マネージング・ディレクターは、次のように述べています。Ltd.は、「2021年から2022年にかけて、JCBはシンガポールにおけるeコマースの取引量をほぼ倍増させました。東アジアは当社の伝統的な拠点ですが、2018年から2023年にかけてASEANのカードベースは132%と大幅な伸びを示しました。Nuveiのシンガポールと香港への最新の進出は、JCBの長期的な成長戦略を補完するものです。アジアにおけるNuveiのプレゼンスは、両社がより緊密に連携し、迅速に相当な販売量を達成することを可能にすると確信しています。"
ペイインとペイアウトを分離することで、キャッシュフローをより柔軟に管理し、通貨換算を最適化し、特定の市場ニーズに合わせて支払い戦略を調整することができます。企業はまた、700以上のローカルおよび代替支払い方法から選択し、支払い受け入れの地理的範囲を拡大することができます。Nuvei for Platformsは現在、イギリスとEUでペイインとペイアウトの分離をサポートしており、グローバルな展開が可能です。
世界的な商取引のデジタル変革が進む中、組み込み型決済市場は継続的な急成長が見込まれており、Nuvei for Platforms製品群を通じてNuveiに大きな収益機会がもたらされている。2023年に約830億米ドルと評価された同市場は、年平均成長率30%以上で拡大し、2032年には推定7,300億米ドルに達すると予測されている。
既報の通り、当社は2024年4月1日、カナダの既存株主であるフィリップ・フェイヤー、ノヴァキャップ・マネジメント・インクが運用する投資ファンド、ケベック州金融公社(Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec)とともに、世界最大かつ最も経験豊富なグローバル・プライベート・エクイティ投資家の一人であり、決済分野における長年のスポンサーでもあるアドベント・インターナショナル(Advent International、以下「アドベント」)によって、当社の企業価値を約63億ドルとする全額現金による非公開化(以下「本取引案」)を行う最終合意に至りました。アドベントは、発行済の劣後議決権付株式およびロールオーバー株式以外の複数議決権付株式(総称して「株式」)のすべてを、1株当たり34.00ドルの現金で取得します。この価格は、ナスダック・グローバル・セレクト・マーケット(以下「ナスダック」)における劣後議決権付株式の、当社に関する潜在的取引に関する報道がなされる前の最終取引日である2024年3月15日の終値に対して約56%、また、同日時点における劣後議決権付株式1株当たりの90日間の出来高加重平均取引価格に対して約48%のプレミアムという、魅力的かつ大幅なプレミアムとなります。
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described in greater detail under “Risk Factors” of the Company's annual information form ("AIF") and the “Risk Factor’s” in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2024 (“MD&A”), such as: risks relating to our business, industry and overall economic uncertainty; the rapid developments and change in our industry; substantial competition both within our industry and from other payments providers; challenges implementing our growth strategy; challenges to expand our product portfolio and market reach; changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, consumer spending and other macroeconomic factors affecting our customers and our results of operations; challenges in expanding into new geographic regions internationally and continuing our growth within our markets; challenges in retaining existing customers, increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers; reliance on third-party partners to distribute some of our products and services; risks associated with future acquisitions, partnerships or joint-ventures; challenges related to economic and political conditions, business cycles and credit risks of our customers, such as wars like the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts and related economic sanctions; the occurrence of a natural disaster, a widespread health epidemic or pandemic or other similar events; history of net losses and additional significant investments in our business; our level of indebtedness; challenges to secure financing on favorable terms or at all; difficulty to maintain the same rate of revenue growth as our business matures and to evaluate our future prospects; inflation; challenges related to a significant number of our customers being small and medium businesses ("SMBs"); a certain degree of concentration in our customer base and customer sectors; compliance with the requirements of payment networks; reliance on, and compliance with, the requirements of acquiring banks and payment networks; challenges related to the reimbursement of chargebacks from our customers; financial liability related to the inability of our customers (merchants) to fulfill their requirements; our bank accounts being located in multiple territories and relying on banking partners to maintain those accounts; decline in the use of electronic payment methods; loss of key personnel or difficulties hiring qualified personnel; deterioration in relationships with our employees; impairment of a significant portion of intangible assets and goodwill; increasing fees from payment networks; misappropriation of end-user transaction funds by our employees; frauds by customers, their customers or others; coverage of our insurance policies; the degree of effectiveness of our risk management policies and procedures in mitigating our risk exposure; the integration of a variety of operating systems, software, hardware, web browsers and networks in our services; the costs and effects of pending and future litigation; various claims such as wrongful hiring of an employee from a competitor, wrongful use of confidential information of third parties by our employees, consultants or independent contractors or wrongful use of trade secrets by our employees of their former employers; deterioration in the quality of the products and services offered; managing our growth effectively; challenges from seasonal fluctuations on our operating results; changes in accounting standards; estimates and assumptions in the application of accounting policies; risks associated with less than full control rights of some of our subsidiaries and investments; challenges related to our holding company structure; impacts of climate change; development of AI and its integration in our operations, as well as risks relating to intellectual property and technology, risks related to data security incidents, including cyber-attacks, computer viruses, or otherwise which may result in a disruption of services or liability exposure; challenges regarding regulatory compliance in the jurisdictions in which we operate, due to complex, conflicting and evolving local laws and regulations and legal proceedings and risks relating to our Subordinate Voting Shares. These risks and uncertainties further include (but are not limited to) as concerns the Proposed transaction with Advent, the failure of the parties to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction, failure of the parties to obtain such approvals or satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs or unknown liabilities, failure to realize the expected benefits of the transaction, and general economic conditions. Failure to obtain the necessary shareholder, regulatory and court approvals, or the failure of the parties to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction or to complete the transaction, may result in the transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all. In addition, if the transaction is not completed, and the Company continues as a publicly-traded entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Proposed transaction and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the transaction could have an impact on its business and strategic relationships (including with future and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and partners), operating results and activities in general, and could have a material adverse effect on its current and future operations, financial condition and prospects. Furthermore, in certain circumstances, the Company may be required to pay a termination fee pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position and results of operations and its ability to fund growth prospects and current operations.
[1] Philip Fayer、Novacap、CDPQ(およびこれらの株主が直接的または間接的に支配する企業を総称して以下「ロールオーバー株主」)は、それぞれ約95%、65%、75%の株式(以下「ロールオーバー株式」)をロールオーバーすることに合意し、クロージング時に売却される株式に対して総額約5億6,000万米ドルの現金を受け取る予定である。フィリップ・フェイヤー氏、ノヴァキャップ氏、CDPQ氏は、それぞれ約24%、18%、12%の株式を間接的に所有または支配する見込みです。予想される現金収入の割合と金額は、現在想定されるキャッシュ・ポジションに基づくものであり、クロージングまでに発生する現金により変更される可能性がある。
2024年、Nuveiはすでに、コロンビアで直接現地アクワイアラーになる最初のグローバル・ペイメント・カンパニーであることを発表し、LATAMにおける成長へのコミットメントを表明した。ブラジルでの決済機関ライセンスの取得に加え、ヌヴェイは現在メキシコで現地アクワイアリングサービスを実施しており、CNBV(Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores)の下で直接アクワイアラーになるための処理要件を満たしている。LATAMにおけるさらなる戦略的拡大が予定されている。
Visa Directは、安全で便利なほぼリアルタイムの資金移動を可能にするVisaNetの処理機能です。Visa Directのクライアントは、この機能を利用して、個人間(P2P)決済、資金支払い、請求書支払い、国境を越えた送金などのユースケースを、対象となるデビットカードやプリペイドカードに直接行うことができます。
Visa Directは、Nuveiのフルスタック・モジュラー・ペイメント・テクノロジー・プラットフォームへの既存のシングルインテグレーションを通じて、コロンビアの加盟店が直接利用できます。Visa Directを利用することで、Nuveiの加盟店は、ほぼリアルタイムでルーティングおよび処理されるトランザクションを使用して、顧客にインスタント決済機能を提供することができます。
“We’re thrilled to be welcoming Gang to the Nuvei team,” commented Nuvei Chair and CEO Philip Fayer. “Bringing in a leader with Gang’s credentials strengthens our executive team and will undoubtedly enable the broader technology team to thrive as we address the complexities of our industry with even more dedicated focus.”
Fayer continued: “Under Max’s leadership, our total payments volume grew nearly 5x from 2020 to 2023. With Max and Gang, we now have two world class operators poised to take Nuvei's technology capabilities to new heights and further accelerate our global revenue growth during the next phase of our journey. We are also creating a more effective and efficient structure for our team members.”
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 700 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, April 9 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announces that its Singapore entity, Nuvei Singapore Pte Ltd, has been granted a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
This new license enables Nuvei to operate three types of payments services in Singapore, including domestic money transfer, cross-border money transfer, and merchant acquisition services. Businesses in Singapore are now benefiting from Nuvei’s cutting-edge, agile technology that’s built to accelerate their growth, as well as Nuvei’s global reach and expertise in local markets across Asia-Pacific (APAC).
Nuvei’s payments platform enables businesses to optimize operating costs and boost conversion rates by consolidating their payments solutions, maximizing payments acceptance, minimizing risk, and enhancing the consumer payment experience.
“Securing this MPI license is another significant milestone as we continue accelerating our growth in APAC,” commented Philip Fayer, Nuvei's Chair and CEO. “This license enhances our service offering for customers in Singapore by enabling us to provide additional payment solutions, including international money transfers through direct card payouts. It also provides another validation of our steadfast commitment to optimizing the payment experience for businesses and consumers throughout this critically important region.”
This announcement follows a recent Nuvei launch of near instantaneous payout capabilities for businesses in Singapore via its partnership with Mastercard Send™. Through this strategic partnership with Mastercard, Nuvei can now enable businesses to process rapid cross-border payouts to over 1.5 billion Mastercard debit, credit and prepaid cards globally.
Nuvei continues to invest in building its presence across APAC to support businesses looking to scale both locally and cross-border. The Company's modular payments platform enables clients to securely connect with customers in over 200 markets worldwide through a single integration, accepting 680 alternative payment methods and offering acquiring in over 50 markets.
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 680 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
MONTREAL, April 11 2024 – Nuvei Corporation (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, today announces the launch of its new Invoice Financing services that have been integrated into several leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms, including Sage and Acumatica. This new service enables merchants to access Nuvei's Invoice Financing solutions directly within their ERP systems to optimize cash flow and unlock working capital more efficiently.
Nuvei’s flagship Accounts Receivable Automation suite is built with the intent of helping customers manage and improve DSO (Days Sales Outstanding). The launch of Invoice Financing represents an off-balance sheet extension of this solution, providing new and existing customers with a high degree of certainty to same day or next day cash.
Invoice Financing has emerged as a crucial tool for businesses to scale as they seek innovative solutions to manage their finances effectively during a period of high interest rates. With one click, Nuvei’s Invoice Financing solution enables businesses to expedite payments from any customer invoiced through their ERP. Invoice Financing from Nuvei ensures that businesses not only receive the cash they need promptly, but they also benefit from uniquely favorable rates made available by existing payment transaction data.
The key benefits and features of Nuvei's integrated Invoice Financing services include:
1) Instant access to capital: Businesses can gain access to cash within 24 hours by converting outstanding invoices into immediate working capital, enabling them to address immediate financial needs such as paying suppliers, covering operational expenses, or seizing time-sensitive business opportunities.
2) Enhanced cash flow management: With one-click invoice financing seamlessly integrated into the ERP, businesses can maintain a healthier cash flow by converting outstanding invoices into immediate working capital.
3) Seamless integration with existing workflows: Loan and repayment general ledger (GL) entries are automatically reflected in the ERP system and associated with the financed invoice.
The integration process features frictionless onboarding and quick funds disbursement within 24 hours of choosing to finance an invoice.
"Our mission is to bring our customers closer to their customers through our proprietary payments technology and solutions, and to enable them to accelerate their growth," commented Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO. "By integrating our Invoice Financing services with leading ERP platforms, we're empowering businesses to unlock financial flexibility and optimize their cash flow management, ultimately supporting their success in the ever-evolving business landscape."
Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 680 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
Accelerate your business with payment strategies featuring Generative AI
Today, GenAI is reshaping not just how consumers interact and transact online but also how businesses can improve operational processes behind these transactions. In this guide, we explore four payment use cases where GenAI can make the most impact on business growth.
Our report delves into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of payments. It explores how AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, are reshaping payment processes, fraud detection, and customer experiences.
40% more revenue is realized by brands that excel at personalization. 15% can be saved on operational costs with GenAI implementation.
By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can streamline operations, enhance security measures, and personalize interactions with customers. Moreover, the report highlights the potential of AI to drive innovation and unlock new opportunities in the payments industry.
As businesses embrace AI-driven solutions, they can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital economy.
Download to learn:
How to improve your fraud prevention strategy
Why hyper-personalization is key for revenue growth
How to save costs on operational processes
How to maximize the value of real human collaborations