ヌヴェイ・アカウント - 利用規約
1.2.本GT&Cは、プライバシーポリシー(リンク経由で利用可能: https://www.Nuvei.com/privacy-notice/、この参照によりここに組み込まれる)及びヌヴェイのサービスに適用されるその他の条件又はその他の文書とともに読まれるものとし、それらはすべてヌヴェイとクライアントとの間の法的合意を形成するものとする。
1.6.GT&Cは随時変更される可能性があり、GT&Cのこの特定のバージョンは、「Valid as of」の横のタイトルに示された日付にのみ適用されることにご留意ください。Nuveiのクライアントは、GT&Cのすべての変更について個別に通知されます。常に有効なバージョンをお読みください。
2.1.Nuveiは、法コード第304445876号の下にリトアニア共和国で法人化され、Antakalnio str. 17, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuaniaに登記住所を有する有限責任会社である。
2.3。Nuveiの活動は、Gedimino avenue 6, LT-01103, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, 電話番号+370 800 50 500に所在するリトアニア銀行によって監督されています。リトアニア銀行の詳細は公式ウェブサイト(https://www.lb.lt/en/.
2.5.Nuveiは、欧州経済領域諸国および英国に電子マネー機関のライセンスをパスポートしています。このようなライセンスのパスポートは、Nuveiがこれらの国の居住者または法人にサービスを提供する権利を与える。2021年1月1日の時点で、ブレグジット後に欧州経済地域に属さなくなった英国からの居住者または法人に対するサービスは、一定の規制基準および要件の対象となる英国の一時的な許可制度に基づいてNuveiによって提供されます。英国の一時的な許可制度の影響を受ける場合、英国の一時的な許可制度へのヌヴェイの参加に関する詳細情報をこちらで見つけることができます :https://register.fca.org.uk/s/firm?id=0010X00004NuWayQAFまたは、英国FCAのウェブサイト上の一時的な許可制度に関する一般的な情報:https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/how-brexit-could-affect-you/dealing-eea-firms-fundsまたは、イングランド銀行のウェブサイト:https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/eu-withdrawal/temporary-permissions-regime。
3.1.2.電子マネーの発行及び償還、並びに特定のお客様のために開設された電子マネー口座への電子マネー の預託;
a. 電子マネー口座間(内部支払送金);
b.電子マネー口座から他の支払サービスプロバイダに開設された支払口座への送金(外部支払 送金-SEPA支払とSWIFT支払の両方)。
4.1. Affiliates – mean any person or entity which directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Nuvei as of the date of these GT&Cs as well as other Nuvei group companies, for as long as such relationship remains in effect. For purposes of this definition, “control” means the direct or indirect ownership of at least 50% of the outstanding voting securities of a party, or the right to control the policy decisions of such party.
4.2. Business Day – means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, i.e. days when Nuvei and commercial banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania are open for business. Saturday, Sunday and holidays when Nuvei and banks operating in the Republic of Lithuania do not work, including public holiday days, are not considered as Business Day.
4.3. Client – means you, a natural person, willing to enter into a contractual relationship with Nuvei under the GT&Cs, the subject matter of which is provision of Services.
4.4. Confidential Information – means any information, facts and data that are used in the GT&Cs, as well as all other information, facts and data that were received by Nuvei about the Client (and vice versa) during the course of contractual relationship between Nuvei and the Client covered by these GT&Cs which has a certain value and capacity to cause benefit or harm to Nuvei and / or the Client, or information that is classified by its provider as confidential or its confidential nature results from its essence or circumstances of which of the other Party is aware including but not limited to information on payment transactions, on commercial terms offered to the Client and any other information relating to the activities of any of the Parties.
4.5. Direct Debit – a payment service where a payment transaction is initiated by the payee requesting debiting Client’s E-money account and when Nuvei debits Client’s E-money account on the basis of the consent given by the Client to Nuvei under these GT&Cs.
4.6. Electronic money – funds of the Client credited or transferred to and held on E-money account for execution of Payment Transfer.
4.7. E-money account – a virtual account having its IBAN number opened within the Nuvei Platform in the name of the client and used to perform Payment Transfers.
4.8. GT&Cs – means these General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of E-Money and Payment Services and all its annexes (if any) under which the Client and Nuvei agree regarding the provision of Services. In case other agreements are concluded between the Client and Nuvei with respect to the provision of Services prior to the Client accepts these GT&Cs, such agreements shall be considered as integral part of these GT&Cs. In case clauses of agreement(s) signed prior to accepting these GT&Cs contradict with the GT&Cs – provisions of the GT&Cs shall prevail, unless agreed by the Client and Nuvei otherwise in writing. In case clauses of agreement(s) signed after these GT&Cs contradict with the GT&Cs – provisions of the subsequent agreement(s) shall prevail, unless agreed by the Client and Nuvei otherwise in writing.
4.9. Identifier – unique credentials (e.g. ID, password) used by the Client to access his/her User Account and initiate Payment Transfers.
4.10. Payment Order – means an unconditional and unequivocal instruction given by the Client to Nuvei within the Nuvei Platform for the performance of the Payment Transfer.
4.11. Payment Services – payment services listed in clauses 3.1.3 - 3.1.5 of the GT&Cs which shall be provided to the Client by Nuvei and which are listed in electronic money institution license issued to Nuvei which may be found via the link provided in clause 2.2 of the GT&Cs.
4.12. Payment Transfer – means a payment transaction executed by Nuvei following the Payment Order received from the Client according to the rules established in these GT&Cs.
4.13. Parties – means Nuvei and the Client who accepted the GT&Cs.
4.14. Segregated Account – means a segregated bank account opened by Nuvei with an EEA credit institution to hold Clients’ funds for funds safeguarding purposes.
4.15. Services – mean E-money related services and Payment Services to be provided by Nuvei to the Client under the GT&Cs which are all listed in clause 3.1 of the GT&Cs.
4.16. Nuvei – UAB “Nuvei”. More details about Nuvei are provided in Section 2 of these GT&Cs.
4.17. Nuvei Platform – means an IT based platform which is owned by the parent company of Nuvei and within which the Services are provided and E-money accounts are opened to Nuvei Clients.
4.18. Transit Account – an electronic money account having its IBAN number opened within the Nuvei Platform in the name of Nuvei which is to be used either (i) to collect funds in Fiat currency from the virtual asset liquidity providers for the virtual asset sold by the Client and to transfer the funds in Fiat currency to the E-money account of the Client or (ii) as an interim account to which the Client transfers its funds so that Nuvei could later distribute them to the payees following Client’s instructions.
4.19. User Account – means a secure environment provided by Nuvei to each Client which may be reached by the Client through the Nuvei Platform which is available via the Website. User Account means a page / window assigned to each Client separately, i.e. each Client shall have his/her own User Account to which the Client may log in using logins and passwords created to and by that particular Client. In the User Account each Client can check data on transactions and other additional business information, place Payment Orders and initiate Payment Transfers.
4.20. Website – means https://accounts.Nuvei.com.
4.21. Other words used in the GT&Cs shall be explained following the Law on Payments of the Republic of Lithuania, unless the situation dictates otherwise.
6.2. セキュリティリスクは、Nuvei側とお客様(クライアント)側の両方から発生する可能性があります。セキュリティリスクは、Nuveiおよびお客様(クライアント)側の両方から発生する可能性があります。セキュリティリスクからの制御を確実にするために、Nuveiは、セキュリティリスクレベルを可能な限り低いレベルに減少させることを目的とした最善のセキュリティ慣行を実装しており、それらを常に更新し、監視しています。しかしながら、誰もセキュリティリスクから100%安全であることはできません。したがって、セキュリティリスクを制御し、セキュリティインシデントが発生するのを防止することに関しては、ヌヴェイだけでなく、クライアントも十分注意して行動することが非常に重要です。
6.3.セキュリティリスクを軽減するためには、それらがどのように発生し、何がその発生に影 響を与えるかを理解することが重要です。セキュリティリスクの例は以下のとおりです(リストは網羅的ではありません):クライアントのID情報または識別子の漏洩、盗難、または紛失、クライアントのコンピュータまたはNuveiシステムのハッキング、第三者がクライアントのユーザーアカウントを悪用、詐欺的または不正に使用することを可能にするその他の不正行為、例えば、クライアントの実際の承認なしにクライアントに代わって支払い注文を行うこと。さらに、技術的な問題は、クライアントのコンピュータまたはサービスに使用されているインターネット、またはサービスの使用を防止または一時停止することができる携帯電話事業者のネットワークで発生する可能性があります。
6.4.1. 第三者がアクセス可能な機器および/または識別子を放置しないこと。
6.4.2. 識別子を記憶し、他者が容易に発見できる場所に書き留めず、第三者に開示しないこと。
6.4.3. 第三者にクライアントの機器または識別子を使用させないこと。
6.4.5. 緊急かつ予期しない人物から要求された場合、いかなる取引も開始しないこと(恋愛詐欺、ナイジェリア王子詐欺、前払い金詐欺、慈善詐欺、マルチ商法など);
6.4.6. 以下のポータルを介してチケットを提出するNuveiに直ちに通知すること。 https://accountsnuvei.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new
7.2. サービスの提供に関して両当事者間で締結された契約関係は、GT&Cに定める早期終了がない限り、お客様がGT&Cを受諾した時点から12ヶ月間継続するものとします(以下「当初期間」といいます)。当初契約期間が満了した場合、両当事者間の契約関係は、当初契約期間または更新契約期間(該当する場合)が満了する14暦日前までに、契約関係の延長を希望しないこと、および契約関係の終了を希望することを、いずれか一方の当事者が他方の当事者に書面で通知しない限り、その後さらに12ヶ月間(それぞれ「更新契約期間」)自動的に延長されるものとします(当初契約期間および更新契約期間(該当する場合)を総称して「契約期間」といいます)。更新期間の回数は無制限とする。
9.1. Termination under Legal Acts or under Request of the Supervisory Authority. Nuvei shall have the right, in all instances, to terminate contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties unilaterally (without applying to court or coordinating with the Client) where so required by legal acts and/or supervisory authority(-ies) supervising activities of Nuvei. Contractual relations between the Parties shall be terminated within a period established under such legal acts or established by the supervisory authority(-ies). In case legal acts and/or supervisory authority do not establish a particular termination period, then the contractual relations between the Parties shall be terminated immediately but in any case no later than within thirty (30) calendar days.
9.2. Termination under grounds related to anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing requirements. Nuvei shall have a right, in all instances, to terminate the contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties unilaterally (without applying to court or coordinating with the Client) where Nuvei identifies that the Client fails to meet applicable anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing requirements, including, but not limited to cases, when the Client fails to submit all the required information or documents, submits false data, wants to conceal data, engages in actions related to money laundering and/or terrorist financing, etc. If such grounds are identified, the contractual relations shall be terminated immediately, unless regulators set different terms or required to perform additional actions. Depending on legal requirements, Nuvei may be prohibited to disclose concrete contractual relations termination grounds to the Client and, if so required under applicable laws, shall submit information and documents related to the Client to relevant authorities. These circumstances may be also relied upon by Nuvei when suspending provision of Services to the Client, including blocking the E-money account(s) and/or User Account for the period when the situation is properly assessed by Nuvei, however, no longer than 30 days (extensions in specific situations are possible, e.g. when the Client provided requested documents, however, additional time is needed for the documents to be certified).
9.3. Termination under request of Nuvei banking and/or payment services partners. Nuvei shall have the right, in all instances, to terminate the contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties unilaterally (without applying to court or coordinating with the Client) where so required by Nuvei banking and/or payment services partners. In such cases Nuvei may have no authority to affect the decision of its banking and/or payment services partners, however, will make its best to ensure that the termination is based on objective reasons (e.g. related to anti-money laundering regulation, etc.). Contractual relations between the Parties shall be terminated within a period requested by the banking and / or payment services partners of Nuvei with a prior notice to the Client.
9.4. Termination for Convenience. Either Party may terminate the contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties unilaterally (without applying to court) at any time upon provision of a 30 (thirty) calendar days’ prior written notice to the other Party.
9.5. Other grounds. The contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Client and Nuvei may be terminated upon occurrence of other termination grounds established under these GT&Cs, including but not limited to, for instance, established under clauses 5.5, 8.2, 12.4 and 17.4 of the GT&Cs. The contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Client and Nuvei shall be terminated within thirty (30) calendar days after the occurrence of the termination ground.
9.6. Effect of Termination. Upon the expiration or termination of the contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties for whatever reason indicated above: (i) all rights granted herein shall terminate immediately; (ii) each Party shall promptly return to the other Party, or destroy and certify the destruction of all Confidential Information to the other Party, if any, except for cases when legal acts require to store relevant data even after termination of business relationships; (iii) each Party shall remit in full all payments due to the other Party according to these GT&Cs or other agreements between the Parties accruing prior to the date of termination, and following such final payment, neither Party will be entitled to receive any payment from the other Party; (iv) any provision of the GT&Cs that by its very nature or context is intended to survive any termination, cancellation or expiration hereof, shall so survive; and (v) all other performance obligations of both Parties under the GT&Cs shall cease; (vi) Nuvei shall not have a duty to provide the Client with information about all payment operations initiated by the Client within 36 months period. However, such information may be provided to the Client subject to additional fee applied by Nuvei which shall be determined considering the scope of information requested and technical abilities to accumulate and submit such information. The termination itself shall be free of charge, i.e. Nuvei shall not charge the Client with a separate termination fee.
9.7. Provision of notice regarding termination. The written notice regarding termination of the contractual relations covered by these GT&Cs between the Parties for whatever reason listed above shall be submitted by the terminating Party to the other Party as specified under Section 22 of the GT&Cs and following timeframes established under this Section.
10.1. During the Term (as defined above in clause 7.2) of the GT&Cs, Nuvei shall provide the Client with the Services.
10.2. Services shall consist of opening and maintenance of E-money account, issuance and redemption of E-money and provision of Payment Services.
10.3. E-money account: The Client may have one or several E-money accounts opened with Nuvei Platform. However, the Client is allowed to have only one User Account. Each E-money account shall have an IBAN assigned which shall be unique and allow recognizing the E-money account and the Client for whom such E-money account is opened. The Client may access his/her E-money account via the User’s Account which is available within the Website. Funds held in an E-money account shall not constitute a deposit and interest shall not be paid to the Client for the electronic money held within the E-money account.
10.4. Payment Services: Payment Services shall be provided by Nuvei in non-cash form and exclusively remotely, i.e. via electronic means.
10.5. Currency exchange: Nuvei may provide the Client with currency exchange services. The Client shall have a right to initiate currency exchange of funds held within the E-money account once this service becomes available within Nuvei Platform and User Account. The currency exchange shall be based on the exchange rate applied by Nuvei, which is valid at the moment of conversion and which shall be determined by using European Central Bank’s standard rate plus a certain percentage applied by Nuvei which shall be posted within Nuvei Platform. When available, the currency exchange service should be considered as a separate service which is applied only under request of the Client. Accordingly, in cases when the Client wants to initiate a Payment Transfer and for this executes a currency exchange, however, the Payment Transfer is rejected and cannot be processed further, the amount of funds to be refunded to the Client’s E-money account might be lower, i.e. less of currency conversion fees. If Nuvei changes the currency conversion rates, they become affective as of the change date without applying Client’ notification requirement as specified under Section 8 of the GT&Cs.
10.6. Funds may be held on an E-money account only in EUR or other Fiat currencies which might be indicated within Nuvei Platform and User Account as possible to be held within an E-money account. In cases where only EUR balance is allowed and the Client receives funds in different Fiat currencies, Nuvei shall have the right and the Client gives an irrevocable consent to initiate currency exchange of funds before crediting them to the Client’s E-Money account based on exchange rate described above in this clause 10.5 of the GT&Cs. The Client hereby expresses its consent and undertakes responsibility for possible losses due to currency exchange performed in such cases and shall not have a right to raise claims to Nuvei with this respect.
10.7. By keeping funds in different currency (if and when such possibility will be supported by Nuvei), the Client undertakes responsibility for possible depreciation of funds due to changes in currency exchange rates and shall not have a right to raise claims to Nuvei with this respect.
10.8. Currencies: Balances within E-money accounts may be held and Payment Services shall be supported by Nuvei only in EUR or other Fiat currencies which might be indicated within Nuvei Platform and User Account as possible to be served by Nuvei.
10.9. Since Nuvei provides the Services by electronic means, your instructions given to Nuvei shall be confirmed by the means Nuvei uses to confirm your identity on the Nuvei Platform. Your consents, approvals, acceptances and other statements given though the use of Nuvei Platform shall have the same legal validity as Client’s signature on a written document. Client’s agreements concluded with Nuvei via Nuvei Platform shall be deemed to be written agreements concluded between the Client and Nuvei.
10.10. If the Client requests Nuvei to perform additional services listed in the Website than the ones agreed under these GT&Cs (“New Services”), Nuvei may, at its sole discretion, provide a written quote to the Client listing the charges for the requested New Services (“New Services Fees”). The Client may accept such quote within seven (7) calendar days, and elect to have Nuvei perform the New Services, and the consideration under the GT&Cs will be adjusted to also reflect the New Services Fees. If the Client so elects, the New Services will then be deemed part of the “Services” and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the GT&Cs beginning on the date agreed to by the Client and Nuvei. For the avoidance of doubt, except as otherwise agreed to by Nuvei expressly and in writing, Nuvei will not in any case be obligated to provide any additional services, and shall render any such additional services only to the extent Nuvei has the ability to do so and if such service is possible to be provided by Nuvei according to the scope of Nuvei electronic money institution license.
5.Nuvei は、上記のステップ 3 で示された電子メールに検証リンクを送信します。
9.Nuveiの指示に従ってパスワードを作成し、"次へ "をクリックします。
11.3. 上記のすべての手順が適切に実行され、ヌーヴェイがお客様からすべての情報を受領した場合、ヌーヴェイはお客様のユーザーアカウントを開設します。GT&Cの第5.4条および第5.5条に定めるとおり、ユーザーアカウントの開設は、お客様がその瞬間からサービスを利用できることを意味するものではないことにご注意ください。ヌヴェイは、必要な情報および書類を提供した時点から5営業日以内に、可能な限り速やかに、別途書面により、その決定(肯定的または否定的のいずれか)について通知します。より包括的な分析を行う必要がある特定の場合には、評価により多くの時間を要することがあります。
12.9. 換金または送金される電子マネーの金額は、お客様が選択します。クライアントがこれらのGT&Cによってカバーされる契約関係を終了し、電子マネーアカウントの閉鎖およびユーザーアカウントの削除を要求する場合、またはNuveiがこれらのGT&Cによってカバーされる契約関係を終了する場合、電子マネーアカウントに保有される資金は、特に書面でNuveiと合意しない限り、クライアントによって示された別の支払サービスプロバイダ内に開設されたクライアントの銀行または支払口座に移転されるものとします。Nuveiは、Nuveiに帰属する返済可能な資金(提供されたサービスの料金および/またはクライアントによって支払われていない費用がある場合には、その費用)から手数料の金額を控除する権利を有するものとします。ヌーヴェイとクライアントの間で紛争が生じた場合、ヌーヴェイは、紛争が解決するまで、紛争中の資金を留置する権利を有するものとする。
13.1. The Client can manage an E-money account via the Nuvei Platform by logging in to Client’s User Account.
13.2. The Client shall have a right to execute Payment Transfers from the E-money account to other E-money accounts opened with Nuvei (internal transfers) or to accounts opened within other payment service providers. The Client shall also have a right to receive Payment Transfers to his/her E-money account from other E-money accounts opened with Nuvei or from other payment accounts opened with other payment service providers. However, subject to Client’s risk exposure and other criteria that may be seen by Nuvei as of the key importance for the proper management and control of risks related to the particular Client, Nuvei shall have a right to apply limitations towards the functionality of the Client’s E-money account (for instance, to allow only payments to / from payment accounts of the Client and to forbit third-party payments, etc.).
13.3. Opening and maintenance of an E-money account is free of charge, except for inactive E-money account(s), as specified in clause 13.4.1 below in these GT&Cs.
13.4. If the Client did not login to his/her E-money account and did not perform any transaction on his/her E-money account for more than 12 (twelve) months, Nuvei shall have a right to terminate the GT&Cs. In this case the following procedure should be followed:
13.4.1. if the E-money account of the Client is inactive for 3 (three) months in a row or more and the balance of E-money account is 0 (zero), Nuvei shall have a right to terminate the contractual relations formed under these GT&Cs with the Client. For this, Nuvei shall submit the Client with a prior written notice under which the Client would be informed about the expected closing of inactive E-money account if the Client does not start using it until the date indicated in Nuvei notification about E-money account closing which shall not be less than 30 (thirty) calendar days. If the Client starts using the E-money account and starts performing Payment Transfers within the indicated term, the E-money account would not be terminated. If the Client does not start using the E-money account within the indicated term, the E-money account would be terminated and the Client would be informed accordingly. It is a right of Nuvei to decide whether to terminate the contractual relations with the Client in case its E-money account is inactive for more than 3 (three) months and its balance is 0 (zero), however, Nuvei should not tolerate inactivity period for a period longer than 12 (twelve) months – if Client’s E-money account is inactive for more than 12 (twelve) months and its balance is equal to 0 (zero), Nuvei right to close such E-money account turns into a duty. If the E-money account to be closed is the only E-money account of the Client, contractual relations with the Client shall be terminated as well;
13.4.2. If the E-money account of the Client is inactive for 12 (twelve) months in a row and there is a positive balance within the E-money account, Nuvei shall inform the Client about the fee to be applied for an inactive E-money account. If after notifying the Client it does not express its intention to close inactive E-money accounts, Nuvei shall keep it open, however, Nuvei obtains a right to charge the inactivity fee by deducting it from the E-money account of the Client on a monthly basis. The inactive account fee shall be applied on a monthly basis for each and every inactive E-money account that the Client might have starting from the thirteen (13) month after the last payment transaction was executed or received or currency exchange was performed within the E-money account. Nuvei shall have a right to keep charging the inactivity fee until the balance of inactive E-money account comes to 0 (zero). When the E-money account comes to 0 (zero), Nuvei shall inform the Client about the expected closing of inactive E-money account if the Client does not start using it until the date indicated in Nuvei notification about E-money account closing which shall not be less than 30 (thirty) calendar days. If the Client starts using the E-money account and starts performing Payment Transfers within the indicated term, the E-money account would not be terminated. If the Client does not start using the E-money account within the indicated term, the E-money account would be terminated and the Client would be informed accordingly.
13.5. The Client, having noticed that funds have been credited to Client’s E-money account by mistake or in other ways that have no legal basis, is obliged to notify Nuvei about it. The Client has no right to dispose of funds within an E-money account that do not belong to it. In such cases Nuvei shall have the right and the Client gives an irrevocable consent to deduct such funds from Client’s E-money account without the Client's order. If the amount of funds owned by the Client and held in the Segregated Account is insufficient to debit the funds credited by mistake, the Client unconditionally commits to repay Nuvei the funds credited by mistake in 3 (three) Business Days from the receipt of such request from Nuvei.
13.6. The Client may check his/her E-money account balance, E-money account history, information about initiated Payment Transfers (recipients, senders, currency, amount of transaction, date of transaction, account numbers, etc.), currency exchange rates applied by Nuvei, commissions / fees applied by Nuvei, by logging in to his/her User Account.
13.7. The Client shall ensure that:
13.7.1. incoming funds on his/her/its E-money account are not obtained as a result of criminal activity;
13.7.2. the Client will not use Services provided by Nuvei for any illegal purposes, including actions and operations in order to legalize funds received for a criminal or illegal activity.
14.2. トランジットアカウントは、Nuveiの名前で開設された電子マネー口座で、Nuveiプラットフォーム内での支払のみをサポートします。トランジット・アカウントは、Nuveiプラットフォーム内での支払のみをサポートするNuveiの名前で開設された電子マネー・アカウントとなります。Nuveiのみがトランジットアカウントに対するアクセス権および管理権を有し、トランジットアカウントの所有者となる。
14.4. この場合、ペイジーは、Nuveiがペイジャーの支払をサポートする支払サービスプロバイダ であることを認識するものの、ペイジーとしてNuveiを見る。Nuveiは、トランジット・アカウントの使用のために個別の手数料を適用することができる。顧客は、かかる手数料について別途書面で通知される。トランジット・アカウントの手数料は、トランジット・アカウントに送金された/トランジット・アカウントに入金されたクライアントの資金、またはクライアントの電子マネー口座から差し引くことができます。
15.1. The Client will be able to place Payment Orders only after logging into his/her User Account. The Client shall provide a Payment Order for the execution of the Payment Transfer following instructions specified in the Nuvei Platform and valid at the moment of Payment Transfer initiation. Before sending a Payment Order for the execution of a Payment Transfer the Client is required to check and update the instructions on filling in the account. After the Payment Order is placed, Nuvei will execute the Payment Order following its details.
15.2. Provided the Client is the payer, the Payment Order is considered received by Nuvei on the day when it is placed with the User Account of the Client, or, if the moment of receipt of the Payment Order is not a Business Day, the Payment Order shall be considered received on first Business Day coming after.
15.3. The Payment Order that was received by Nuvei on a Business Day, but not on business hours set by Nuvei, shall be considered received on the nearest Business Day.
15.4. The Client and Nuvei shall have a right to agree that the Payment Order shall be executed on particular agreed day or only after certain conditions are met (i.e. Direct Debit service). For instance, if the Client is required to pay the price for the purchased asset to the seller only after the Client receives the purchased asset from the seller, the Client may instruct and authorize Nuvei in advance to execute Payment Transfer from Client’s E-money account to the seller after Nuvei receives information that the Client received the purchased asset. In this case, the Client is not required to place separate Payment Orders after the purchased asset is received by the Client, instead, the Payment Order of the Client shall be considered received by Nuvei the day when Nuvei received information that asset was transferred to the Client. The Client shall ensure that the balance of Client’s E-money account is always sufficient to execute Payment Transfer. If, at the moment when Nuvei shall execute Payment Transfer from Client’s E-money account to the seller as specified in this clause the balance of Client’s E-money account is not sufficient, Nuvei will contact the Client and inform about non-sufficient balance of Client’s E-money account. In such case Nuvei shall not be deemed liable for the non-execution of Payment Transfer and the duty to execute Payment Transfer shall become valid only after the Client credits its E-money account and the balance is sufficient to execute Payment Transfer. Nuvei shall also have a right to apply fees in case of impossibility for Nuvei to perform Payment Transfer due to reasons indicated in this clause. The Client is to be informed separately about such fees.
15.5. Terms for Payment Order execution:
15.5.1. in case Payment Order shall be executed within Nuvei Platform (i.e. internal transfer) – Payment Order shall be executed immediately, i.e. up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Order is suspended due to cases set forth by legal acts and the GT&Cs, regardless of business hours of Nuvei;
15.5.2. in case an external (i.e. from E-money account to payment account opened with another payment service provider) Payment Order is initiated in EUR currency and within European Economic Area countries – Payment Order shall be executed within (1) one Business Day and funds shall be credited to the recipient’s account as soon as they are received by the recipient’s payment service provider, unless the Payment Order is suspended due to cases set forth by legal acts and the GT&Cs;
15.5.3. in case an external (i.e. from E-money account to payment account opened with another payment service provider) Payment Order is initiated in currency other than EUR – Payment Order shall be executed within (4) four Business Days and funds shall be credited to the recipient’s account as soon as they are received by the recipient’s payment service provider, unless the Payment Order is suspended due to cases set forth by legal acts and the GT&Cs;
15.5.4. in case an external Payment Order is initiated in EUR currency and Payment Order is initiated and shall be executed in the Republic of Lithuania – the Payment Order shall be executed within the same Business Day provided that the Payment Order was received until 12 a.m. (noon), unless the Payment Order is suspended due to cases set forth by legal acts and the GT&Cs. In case the Payment Order was received after 12 a.m. (noon), the Payment Order shall be executed no later than within the next Business Day and funds shall be credited to the recipient’s account as soon as they are received by the recipient’s payment service provider, unless the Payment Order is suspended due to cases set forth by legal acts and the GT&Cs.
The above terms may be extended if so required according to factual circumstances (e.g. terms also depend on Nuvei banking and/or payment service partners) and/or is allowed under legal acts (e.g. when Nuvei assesses whether the expected Payment Transfer is not suspicious or related with money laundering and / or terrorist financing).
15.6. Payment Orders submitted by the Client shall comply with requirements applicable for the submission of the Payment Order and (or) content of the Payment Order set by the legal acts or by Nuvei. Payment Orders submitted by the Client shall be formulated clearly, unambiguously, shall be executable and contain clearly stated consent of the Client. Nuvei does not undertake responsibility for errors, discrepancies, repetitions and (or) contradictions in Payment Orders submitted by the Client, including but not limited to, correctness of requisites of the Payment Order submitted by the Client.
15.7. Nuvei shall have the right to refuse to execute a Payment Order in case of a reasonable doubt that the Payment Order has been submitted not by the Client or in case of other lawful suspicion with respect to the Payment Order. In such cases, Nuvei shall have the right to demand from the Client to additionally confirm the submitted Payment Order and (or) submit additional information or documents confirming the Payment Order. Payment Order may be proceeded only if the Client submits requested information or documents and/or deletes technical defects. Notification about the refusal to execute Payment Order shall be submitted to the Client following procedure established under Section 22 of the GT&Cs. Notification about the refusal to execute Payment Order shall be submitted to the Client immediately but in any case not later than:
15.7.1. in case Payment Order is initiated in EUR currency – within (1) one Business Day;
15.7.2. in case Payment Order is initiated in currency other than EUR – within (4) four Business Days.
The above terms may be extended if so required according to factual circumstances (e.g. terms also depend on Nuvei banking and/or payment service partners) and/or is allowed under legal acts (e.g. when Nuvei assesses whether the expected Payment Transfer is not suspicious or related with money laundering and / or terrorist financing).
15.8. Nuvei shall have a right to apply fee with respect to the Client for the lawful refusal to execute the Payment Order as specified above in this clause 15.7. If such a fee is to be applied, it will be published with the Website in the fee section.
15.9. Before executing the Payment Order submitted by the Client, Nuvei shall have a right to suspend it and demand from the Client documents which prove the legal source of funds related to the Payment Order. In case the Client does not submit such documents, Nuvei shall have a right to refuse to execute the Payment Order of the Client and to provide related information to relevant authorities, if so required under applicable laws.
15.10. In case Nuvei has refused to execute the Payment Order submitted by the Client, Nuvei shall immediately inform the Client about this or create necessary conditions for the Client to get acquainted with such notification, except when such notification is technically impossible or forbidden to be provided to the Client under applicable laws.
15.11. Provided that Nuvei debited funds from Client’s E-money account, but is unable to credit the funds indicated in the Payment Order to the recipient’s account (e.g. the recipient’s account is closed, the indicated IBAN number does not exist or else), Nuvei shall return the payment amount to the Client’s E-money account not later than within 2 (two) Business Days, however, the actual receipt of funds by the sender may last longer depending on the time of transfer processing by other payment services providers. In this case, charges for returning a Payment Order may be applied. Also, the amount to be credited back to the Client’s E-money account may be lower than the initial amount debited due to applied currency exchange fees or other fees that may be applied in the exact case which would be deducted. If Nuvei cannot credit funds indicated in the Payment Order to the recipient due to errors in Client’s Payment Order, but the Client requests to return the funds indicated in the Payment Order, the Payment Order may be cancelled and funds may be returned to the Client, but only under a written request of the Client and if the recipient agrees to return the funds to the payer (if the recipient can be identified). Cancellation of the Payment Order shall be subject to fees applicable by Nuvei. Applicable fees shall be published on the FAQ page within the Website and may be amended from time to time.
15.12. In case the Client indicates incorrect data of the recipient of the payment and the Payment Order is executed according to the incorrect data provided by the Client (i.e. the Client indicates a wrong receiver’s account number; the Client indicates wrong credit card details (for external transfer); the Client indicates a wrong IBAN number of his/her/its E-money account / email), it shall be considered that Nuvei has fulfilled the obligations properly and shall not be obliged to repay the transferred amount to the Client. Even though Nuvei shall not be held liable for the execution of the Payment Order based on the incorrect data provided by the Client, Nuvei shall take all reasonable measures to track the executed payment operation and shall put reasonable efforts to recover funds. All information necessary to track the executed payment operation shall be provided to the Client to the extent allowed under the laws which should assist the Client shall directly contact the person, who has received the payment for the issue of the returning the transferred funds.
15.13. The Client cannot cancel the Payment Order after it is received by Nuvei, except in the following cases.
15.13.1. in case terms specified under clauses 15.7.1 and 15.7.2 passed due – the Payment Order may be cancelled only if it is separately agreed by the Client and Nuvei; in case specified under clause 15.7.1 – the receipt of consent of the received shall also be received.
15.14. Immediately and no later than within the same Business Day when it is determined that due to the fault of Nuvei the Payment Order was executed without consent of the Client and/or was executed improperly, Nuvei shall refund the Client with funds that were transferred within such unauthorized Payment Order. In case it is determined that executed Payment Order was unauthorized and/or executed improperly due to the fault of the Client – consequences specified under clause 15.12 of the GT&Cs shall apply and Nuvei shall not be considered liable and execution of Payment Order shall be considered as fulfilled properly. Whereas Nuvei has reasonable ground to suspect fraud in relation to the executed Payment Order as indicated in this paragraph, Nuvei shall immediately notify the Supervisory Authority about such Payment Order and reasons why it is suspected to be fraudulent.
15.15. Nuvei, after deducting relevant amount from Client’s E-money account following Client’s Payment Order, shall provide the Client within the User’s Account the following information about each executed Payment Transfer:
15.15.1. Information about the payee: name and IBAN number;
15.15.2. Amount and currency in which the amount was debited from Client’s E-money account;
15.15.3. Currency exchange ratio applied, if currency exchange was applied;
15.15.4. Amount in a currency after conversion;
15.15.5. Amount of commissions applied by Nuvei;
15.15.6. The date when the funds were debited from the E-money account.
15.16. Nuvei, after crediting relevant amount to Client’s E-money account, shall provide the Client within the User’s Account the following information about each received Payment Transfer:
15.16.1. Information about the payer: name and IBAN number;
15.16.2. Amount and currency in which the amount was credited to Client’s E-money account;
15.16.3. Currency exchange ratio applied, if currency exchange was applied by Nuvei prior to crediting funds to Client’s E-money account;
15.16.4. Amount in a currency prior conversion;
15.16.5. Amount of commissions applied by Nuvei;
15.16.6. The date when the funds were credited to Client’s E-money account.
16.1. Nuvei supports both SEPA and SWIFT payments. SEPA payments are made within European Economic Area countries (i.e. SEPA region) while SWIFT payments are cross-border payments that may be executed over the world. The Client will be able to choose desired payment method (SEPA or SWIFT) in his / her User account.
16.2. The GT&Cs apply to SEPA and SWIFT payments to full extent, except for this Section 16 which shall apply only with respect to SWIFT payments.
16.3. In case of SWIFT payment, apart from the key payment information (such as amount, payee, payee’s account IBAN, etc.), the Client will be also requested to indicate the destination country, payee bank’s code, the currency and also to specify payee’s address. The exact information required for the SWIFT payment will be requested automatically when creating the Payment Order within the User Account.
16.4. Processing of SWIFT payments is subject to Nuvei fees that are usually higher than SEPA payment fees. Besides, in case of SWIFT payment intermediary bank fees may be also applied, the amount of which may not be known to Nuvei and the Client when placing a SWIFT Payment Order and which would be deducted from the amount being transferred to the payee and, as a result, the recipient may receive a lower amount than was initially transferred. Please take this into account when placing the SWIFT Payment Order.
16.5. If you are initiating SWIFT payment (i.e. when you act as the payer), you will have to pay SWIFT payment processing fees applied by Nuvei meanwhile the remaining fees (e.g. applicable by the payee’s payment service provider or intermediary banks) will have to be settled by the payee. Usually, intermediary bank fees are deducted directly from the amount being transferred to the payee which is why the payee might receive the lower amount than was initially transferred by the payer. Outgoing SWIFT payment fee is to be applied by Nuvei and to be deducted not from the amount being transferred but from the Client’s E-money account balance. If Client’s E-money account balance is not sufficient to cover Nuvei fees, Nuvei shall have a right to refuse executing outgoing SWIFT payment.
16.6. If you are receiving SWIFT payment (i.e. when you act as the payee), Nuvei will deduct its incoming SWIFT payment fee from the amount being transferred before crediting it to your E-money account. Please note that intermediary banks may be already deducted their own fees from the amount being transferred which may be the reason why the amount of funds received by you is lower than you expected or in exceptional cases the amount received may be even equal to zero if the transferred amount was low and it was all used to deduct intermediary bank fees. Nuvei has not power or obligation to manage fees applied by the payer’s payment service provider or intermediary banks, therefore, in case of any claims regarding amount credited to your account please address them to the payer. In case the amount to be credited to Client’s account will be equal or lower than incoming SWIFT payment fee to be applied by Nuvei, Nuvei shall have a right to either reject the payment or to use the funds being transferred to cover the fees of Nuvei leaving no funds to be credited to the Client’s E-money account. In any case, even if the amount received is lower than Nuvei fees to be applied with respect to incoming SWIFT payment, Nuvei shall not have a right to deduct applicable fees from the balance of Client’s E-money account to cover the remaining fee part.
16.7. Nuvei shall have a right to apply SWIFT payment rejection fee with respect to Client who initiated a rejected SWIFT payment in case there are objective reasons for the rejection (e.g. E-money account balance is not sufficient to cover initiated SWIFT payment, etc.) and/or in case the Client provides false identifiers (e.g. payee’s IBAN indicated by the Client is not valid) and the funds need to be refunded to the Client as they cannot reach the payee.
16.8. Please always check applicable fees before placing the SWIFT Payment Order and assess the possibility of fees deduction from the amount being transferred. Applicable fees are published on the Website.
16.9. Nuvei may apply certain restrictions in making payments to countries which are not supported by Nuvei. Such restrictions are to be published on the Website. If Nuvei does not support payments to certain countries, you will not be allowed to place the Payment Order to that country (such Payment Order will be automatically rejected).
16.10. Nuvei may apply specific rules deviating from these GT&Cs with respect to SWIFT payments (e.g. SWIFT payment processing times, SWIFT payment fees and their distribution among the parties, restrictions to payments to certain countries or payee’s banks or payment service providers, FAQ regarding SWIFT payments, etc.). Such specific rules shall apply only if they are published on the Website, otherwise rules under these GT&Cs shall be followed by the Parties. If you are willing to initiate SWIFT payment, please get acquainted with information provided in SWIFT payments section on the Website.
17.3. お客様が支払人として行動する場合、両当事者は、Nuveiが、お客様の電子マネー口座に入金する前に、お客様の電子マネー口座に入金される金額から支払取引の実行に関連する適用手数料(コミッション)を控除する権利を有することに同意するものとします。ウェブサイトに公表されていないが、ケースバイケースでクライアントに適用される可能性のある追加手数料(例:非アクティブ口座手数料)は、GT&Cのセクション22で指定された方法でクライアントに別途提供されます。
18.5. お客様は、お客様/お客様の代理を務める者によりNuveiに提供された情報、指示または文書の正確性、完全性および適時性について全責任を負うものとします。当事者は、GT&Cに基づく義務の不履行が、適用法に従って証明される不可抗力の状況によって引き起こされたことを証明できる場合、GT&Cに基づく義務の不履行に対する責任を免除されるものとします。
19.2. 各当事者は、GT&Cおよび法律行為に定める場合を除き、いかなる時点においても、いかなる者に対しても秘密情報を開示しないことを約束する。秘密情報には、書面による記録によって示される以下の情報は含まれません:(i) 受領当事者が作為または不作為を行わなかったことにより、一般的に知られ、または入手可能となった情報、(ii) 受領当事者が守秘義務に違反することなくすでに知っていた情報、(iii) 第三者から受領当事者に制限または開示なく正当に提供された情報;(iv) 開示当事者の秘密情報を参照することなく、受領当事者が独自に開発したもの (v) 政府機関または裁判所の拘束力のある命令に従って公開されたもの。ただし、かかる公開に先立ち、受領当事者が開示当事者に通知を提供し、開示当事者が保護命令またはその他の適切な救済措置を求めることができるものとします。上記条項 (v) に記載されるそのような事象において、受領当事者は、法的に要求される機密情報のみを開示し、開示される機密情報の機密扱いを取得するために合理的な努力を払うものとします。上記第(v)号の規定に基づく開示は、受領当事者がプレス リリースを発行すること、または開示が要求される情報について議論すること、もしくはさらに広めることを許可しないものとします。
19.3.受領当事者は、開示当事者が、本GT&Cに基づく両当事者間の契約関係の期間中、またはそれに関連して、秘密情報を開示したこと、または開示する可能性があることを理解します。受領当事者は、以下の事項に同意するものとします:(i) 当該秘密情報を保護するために商業上合理的な予防措置を講じること、(ii) 当該秘密情報を使用しないこと(GT&Cs または法律により許可される場合を除く)、または第三者に開示しないこと、(iii) 当該秘密情報を、不正な使用、開示、譲渡または公表から保護し、少なくとも自社の秘密情報または専有情報に使用するのと同程度の注意を払うこと(ただし、いかなる場合においても合理的な注意を下回らないこと);(v) 機密情報の不正使用または開示が発見された場合、開示当事者に通知し、機密情報の所有権を回復し、さらなる不正行為または本GT&Cに対するその他の違反を防止するための合理的な措置を講じること。
20.2.第三者サービスプロバイダー。クライアントは、Nuveiが、かかる第三者サービスプロバイダがNuveiがGT&Cの下で拘束される条件と実質的に同様の条件によって拘束されることを条件として、本サービスの履行において第三者サービスプロバイダを使用することができることを認めるものとします。さらに、お客様は、Nuvei が本サービスの履行においてその関連会社を使用できることを認めるものとします。かかる情報が本サービスの適切な提供に必要である限り、かかる第三者サービスプロバイダへの秘密情報の開示は、GT&Cの違反とはみなされないものとし、お客様はかかる開示に同意するものとします。
20.3.第三者情報への依存。クライアントは、ヌーヴェイが、法令により許容される範囲内で、クライアントの識別を目的として、クライアントに関する第三者の情報に依拠することがあることをここに通知されるものとします。また、クライアントをクライアントとする第三者は、法 律上許容される範囲内で、本人確認の目的でヌヴェイが保有するクライアントの情報に依拠する ことができるものとします。
20.4.サービスの利用クライアントは、GT&C に定める目的に限り、本サービスを利用するものとします。お客様は、違法な目的または違法な目的を助長するためにサービスを使用しません。違法な目的を構成する活動およびサービスには、マネーロンダリング、テロ資金調達、人身売買(児童ポルノを含む)、暴力、金融犯罪、密輸(麻薬、武器、薬物、タバコ等を含む)、サイバー犯罪、ホワイトカラー犯罪および汚職、知的財産権の侵害に関する活動およびサービスが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。ヌーヴェイは、クライアントが上記の不適切な目的で本サービスを利用していると信じるに足る合理的な理由がある場合、クライアントに書面で通知した上で、直ちに本サービスを停止または終了させることができるものとします。また、お客様は、お客様に代わって支払注文を開始する権限を有しない他の第三者に、ユーザーアカウント及び/又は電子マネーアカウントへのアクセスを提供してはならないものとします。万が一、権限のない第三者がユーザーアカウントまたは電子マネーアカウントにアクセスしようとしている、またはアクセスしようとしたことに気づいた場合、他方の当事者は直ちにそのことを通知しなければなりません。
21.1.Nuvei とお客様の間の紛争は、交渉によって解決されるものとします。
21.4. いかなる場合においても、最終回答の提供期間は、苦情の受領後35営業日を超えないものとします。お客様がNuveiの最終回答に満足されない場合、またはNuveiがクレームの受領から15(15)営業日(35(35)営業日)以内にお客様に回答しない場合、お客様は3つの異なる方法でリトアニア銀行に申請する権利を有するものとします:
(i) 電子紛争解決施設 E-Government Gateway(電子政府ゲートウェイ)https://www.epaslaugos.lt/portal/service/55620/3620?searchId=5dcd7380-18f9-4e93-8a5c-23cadacd5afa、
(ii) 申請書(https://www.lb.lt/en/how-can-i-apply-for-dispute-settlement)に必要事項を記入し、リトアニア銀行監督サービス(Totorių g. 4, 01121 Vilnius, email:Prieziura@lb.lt、または
(iii) 自由形式の申請書に記入し、リトアニア銀行監督局(Totorių g. 4, 01121 Vilnius)にEメールで送付する:Prieziura@lb.lt.
21.5.また、クライアントが一般的にヌヴェイまたはそのサービスを争っていない場合、ヌヴェイとクライアントの間にクレームや意見の相違がない場合でも、いつでもTotorių g. 4, LT-01121 Vilnius, email: info@lb.lt、またはリトアニア銀行の監督サービス、Totorių g. 4, 01121 Vilnius, emailに苦情を提出することにより、リトアニア銀行にアプローチすることができます:Prieziura@lb.lt.
21.7.Nuvei は、適用法に従い、公正かつ迅速に苦情を処理するための内部手続を有するものとします。
22.2. 特定の技術的な質問に関するコミュニケーションは、ウェブサイトで利用可能な「チャット」ツール内で行うこともできます。GT&Cの第22.1条に基づき指定された電子メールで送信された通知およびその他の連絡は、送信された営業日に当事者に配信され、当事者に受領されたものとみなされるものとします。
22.4. 当事者は、郵便または電話を含む他の通信手段により通信する権利を有するものとします。ヌーヴェイは、誤り、不正確性、技術的瑕疵または不正確な、古いクライアントの連絡先の詳細およびヌーヴェイによるその後の使用により生じた損害について責任を負わないものとします。
23.2. お客様は、Nuveiが、適用されるデータ保護法に従い、お客様から提供された、または本サービスに関連してNuveiが受領した個人データを収集、使用、保存またはその他の方法で処理することを通知されます。お客様は、Nuveiが受領し、または収集したお客様に関するデータが、特にGT&Cの第20.2項、第20.3項および第20.5項の下で指定された第三者に提出され、使用される可能性があることを理解し、通知されるものとします。
24.1. Equitable Relief. Either Party may enforce any provision of the GT&Cs by obtaining equitable relief in addition to all other remedies at law or under the GT&Cs. The non-breaching Party's remedies at law for a breach of any provision of the GT&Cs may be inadequate and such Party may suffer irreparable harm from any such breach. The rights and remedies of the non-breaching Party under the GT&Cs are cumulative and not alternative and are in addition to any other right or remedy set forth in any other agreement between the parties, or which may now or subsequently exist at law or in equity, by statute or otherwise.
24.2. Force Majeure. Each Party to the GT&Cs will be excused for delays in performing or from its failure to perform hereunder (other than payment delays) to the extent that the delays or failures result from causes beyond the reasonable control of such Party; provided that, in order to be excused from delay or failure to perform, such Party must act diligently to remedy the cause of the delay or failure.
24.3. Assignment. Neither the GT&Cs nor any of Client’s rights or obligations under the GT&Cs may be assigned, transferred or encumbered by the Client without the prior written consent of Nuvei. Any such purported assignment shall be null and void. Nuvei may freely assign its rights and obligations hereunder to an entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Nuvei, or in the context of a merger, reorganization or sale of all or substantially all of its assets, without the Client's consent.
24.4. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution. The GT&Cs and contractual relations covered by the GT&Cs and any claim arising from the GT&Cs and/or in connection with the Services will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, without regard to conflicts of laws and principles. Any and all actions brought to enforce the GT&Cs or resolve any dispute arising out of the GT&Cs and/or in connection with the Services must be brought exclusively in the courts of the Republic of Lithuania, and each Party hereby consents to and agrees to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts.
24.5. Suspension of E-money account or funds within E-money account. Nuvei shall have a right to suspend (block) Client’s E-money account and funds held with the E-Money account if so required under applicable legal acts (e.g. under the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing of the Republic of Lithuania), by supervisory authorities and/or other lawful requests of third parties (e.g. courts, bailiffs), PLAIS system requests, etc. The Client may be not informed about such suspension if so required under the applicable legal acts or lawful requests of third parties.
24.6. Language. Both Parties agree that the GT&Cs shall be concluded and communication between the Client and Nuvei shall be performed in English.
24.7. Waiver of Breach. No waiver by either Party of any breach of the GT&Cs will constitute a waiver of any other breach of the same or other provisions of the GT&Cs. No waiver by either Party will be effective unless made in writing and signed by each Party in a way agreed by both Parties.
24.8. Severability. If any provision in the GT&Cs is invalid or unenforceable in any circumstance, its application in any other circumstances and the remaining provisions of the GT&Cs will not be affected thereby.
24.9. Entire agreement. The GT&Cs, together with its annexes (if any), Fees and Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. The GT&Cs supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and all other communications between Nuvei and the Client.
24.10. Headings; Interpretation. The Section headings in the GT&Cs are for identification purposes only and will not affect the interpretation of the GT&Cs. Unless Business Days are specified, all references to “days” mean calendar days.
24.11. Information submission. The Client shall have a right to request Nuvei to provide information possessed by Nuvei in relation to Client’s information and transactions initiated by the Client within an E-money account. Such requests may be provided once per month and should be limited only to the information that Nuvei possesses and which is able to be submitted to the Client under legal acts or internal procedures of Nuvei and only if such information cannot be assessed by the Client via Client’s User Account. Submission of such information to the Client is free of charge, however, in case the Client requests information for frequently than once per month or if the submission of information causes relevant losses to Nuvei, Nuvei shall have a right to apply relevant fee for fulfillment of request to provide information to the Client. The fee shall be proportionate to efforts required from Nuvei to fulfill the request. The fee shall be applied only subject to prior notice to the Client and after the Client provides its consent with respect to the fee. In case the Client disagrees to pay a fee, Nuvei shall have a right to refuse to submit information requested by the Client. Information shall be submitted following the procedure established under Section 22 of the GT&Cs, unless Parties agree otherwise or the form and content of the information to be submitted requires a different submission method.
売上と収益の向上を目指すには、Nuvei の決済ソリューションをご利用ください。