Revenue acceleration
Revenue acceleration
May 10, 2021

RetailX #PO – Payments: Discover new payment innovations that effectively increase conversions

Marianne Salmans, our VP, Retail EU, Digital Payments, was invited to speak at the event in a session about how new payment innovations can effectively increase conversions.

Revenue acceleration
Revenue acceleration

RetailX #PO- PAYMENTS is a virtual event that deals with payment solutions for online retailers. The event took place on April 28, 2021 and was designed specifically for senior commercial stakeholders featured in the Top1000 report. It was a great opportunity to probe and evaluate technologies and services from a curated selection of vendors, and hear keynotes from selected experts.

Marianne Salmans, our VP, Retail EU, Digital Payments, was invited to speak at the event in a session about how new payment innovations can effectively increase conversions.

In an increasingly competitive landscape, online merchants should ask themselves a question – is my payment strategy actively working for me? Watch the session and find out how innovations in payment technology can optimize payment journeys, reduce abandonment, and ultimately boost your revenue.

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Payments designed to accelerate your business

Choose Nuvei for payments that work harder to convert sales and boost your bottom line.